"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Mission Dreams - 25.05.2023

Can we talk about "Mission Dreams"?
This is something that I've been speaking with many people about in the past few weeks!
It seems as though it's amped-up again!
This become much more noticeable over the past few years. I feel it's always been happening just more people are remembering their multidimensional experiences.
I have said for a long time now, the clean up which is occurring on the planet is very multidimensional. I feel that we all have very important role in our human form & also our conciousness which operates in other realms & dimensions.
I don't write about this enough! I speak to people everyday & support clients who go through these experiences regularly.
The reason I want to highlight this is so that others can share what they are experiencing so we can get a bigger look at what's occurring right now!
I notice before big global scale events happen these mission dreams become very intense. I believe that part of this is that we are working to change timelines collectively so that we can negate potentially devastating events from occurring.
Do you have mission type dreams, where you know that you're working all night & wake up exhausted? Sometimes you'll have recall with vivid details, sometimes just an awareness.
I'll cover some of the most common themes I hear:
Moving travelling, going through airports, train stations & using all types of transport to get from one area to another
Rescue missions helping people in need weak, vulnerable. Mainly rescuing children
Being in military facilities, underground bases, tunnel systems
dreaming of public figures in government, Hollywood etc or as I like to call "Trump dreams"
War, battles, fighting ~ this can be on Earth also off planet
Off planet dreams I hear most common sound like Mars or Moon bases. Also can be wonderful off world dreams such as going to a home planet
Doing intensive energy work, cracking codes, opening up Portals. Moving out dense energies to bring more light in
I feel that what our roles are in these mission dreams are very specific to our soul skill set & what part of our Soul Misson is here now during this time of transition.
Often when we go through these experiences it can leave us feeling really fragile as the energetic bleedthrough comes into our awaken reality. So even though we aren't experiencing it here we still feel some of the effects even to the extreme of having physical marks, scars or physical manifestation of an injury
This is such a strange phenomena I know & it won't apply to everyone. Yet! for those who do experiences these things.
I absolutely honour you!
Your work is so important & certainly doesn't go unnoticed in my eyes.
Thank you for supporting humanity through this transition into a better world & #NewEarth for everyone

Much love
Alisha Braché

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