"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - Aurora family & March - 01.03.2023

Beloved Ones,

As you are already aware, March is going to be a very important month, energetically speaking. We just began the month and we are already having many alignments and important that lead us to continue with the reclamation if our sovereignty, as humans and as free souls. My Guides shared that this month is going to be the catalyst for the collective to finally choose a new harmonic timeline.

At this time, humanity is being assisted as never before in our entire history. Our Aurora family, which as you know are highly evolved forms of Consciousness that reside in our parallel Galaxy, Andromeda, are finally gaining access to many spaces on Earth that needs restoration, as well as the Earth's fabrics that are being rehabilitated, after eons of manipulation.

The evidence is such that many are noticing the rare phenomenon that is taking place, the Aurora Lights, occurring all over the world now, not just in the usual countries, as it used to be. Our Aurora family is now reaching new places, such as France, and Australia, and have even reached new locations such as Anglesey in north Wales and Dorset in the south of England.

As we continually choose, as our constant state of being, a more harmonic and loving frequency, we too co-create a New Earth, manifesting new timelines where a more compassionate way of living is possible. It is due to the unconditional love that we hold within, that this transition is taking place.

Aurora beings are creating, as I previously shared, many safe passages for those who have ascended in the physical, and wish to leave Earth matrix, escaping from the archontic trap, which is something no one seems to talk about, but which is also important to know, where we are actually doing with the inner work we do, and what is this taking are after all, for we need to know that our efforts will not be aimless.

The ones with Essence/Cathar lineage, as well as other planetary healers, are now in a crucial time for the first time as well, for they are now only rehabilitating their essence unique DNA coding, but beginning to restore the Earth's templars or grids, as you prefer to call them, being finally successful in their mission, after many human centuries.

The Essences were and are, for we have a soul group incarnating at this time that continues with the original mission, helping a lot in the restoration of the planet, for they already come with the polarity integrated within their template. This is a key time for them to focus on the mission, above any other consciousness trap, manipulation, or drama.

To add more intensity to what we are already experiencing, today, we too finally have in our heavens Venus and Jupiter, aligned, as one. This reunion has been occurring for a while, until their final meeting today. As you know, it is a cosmic invitation for us to work on self-love, for we cannot expand love if we do not first feel it inside ourselves, and then assist in anchoring this love for All who are willing to expand their hearts, and move into a more loving space.

In two days we also have the 3/3 Portal, which is the result of the unity between two equals. This is precisely what humanity is learning at the moment, the embrace of polarities, the lack of judgment and neutrality required to do so, and the creation of something that helps us all in this endless evolutionary path that we have chosen to transit.

This is a time of opposite feelings and energies altogether coexisting within us, as it could not be otherwise in our dual world. A time for us to remain in the love and harmony that lies in our hearts. As always it is all that we choose to experience, what will determine where we are, and what we will experience next in our personal trajectory.

A time when many are experiencing a profound emotional clearing from parallel timeliness, while others have awakened their multidimensionality, as even though we are already multidimensional beings, we need to awaken our second DNA layer to be able to fully activate it, and are experiencing now the connection between parallel selves and the many lives we live.

It is important not to overwhelm ourselves when we are able to connect with our parallel selves, for we will bring from our dream phase or even in a more conscious state, what we are experiencing in the many timeliness we dwell.

Being grounded, doing our inner work in the present moment, which already affects our parallel selves, doing before going to bed our protective exercises, and sleeping with the protective stone(s) that we are guided, will decrease the many encounters, and often undesired experiences that may affect us during the day, for we are here to live in the now, to co-create in our physical plane, and to expand and assist within it, not to live in timeliness that does not correspond to our current experience.

We are just beginning to appreciate the results of awakening new DNA layers, our multidimensionality, and healing all that was fragmented, and while this can be confusing at times, it is the physical sign that we are finally achieving ascension in the physical body, re-connecting ourselves completely, at all levels, and healing separation, which is what will allow us to retrieve more love, wisdom, and power, becoming sovereign free beings, for it is what was meant to be for us within Creation.

Thank you for all you do for yourselves to evolve, and for All.
Thank you for remaining always in the Illumined Essence of your Souls.
I wish you all a miraculous March, Beloved Ones!
Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
Art by: Encoded Frequency


We now initiate a new journey of conscious co-creation that will lead us to another initiation in our ascension path, for it is with March that many will begin to awake while others will finally complete a cycle, beginning another one of conscious evolution.

We begin March by having Mercury, the Planet of Communication entering into Pisces on the 2nd of the month. Mercury in Pisces is indeed a perfect frequency for those who are working on awakening/expanding their higher senses - retrieving wisdom whether by working on past life activation or simply by the unique way they have chosen their gifts.

For the ones who have already awakened their abilities or some of them, they could receive creative visions, dreams, or the transmissions they need at this time from the Illumined Realms, in the unique form they receive guidance, and help them in their ascension path as well as to assist others.

Mercury in Pisces takes communication further than just in our earthly plane, and it is a good time for us to commune, in this Piscean season, with the non-physical aspects of ourselves, for even though those we consider our Guides, are often future/parallel selves of us.

On the 7th of March, we have two important events, a Full Moon at 16 degrees Virgo, together with Saturn entering into Pisces. The second event especially will mark the end and beginning of a new cycle, one in which we are the only authority in our lives, for there is no more excuses not to take full charge of who we are, what we create, as well as our lives.

Virgo and Pisces are very similar in nature, as both signs are about harmony, peace, unconditional love, and above all, service to All. This is precisely what we all in this conscious path are heading into: a conscious way of living that includes not just ourselves but others, as a part of who we are. We are invited to make our lives a living prayer, and that everything that we create will be with the pure intention to serve All Creation, for this is why in truth, we came to this plane, to remember who we are, and to serve others.

