"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 Update - 23.03.2023

Dear family, we are currently under the effect of a strong Kp7 Geomagnetic Storm, so you may be feeling a lot of pressure in your head, ears and facial bones, as well as tingling or heat in your Third Eye, dizziness, difficulty to focus, lack of balance (as if they were off the ground), being spaced out or in two "dimensions" at the same time, palpitations, fluttering in the chest (due to the expansion of the Heart chakra), anxiety or restlessness (due to the overload of electricity in the Nervous System), desire to cry for no apparent reason, insomnia, great thirst, vibration throughout the body and the sensation of external pressure that we feel as when we are taking off on an airplane. ☀️🔥

In addition to making this short summary of the physical symptoms, in this publication I know that I must share three messages that I received in recent days and that can serve as a reference to better understand your individual process and also the collective one. These three messages came through Merlin (I have to clarify them so you can understand the context), one during a dream and the other two in an intermediate state. I am going to share them in the purest way and without any interpretation of mine involved so as not to interfere. If it doesn't work for you, ignore it. 🙏

1) The Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) Inverted (March 15, 2023).

"And the roots will be the branches, and the branches will be the roots" (And the roots will be the branches, and the branches will be the roots).

Heaven on Earth, Earth in Heaven.

2) Four paths to reach the Grail (March 20, 2023)

"Four paths to attain the Holy Grail"

- The Magician's Path: through shattering emotional pain and loss, which is the way of Water. (The Way of the Magician: through great pain and loss, which is the way of Water).

- The Christ's Path: through self sacrifice, which is the way of Earth. (The way of the Christ: through self-sacrifice, which is the way of the Earth) *Not related to the Christ Consciousness

- The Buddha's Path: through meditation and silence, which is the way of Air. (The Way of the Buddha: through meditation and silence, which is the form of Air)

- And through great illness, which is the way of Fire. (And through a great disease that is the way of Fire)

All of them as catalysts to break the Personality/Ego (of the human experience), because the Grail must be emptied before it can be filled with the Divine Essence or Holy Grail.

3) In the Beginning. "In the Beginning" (March 22, 2023)

"Rest, rest NOW, for your TRUEST LIFE begins tomorrow." (Rest, rest NOW, because your TRUE LIFE begins tomorrow). *He wasn't just referring to my life personally

I hope it works for you and if not just ignore it, there are many ways to explain the process we are going through and all of them are valid even if they are (or seem) different. Don't get distracted by the non-essentials, the body KNOWS how to adapt, just give it as much water, rest and vitamins as possible so it has enough resources. There is nothing to fear and there is nothing to force, the Truth of what IS remains unchanged in the midst of change.


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