"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

25th July - Day out of Time

This is the moment when we transition from the old to the new.
It is a time of great magic, and the magic becomes stronger if shared in community.
We connect with the "Hunab Ku"....the Galactic center,,,to remember who we are and to begin to formulate our intentions for the next cycle that begins tomorrow, the 26th of July.
Have a Magical Day.
Celia Fenn


Reflection of the past year, reflection of the past 13 years as we wrap up yet another completion πŸ™πŸ˜˜
How have you felt the past few days?
It's been such a huge month of July, still have one more New Moon on the 31st.

Cosmic shake up as more people awaken to the higher conciousness template being restored on this beautiful planet 🌎✨
It's been quite a few days, with some big heart Chakra Expansions happening asking us to step up, up level and take new steps along our souls path to the highest embodiment πŸ₯°
Some real physical symptoms going on to squeeze us through, physical heart pressure which sometimes can be a result as we open up to this new heart centered space.
Physically exhausted ~ restless night, of clearing which has been going on for weeks, no doubt for good reason as the imperative push to clear through this threshold as we zoom into connecting with new timelines.

Speaking of timeline have you noticed speak with people about a recent past experience that they have no knowledge of or vice versa.
I find it so fascinating how at time it seems that we are very noticeably interacting with different timeline versions of our nearest and dearests. Make me smile especially when they are heart wrenching experiences at the time seamlessly fade away ~ in the knowingness we have anchored into a high timeline and continually ~ As the new, brighter days are shining through πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ’–

Areas of focus at present ~ Solar Plexus, stomach issues, digestive problems.
Heart ~ emotional matters of the heart of love and the recognition of the most important things. 
Raging sore throat ~ focusing of speak personal truth with authenticity πŸ™

Would love to hear about your observations as we move through this cycle of time or should I say out of time ✨πŸ’–

Sending you great cosmic love 
Alisha BrachΓ© 

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