"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


A letting go ritual that can be done 2-3 days either side of the New Moon <3 

New moons are all about new beginnings, and there is no better time to make drastic change.

The fastest and easiest way to spiritually awaken is not through learning various concepts, philosophies, and ancient practices—it is simply through the acceptance that all we really have is this present moment, and anything in the past or future is no longer or not yet part of our true reality here on Earth. 

So much of our pain and suffering is due to either anxiety over what’s already happened or fear of what we might encounter in the future, and we waste so much energy conjuring up scenarios and reminiscing about what isn’t actually here in the now.

When we let go, we move with the flow, rather than remaining caught in resistance. Releasing the past also means we stop stressing about what the future holds, as we are not bringing fears, worries, and mistakes with us. Instead we trust that we have learned all we need from our journey so far, and each day is a new chance to learn, grow, and create new memories, experiences, and possibilities. 

However, it’s important that we don’t expect that existing this way will be free from the trials and tribulations of life, as the ups and downs are essential for soul growth and evolution. The clear message is to let go of the desire to hold or control the past or future—and to move forward without attachment, with acceptance, and expecting the unexpected. 

To let anything go, we must surrender to what is. Surrendering is the most powerfully healing and transformational thing we can do—and sometimes it is our only option, as whether we like it or not, not everything or everyone is meant to be in our lives.

A New Moon is the optimum time to clear any accumulated unwanted energy, so there is vast space to welcome the new.

All we need is a bowl of water, a floating candle, and sage or incense to burn. Fill the bowl with water, if possible from the ocean or lake, or pink Himalayan salt or natural sea salt added to tap water.

Find a spot outdoors—if possible by the lake, ocean, or in a forest, although a garden works perfectly too—and sit cross-legged with a straight spine and head slightly lowered. (If this isn’t comfortable, choose any seated or supine position.) Hands can be placed in front of the chest, palms lightly together, and thumbs and little fingers touching one another. Breathe deeply to calm the mind.

Place the bowl on the ground and light the floating candle in the bowl. If you have healing crystals, these can also be placed in the water to enhance the effects of the ritual.

Write on a piece of paper anything you wish to release. It can be a word, a sentence, or entire paragraphs full of detail—whatever feels necessary to purge at the time.

Read aloud what has been written, and then immerse the piece of paper in the water to cleanse and transform the energy relating to the memories.

The flame from the floating candle is a purifier and neutralises any negativity emanating from the note; it also symbolises our intention to let go of any pain attached to it.

Next, inhale deeply through the nose, feeling the belly area expand; hold for approximately five seconds. On the inhale, notice the chest expanding slightly. This allows the heart chakra to open. 

While we are pausing, the energy stored in our lungs rejuvenates and recharges our circulatory system. We can then exhale slowly through the mouth before pausing for a few seconds and repeating the breathing exercise.

Deep breathing allows the flow of energy (prana) to move around the body and helps relieve tension surrounding the heart area. Each inhaled breath signifies the manifestation of new beginnings, and each exhaled breath signifies endings or releasing.

Continue to deeply inhale and exhale, and allow all thoughts in the mind to float around for a few moments. Notice which thought repeats continuously and focus attention briefly on it.

For a few moments, acknowledge the feelings attached to the thought and envisage gently blowing them away. Continue this process with other thoughts niggling at the mind. Allow them a few moments, and then release by taking focused attention away from them.

Next envisage your heart radiating with love, and repeat a powerful affirmation, such as: “With love, gratitude, and tenderness, I now let go of…” Or: “I release the past and have total acceptance for this moment.”

Meditation is about remaining as much in the present moment as possible. When we are present, there is little suffering. Whenever we feel our mind casting back or projecting forward, it is important to gently bring it back to the here and now.

As we continue meditating, we will release anxiety and any painful emotions accompanying our thoughts. We can meditate for a few minutes or longer depending on how we feel. The more often we meditate, the more effective the practice will be.

Burning sage at the end of the meditation cleanses any negative energy and positively charges the atmosphere with. We can ground our energy by drinking a glass of water with a few sprinkles of pink Himalayan salt in it, and keeping the awareness that we’re safely supported by the earth below.

Once we have completed the meditation, we can transfer our empowering thinking into our daily lives by remembering that thoughts can become repetitive. The more we think about something, the more that thought and the emotions attached to it linger. 

When we think positive thoughts, we experience “feel good” emotions. The opposite is also true. We have the power to change how we feel by remaining aware and in control of our thoughts.

