"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Shadow period of Mercury Retrograde - not like it month coming

We are now in the shadow period leading up to the July 7th Mercury Retrograde, so many who are energy sensitive will already be feeling it's undercurrent rippling through their life.

The reason we are so affected by the planet Mercury is because it has a high density, leading astrologers to believe it is mostly made of iron. Therefore, it is like a huge magnet orbiting the sun and the closer it is to Earth the more effect it will have on it. During Mercury retrograde, Mercury is in its closest position to earth, which is why we feel pushed and pulled in all directions.

When Mercury is in retrograde it can be a troublemaking planet—especially where communication, technology and traveling is involved. Normal conversations, interactions and plans that would normally be straightforward will likely have been going haywire. Telephone conversations, emails and simple discussions will be full of misunderstanding and missing links.

This is why it is vitally important to dissect, analyse and figure out exactly who and what the Mercury retrograde period brings to our attention and why - and not to make any irrational conclusions or prejudgments, as everyone will be a little more tightly coiled than normal.

The past usually comes back to re-visit or haunt us during Mercury retrograde. Whether it’s an old friend, lover or a missed opportunity, we will likely be presented with old emotions that will potentially resurface. 

Even though it feels far from it at the time, Mercury retrograde is always beneficial. It shakes us up and sends shockwaves through our relationships as it triggers unhealed wounds and churns up old history. Therefore, it is highly possible that ghosts from our past will make unexpected appearances accompanied with emotional confessions; Whether it’s an old friend, lover or a missed opportunity, we will likely be presented with old emotions that will potentially resurface. 

This is to ask us to take one last look before we decide to reopen or firmly lock doors that we previously only closed. We may receive calls or messages that will take us by surprise and cause a great deal of tension, especially if we wrongly interpret the intentions of the messenger and jump to the wrong conclusions.

It is advisable not to pay too much attention to anything that goes wrong during the retrograde, as once Mercury appears back on track and is travelling straight in its regular motion, our meaningful relationships usually straighten out with it.

Ultimately Mercury retrograde is here to teach us about ourselves, not to focus on others. We need to question all the uncomfortable and irrational feelings that are in our own hearts and minds, as often our inner peace is disturbed due to healing work that needs doing, or lessons we desperately need to learn.

This is a period of soul searching and reflection, and one of accepting who and what is meant to be in our lives and compassionately releasing who and what isn’t.

Important words to remember during Mercury retrograde are:









It is worthwhile to tread lightly and with caution during this time, and it is not recommended, unless absolutely necessary, to make life-changing decisions during a retrograde. This is a time for reflection, reexamination, discernment, introspection, and caution—not for hasty emotion-fuelled reactions or major decisions.

Retrogrades are catalysts for positive transformation and radiate immensely powerful bursts of supercharged cosmic energy that dramatically shake up and alter our lives, giving us the opportunity to wipe the karmic slate clean and turn things around for the better.

During Mercury retrograde, there a few words that can turn a potentially traumatic period into a positive and calm one. These are a simple, “Let it go.”

Breathe deep, surrender, and keep letting it all go.

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