For those who are working in clearing, whether a physical, mental, or emotional one, this is a perfect time for us to detox, and through natural remedies or what we are guided, begin a period of profound cleansing and rejuvenation as Virgo especially reminds us.

The second and most important event of this month, and year as well, Saturn in Pisces is going to influence us, so to speak, until February 14, 2026. The last time that we had Saturn in Pisces was between May 1993 and April 1996. This is going to be of great importance as it represents the end of a planetary cycle, as well as a personal one, especially for the ones who are having their Saturn's return, whose dates are: from 1935 to 1938, your Saturn return, if you are born between 1964 and 1967 your second Saturn return, and finally your first return if you are born between 1993 to 1996.

As this is one of the most important events that we are going to have this year, together with Pluto in Aquarius too, in this same month, I will enter deeper into it as the month progresses, for it is vital to share about this alignment in detail.

The next and most important planetary event is on March 12th, with Jupiter conjunct Chiron. This is going to help us grow and heal massively, at a time when we need to take responsibility for everything we have created, felt, thought, and experienced, for all begins with a thought, starting to live now from a healed and whole space, rather from a still fragmented one, which is what also brings the same old results.

On March 16th we have loving Venus entering into Taurus. The Planet of Love and Abundance in Taurus is going to be focused on the things we most value in the physical: our relationships and friendships, our creative essence, and everything that involves bringing all the love we have within into our tangible plane. As with everything, if we distort this essence, we can fall into the egoic trap of being possessive of material things and/or people in our lives.

This is why creating a balance and practicing not getting attached to anything or anyone is pivotal when we have the Planet of Love and Abundance in Taurus. It is always an opportunity for us to begin understanding that in truth we possess nothing and that authentic love is about letting all free and simply focusing on enjoying the co-creation until it is meant to come to an end.

A few days later on March 19th, Mercury enters Aries. This is about focusing on the power of our word and personal beliefs. How we communicate with the world, and with ourselves, remembering that there is always a further communication that goes beyond the physical one, as we can all connect through the power of our hearts, for we dwell in many invisible dimensions, where communication is done through the heart and mind.

On this same day, we too have Jupiter semi-sextile Uranus. In a month of many changes, for the entire month of March is a massive shift, we have Jupiter the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the Planet of Change and Transformations, helping us achieve first a higher state of being, for all physical transformations come from this first one, and secondly, the complete reorganization of our lives, for we are heading into a totally new way of being, doing things and co-creating with others.

For some, this will be a time of great changes. However, others will be already immersed in them or already beginning a cycle and stabilizing their new lives. It is not about a fixed date that brings change or the planetary events included in it, but about what we, as souls, planned or choose now to do, with where we are now, what creates this change, as the energies simply help us in whatever we are experiencing.

On March 20, we pass from Pisces to having the Sun in Aries together with the Equinox, when the energies will reach their maximum apogee. It is with Aries that we start again into this endless wheel of life. We pass from Pisces, the ultimate evolution, where we finally acknowledge All as One, to Aries, where we begin to know the self, working with it until we can regain a sense of others.

Leadership and self-empowerment are key to this sign. However, with Aries also comes the gift to burn all that is not serving us. We have with the element of Fire another opportunity to help us bring more transformation and purification to ourselves and our lives.

On the next day, we have two important events just with the Equinox, Jupiter semi-square Saturn, which represents the challenges - opportunities - that many are experiencing to remember who they are, to heal, to re-discover the Truth, and to stand tall in who they are and personal truth.

Secondly a New Moon in Aries, which will be the one that triggers the change that we will pass to anchor in the following months, for when we talk about change it is not an immediate outcome, but something we begin to create from the inside, through healing and through the embodiment of higher levels of love-consciousness - until we can finally anchor it in our bodies and physical realm. It is an entire and long-term process to be able to achieve a new personal goal, state of being, or anything we desire to manifest, transform or remove.

From March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, Pluto enters Aquarius, just with a few key retrogrades back into Capricorn, which is the next, after Saturn in Pisces, the most important event of this month and year. Its uninterrupted 20-year journey through Aquarius will begin on January 21, 2024. This will be just a notion of what we will be experiencing since 2024. Pluto, as you know, it is a planetary Force that will help us retrieve our personal power, both in the collective and at a personal level, beginning a journey of conscious creation.

Finally, we end March with Mars entering Cancer on March 25th. The Warrior Mars in loving Cancer will teach us to be merciful and to be compassionate towards others, for we are all here to learn, in our unique way and time, unconditional love and the true nature of our Essence. This is an opportunity for us to direct all of our energy and power into becoming the most powerful Force in the Universe: Love.

This is also a good time to heal genetic ties, distortions, and DNA manipulations, directing our inner force ad strength to finally remove the many genetic cages that are still imprisoning us from experiencing our true potential.

With March comes awareness, the Great Shift for All who are willing to step on it, and the opportunity to look at our fears face to face, being courageous to disengage from what we thought to be true, and we know now was an illusion.

It is with March that we are assisted by all benevolent Forces within Creation to heal, transform, and rebirth as the lovelight beings that we are, that we always were, and that we are here to shine, serving All who like us once, are lost in their shadows, for this is the ultimate lesson for all of us, to remember unity, through conscious assistance.

We have ahead a wonderful month with powerful healing energies, it is our personal choice how we choose to co-create with them, for we all are free to decide what to do with our Presence here.

May your Presence on Earth be a blessing to All, Beloveds.
Have a miraculous March!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

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