"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


In the last three days, there has been a lot of movement in space around the earth and throughout the solar system, when non-Confederate forces have attempted to "threaten" in some way, "shooting up/kamikazes" against the most physical federation ships and causing Disharmoniousness . Useless, forces of the Ashtar command, Central Race and one of the most recent armies of the light that arrived in the Solar system called "the spherical Guardians. " (I am channeling on them, they have given me information gradually as soon as finalized, public) are controlling and harmonising the whole situation.

This movement began when a large mother ship Draco began to approach the first barrier of magnetic protection, close to the Kuiper belt and was attempting to enter the Solar system and was impeted by the Ashtar command and the magnetic belt. This ship of non-Confederate draconians attempted to enter after a desperate call from the earth of those who serve them, as well as the draconians who are within the barriers of protection. Non-Confederate draconians, as well as Reptilians and other non-Confederate races that are "trapped" within the magnetic barrier raised by the high command are trying to escape in some way, and trying to cause some confusion.

No one leaves the Solar system for a while. It is a barrier of protection of the high command until all non-Confederates are taken to the Council. This barrier is divided into three layers: the first one, one can say that is beyond the belt of Kuiper, involving all of it and has a certain thickness. The second, involves more the Solar system, in a thicker layer from Jupiter, (which already involves Jupiter). And the third and strongest and thickest involves the earth, the moon and the sun completely. In a drawing I made below can exemplify a little better:

All this agitation has caused movements within the Solar system and great energetic agitation because the Confederates on Earth, you who read this note are being called by the high commands have taken their vibrations to heights and, at the same time, incorporating More their galactic personalities on the surface. Part of this aggressive movement of non-Confederates is that many on earth are beginning to perceive, directly or indirectly receiving information about who are at the galactic level, and receiving this information are anchoring lots of light and causing Disorders in the Matrix. When a incarnate Confederate does not know who it is, where it came from or where it goes, suddenly begins to be instructed by intuition, dream, meditation or receives information from another already conscious Confederate, this causes very powerful light discharges within the Matrix, Causing severe breakups and this has left the negative forces desperate, because the Matrix has rapidly ruptured and the energy sources of the non-Confederates are deplaking.

In short, incorporating your galactic identity into physicality is a major problem for negative forces and they have sent signals beyond the first barrier, trying to get help in some way. Although these signals are not interrupted directly by the high command, because everything has a motive, it is useless to try and believe that help will reach and overcome the barriers. That's not going to happen. The negative forces within the barriers need to be content with themselves. No external reinforcement will come to rescue them or support them in any way. Thus, the Ashtar command forces have also sent draconian and Confederate reptilians fleets, who act within the command to try to "negotiate" with the non-Confederates. Although they belong directly to the same race, the Draco and reptiles have not received with open arms their brothers of the same race. Either way, it's all under control.

Meanwhile, galactic identities are recognized and reverberated on the surface and ensuring that the high commands continue to harmonize in space, to the special moment of Central Flash. While all this movement occurs, many may have dreams in space and flashes even during the day of what is happening up there. With all our respect for the negative forces, nothing will stop the awakening of mankind from Earth to its origins and potentials.

For now, that's what the Ashtar command asks me to transmit.

For the truth, nothing but the truth,

In love and blessings,

Neva (Gabriel RL)

Original Post:
Translated by:
Candido Pedro Jorge 

My note: normally I do not share channeled messages except the Quick notes, but this one is resonating with me and with the other intels, and help see clearer this situation. 

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