Many of us may have felt emotionally depleted and challenged by the struggles we have endured with all the energy shifts over recent weeks and we are now ready to release them and walk into the next chapter wiser, lighter, freer, and open and ready for brand new experiences.


New Moon Blessings!

All zodiac signs will be affected by this lunar energy, but in particular those born with Gemini in their chart will feel impacted.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury; therefore, Mercury’s characteristics are also highlighted and intensified during a Gemini moon.

New moons represent the end of one 28-day cycle and the start of a new one.

This Gemini Moon marks a turning point for clearing out old energy and focusing on creating space so that high-vibrational, positive energy can enter.

New moons can cause us to feel introverted and introspective; however, our need to escape from the manic external world does not necessarily mean we want to be alone - instead that we do not want to be surrounded by those whose energy feels tense, negative, and those who bring us down. We will notice we have the desire to remove ourselves from dynamics that cause friction—and instead, we’ll find we gravitate toward those with whom we feel peaceful and calm. In short, during this new moon, we will be drawn to those who feel like “home.”

We have gone through many drastic energy shifts lately, which have taken us through personal transformation and caused us to vibrate on an entirely new frequency. This new moon brings another major awakening, in which we will see everything around us as though we are viewing and perceiving it all for the first time. We may suddenly question how we have managed to maintain certain relationships or continue in certain jobs or living arrangements for so long.

Gemini’s moon is giving us the courage to speak our truth, loudly and clearly, and we will intuitively know what we want and where we are heading. We will be looking back over the year so far and understand why we have been through certain challenges, what they have taught us, and how they have led us to where we are now.

As we go through this deep inner reflection, we will receive a clear vision of where we want the journey through this next stage to take us. This could mean we will need to commit to a dramatic detox of our lives, so that anything that no longer aligns has to be released.

This is the time to eliminate any habits, patterns, thoughts, obsessions, commitments, dynamics or material items that have been weighing us down and keeping us stuck in a reality that it neither healthy or serving us. Anything that no longer resonates with who we are and how we want to be living will start to dissipate before our eyes.

We will be cutting ourselves free from the low-frequency entities that we have become attached to and burning through old paradigms, as well as setting alight a crumbling bridge or two in the process.

This leaves a gateway for those who reflect the same passion and desire to exist free from chaos, harm, and destruction—and for kindred souls who share a similar passion for co-existing harmoniously and lovingly on this planet to enter our lives.

During this period, we will have low tolerance for people who are only around to create dysfunction—or to continuously take, with no effort to mutually maintain and build the relationship. Those whose energy radiates with authenticity, integrity, and sincerity are the ones we will feel magnetically pulled toward, and we will discover that as we refuse to settle for less, people with pure intentions will flow our way.

Everything happens for a divine reason—but at the same time, we are also creators of our own destiny, so the faster we transcend lessons and patterns, the quicker we will manifest magnificent possibilities and magical events will enter our lives.

Overall, we are receiving an empowering opportunity for a major personal transformation, to remove blockages and old patterns, to realise and manifest our purpose, and to expand our conscious awareness. If we are willing to actively attune and integrate this cosmic energy, instead of resisting it through fear, and if we are able to remain positive and open so that we adapt at a fast pace to the constant changes taking place, we can take full advantage of this rare energy portal.

During intensive energy shifts such as new or full moons, it is highly recommended to regularly cleanse our energy field at the beginning and end of each day by drinking plenty of water, taking salt water baths, meditating, or spending time outdoors in nature, and taking time out alone to reconnect with oneself to release any negative energy that may have accumulated.


Energy Update 6/3/19

The Human collective consciousness has experienced a stunning expansion, purging lost traumatic ancestral timelines, opening new levels of conscious exploration and shifting the fundamental timeline flows of the entire species.

The sun has increased its pulsing in relation to the level of conscious ability to broadcast light as explained in last weeks update.

This has thrown the powers that shouldn't be into a tailspin of frenzied reparation of their black magic systems designed to hijack the collective future of humanity for their own benefit.

Much on this planet is not of the light and beauty that we know is possible inside of each and every one of us. Much of this planet creates extreme darkness. This is not something natural.

When we look at a healthy person, without traumatic history, they naturally draw towards feeling good, physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. They naturally withdraw from pain, things that create pain, behavior that injures themselves or others and emotions that do not feel good.

Naturally, without traumatic Ancestral DNA programs being passed down, every human would feel extremely generous, benevolent and loving to the world at large.

What we are looking at right now is a product of a self perpetuating system that has gone wildly out of control, creating increasing levels of violence, hatred, darkness and warfare to get the same level of emotional reaction from humanity....and it has failed utterly and completely.

