"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - This weekend has really been quite a lot of heavy energies to process.... - 14.05.2023

It's been highly emotional & very uncomfortable on all levels...
Yes I feel it was the heart space breakthrough I have been waiting to occur....
As my last update talking about the collective energy very heavily releasing from the 3D/lower 3 energy centres...
I knew that once we hit the heart level... there would be a big release/relief & it's finally come through...
I'll share more about this soon...
I just want to wish all the wonderful Mother's out there a very special Mother's day blessing to you all!
And a old post I was guided to share with you all as a reminder for those who need to read this as collectively we move through very uncertain times & energetically a space we've never quite experienced before...
The 4D transition can be a very 'scary' place its in the portal, bridging from one world to another, one way of life, conciousness and energy embodiment to another.
It's the time where we unravel, undo and become undone. It can feel like we are dying, and yes in a way we are the old parts of us that no longer match our new reality & world are dying around us. Which can feel terrifying, scary and painful.
It comes with a huge degree of uncertainty of what comes next? I can't see beyond this! I don't know if I can even go on without... this, that, him, her, them....
Guess what you can... what if this is just a simulation to take you to those places that you have shy away from? To give you the experience to face your deepest fears?
To see them as just that, a fear, an illusion, an experience. That your soul designed to offer you to go deep down the Ascension path.
The attachments, the people, places and things that you hold so deep in your heart that survival seems dependent on them...
What if all of that sits inside you? They are just there to show you the way? Show you a mirror to what you have and how you can be embodied by all those facets.
That surrendering and letting go, doesn't mean what you think it does...
You, me, we are all eternally connected, it the letting go in the great unraveling of our mental conditioning, emotional dependencies, our attachments to of physical possessions, identity and the things that have held us from claiming our true self mastery?
In letting go of these things everything that we are always eternally connected to. On the flipside cheering us on, welcoming us with open arms to come home!
Our soul is calling us, our higher selves are guiding us... A new Earth is waiting for us
I know many people are going through much of this process right now... feels like their is a massive vacuum sucking so much out of the collective energy at present. So we can meet and receive this next level of high velocity, photonic light coming through.
Breath, remember you are eternal, loved and support always. You've got this, we've got this.
I love you all

Alisha Braché

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