"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Next Solar Wave possible next week

🌞Next Solar wave/storm around 6/5/19 and I also heard the 13th.

 The May 30th & 31st Solar wave, which is opening the Portal on activation day, is causing many downloads & changes in sleep/energy. Body may be tired but the mind will want to keep going & going. Download after download.

🌚The 12th Moon cycle begins today, on 5/30 right as the Sun is transmitting more waves Cosmic Energy and right as the New Moon portals opens during the Galactic Activation Portal date on 5/31. The New Moon in Gemini is taking place on the tone 13 while inbetween two energy waves and two Galactic Activation Portal dates (5/31 & 6/4)- changes are coming, prepping for interdimensional shift. The New Moon is a time of sitting back, retreating and beginning to plant new seeds/intentions for the week following the New Moon as we move into the first quarter moon. 

💥Energy around the New Moon that stuck out to me Astrologically:
T Square- in Mutable Signs between: Jupiter, Neptune, Moon & Sun.
YOD/Finger of Fate between: Jupiter, North Node & Venus.
Cradle between: Saturn retro, North Node, Venus & Neptune.
This is all creating an energy of building tension right before change/adjustments take place due to the forceful nature of the Soul illuminating new ways of relating/understanding intellectually within yourself and with others in connection to the next stage of your path. Learning to respond consciously instead of reacting unconsciously and projecting our shadow onto another. It may feel like a transitional place for some but with more potential for growth. Your path may be changing/expanding/growing in several different ways during this moon cycle. Your Soul "assignment" may evolve in ways you never imagined possible. There's s feeling of accomplishment & transcending realities coming. Lots of new downloads, shifts in perception & "ah ha" moments. The subliminal downloads are being accessed/integrated quicker. Timelines of others may cross your path to begin connecting/bridging realities to anchor.

🌞A message I received is that the next wave is coming around 6/5, they will be coming in in more of a rhythm and with more power. The Sun Being is helping us to evolve more rapidly through communicating through these waves of Cosmic Rays being transmitted. Then also heard the 13th may be another wave hitting.

The plasma waves/cosmic waves are much easier to deal with and easier on the body when the channels of the subtle body are worked on- by clearing the channels through visualization & meditations. And when the body is at a healthy pH level, and the shadow self is consciously engaged and integrated. 

🌡Listen to your body. Rest if you need to. Drink plenty of water. Work on the Subtle Body Winds by drawing them into the main/central channel. And If you feel tension/pain in a specific area of the body- use the innate intelligence within the body to guide you through your own healing by doing what you feel guided to do. You may feel guided to visualize something or move your body in a certain way, etc..  Or if you feel guided to seek healing in a different way- go with what feels right to you & listen to your body.

🌧If you are feeling alone, angry, overwhelmed, sad, anxious, lost, exhausted.... you are not alone. You are here ON PURPOSE and you are here WITH A PURPOSE.
🌟The whole purpose of doing the work and freeing ourselves from suffering, is to free others, all life. and it is worth it.  It is beautiful & magical, even the tough parts. Triggers activate consciousness in order to be deprogrammed & cleared.

Full video Here

Aluna Ash

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