With the latest rash of mainstream coverage of UFO's, from heads of state to military pilots giving professional testimony, a major gateway has broken open.

With the government admittance of having reverse engineered alien tech for the past 70 years, many asleep portions of the population have just been dropped a major red pill. "If they have been destroying people's lives over this for the past 70 years, what else have they been lying about? What else have they been training us to ignore?"

The vast majority of the asleep collective just had the proverbial bell ring incredibly loudly and uncomfortably and it has dissolved many levels of dense/dark/heavy framework/programming on the etheric levels. Of them, the most mentionable is the major black magic pools of strength, flow and power the elite black magicians have been using to hijack the collective and direct humanity into the 1984 Orwellian police state feeding the war machine that we see today.

With these cracks in the collective, we are seeing programs purging on every level and unfortunately, many do not know what trauma release is and get caught up in the emotions that are releasing. The two that are louder than any others in the collective at the moment are mistrust and shame. This is directly related to not only being lied to and mistrusting their own judgement, but realization of a perpetuation of these programs is being discovered, exposing a deep collective shame on these levels.

Things are shifting incredibly quickly right now. Light and information are streaming into the planet on a scale unknown in history and many are feeling the call to rise up and become more.

What we can do: Be the light. Be the example. See the world in chaos, division and warfare around us and recognize that we cannot change this problem on the same level it was created. We cannot fight ourselves into peace. We have to find the reasons for the warfare inside of us and transmute it into what we actually want to see in the world at large.

As we do this, as more and more of us tap into this collective field that WILL be the majority, the resonance becomes stronger. The frameworks of density that are containing the human collective become weaker. We can expand. We can naturally evolve without limitation.

We have a few more spots in our Foundations Class to start learning these Light Languages and how to use them in this manner, found here

Start stepping off into that great unknown. If you have that business you want to start, make steps now to do it. If you have that skill that you love, PRACTICE!! ENJOY!! FOLLOW THE EXCITEMENT!! If you have that person you are to shy to let know you are interested in them, speak up! If you have a fear, put yourself in the middle of it and breathe your way into release.

Grow! Evolve! LIVE and truly exist right here, right NOW.

Now is the only place where anything truly interesting happens anyways :D

Be that light, be that spark. Be that torch in the darkness, that whirlwind of laughter and love.

We got this!!

From my heart to yours,


This is my interpretation of the energy based off of my perception & guidance. If it resonates- it resonates, if it doesn't- then it doesn't. Trust how you feel. 

I personally have felt pretty full of energy... almost to the point I'm having a hard time relaxing or grounding. New information, new manifestations, and synchronicity is off the charts crazy. Tapped in. Leela (flow of the universe) For me, it feels like bursts of energy that lasts several days on end then balances out. At moments I may feel waves of the collective releasing & sadness. Or feel personal guilt that im not able to help specific people see that there is more here. But that passes & I remember to center, to come from a place of love and compassion but also detachment. I have the most intense moments of gratitude throughout each day that brings me to tears at times. My life has changed in such a beautiful way rapidly where I just feel so free.

💥Galactic Activation Portal: 6/4
💥Next Wave: around 6/5
💥Another Wave coming: around 6/13
Many ears should be ringing😁

We are in a constant process of activations clearing & projecting. Everything is an activation & projection. The energy will be rapidly accelerating with these waves that are coming in causing the collective base frequency and Consciousness to shift more quickly. This is also causing a lot of the clearing within the energy body to accelerate. It's all a part of the process and it does become easier and easier to "do the work " and shift out of the lower energies when they hit. We are gridding the earth through imprinting thought/consciousness, creating "New Earth" as we release the old. All the old thoughts, beliefs & emotions that fueled are reality, is changing. If you ever feel alone, come back to this page and read the comments as a reminder that we are going through this together- it helps!

** some Pets seem to be sleeping alot, not themselves or extra sensitive during these waves from what people are saying.

Aluna Ash

My Energie Report

Wow, okay so this energy waves till now it was very intensive, a lots of headaches, neck pain, pressure, mood swings up-down, heart chakra moving, stomach weirdo things, etc. I don´t know which is the worse part - the pains or the down feeling, when I feel myself like a piece of sh@t. At the moment yesterday and today, very intense sadness, crying mode and here I wrote a lot of negative things how I feel right now but I deleted because everybody was down and can imagine. I just don´t know how long I can hold on - so If you have a friend, mate or family member who are spiritual and really cover your back, help u and be with you when you have a hard time - be very very grateful for her/him because not everybody has this possibility and alone very very hard. 

We have energy pillars too

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