"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Aligning with the Cosmic Quickening & The Core Energy for the Next 365 Days - 05.03.2023

We have come to another huge pivotal and a unique evolutionary time all activated by, at the very least, the pre and post equinox energies. There is just a lot going on. Our physical and spiritual evolution is already receiving a huge quickening that I’m sure you are already feeling. There is nothing scary about this time, it just means we will need to catch up to speed with the quickly changing universe. Our DNA is getting upgraded at a higher rate. Some parts of who we thought we were, or what we felt was our truth, will be left behind in the old cycle. It is all going to feel a little shocking, surprising and unexpected. The Star Elders knew this was going to happen. It is a normal part of this process of shifting cycles or ages. But their nice way of sharing about this was to say… it is all going all be a surprise.

Our ascension/awakening symptoms will intensify at this time. Anytime evolution and awakening begins to move forward at a quicker pace than “normal” our physical bodies might try to temporally recoil as we enter new territory and unique frequencies. This is a hard wired survival reaction from our human space suit. It is normal to be hesitant of anything that it has never experienced before. We may be master of our minds and our hearts at this point, but our bodies born in the old cycle, still have other ideas as the last bits of primal fight or flight programming is erased for good. I can already see the collective is starting to lift out of the fear programming and it is becoming more positive already. There is no slowing down this global awakening and there is absolutely no way to try to back up as the old world fades behind us.

There are physical symptoms our body might experience. Anything our physical body uses to move forward in life may be an issue. Hip and lower back issues can intensify when we experience this thrust forward in evolution. This is because our old self is still a little apprehensive about moving into the new great unknown. Our knees may give us unusual whinges for the same reason. We may also feel the effects in our digestion and have tummy gurgles and other embarrassing digestive issues. It might feel hard to catch our breath at times, or have more anxiety. We also may have heart palpitations. All these symptoms are temporary knee jerk reactions triggered by our old fading programs as we stepping forward into new and more refined frequencies.

It is perfectly normal to feel that weird winge of anticipation tainted with a touch of fear of the unknown when we enter new territory. This means we are doing something new and fresh and we are evolving and growing. Fear and excitement feels exactly the same way in our bodies. I’m sure you all know the saying “feel the fear and do it anyway.” So when you feel anticipation, just remember that this is also your spirit being excited about what is coming. This is a simple trick to rewire your physical reaction.

Many of the larger planets that have been in retrograde for a long while are now going direct and starting to move forward. We have become used to the stalled energy, but now we are being thrust forward into the future. Even magnetic north has been moving in a certain direction for quite some time but it has stalled and is now starting to move back in the other direction. If we are aware of it or not, what happens on earth and or solar system and the universe effects everything else, including our human spacesuit.

We are also entering into solar maximum, an 11 year cycle, and this always triggers a huge time of transformation in the consciousness of humanity. The sun upgrades our DNA. But something really caught my attention about another sun in our solar system. (Thanks Kathy) The right shoulder of Orion - Betelgeuse - one of the brightest stars in the sky is showing signs of going supernova beginning in 2019. Anything that happens on any Sun (a star) in the universe, this would include the red star Betelgeuse, will also affect the Sun in our solar system. What effects our Sun in our solar system will also effect all of the planets in our solar system. Anything that effects our planet also effects all life on it. This means the wobbling death throws of this star, will affect us on levels we could not imagine in this moment. We have certainly seen a major shifts in the collective consciousness since 2019. Scientists don’t feel we will experience this supernova in our lifetime. But this wobble, visible in our night sky, certainly effects our solar system and all life. One ancient clue that a supernova had effected humanity in the past was left as a petroglyph in the sacred site of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. It is the famous supernova petroglyph!

Orion and the star/sun Betelgeuse has a huge ancient history that is linked to current humanity. This is the Orion conflicts that happened eons ago. If this Sun in the constellation of Orion begins its death cycle, as all stars do eventually, my question is could it take with it the memory of that conflict and all the programs that conflict created. The 3 star belt in Orion is the one place were peace and harmony was maintained, an also ancient wisdom was stored in Sirius. But could the loss of Betelgeuse erase all those repeating conflict ripples? (Fingers crossed)

The Orion conflict energies ripped through Atlantis and creating it’s demise. That catastrophe of the fall of Atlantis is echoing through the current time line right now. This would explain a lot of the fear and catastrophobia the collective has been exhibiting. But we have a deeper level of mastery at this point in our evolution and have avoided manifesting a major catastrophe in this age. Good work by the way everyone!

Those ancient conflict ripples may have gone back even further and caused the loss of the planet Maldek. It was a planet that was the same distance from our sun as Earth. Maldek was very much like Earth, but was a lot more watery. When that planet was destroyed it became the asteroid belt. A lot of these asteroids fell in Perรบ and they have built sacred temples around these fragments of this lost planet. The loss of this planet of peace wounded many souls on a very deep level and we see a ripple effect of this catastrophic event in humanity today.

So with a lot of these points considered, we could arrive at the conclusion that the dying process of a star in our solar system, Betelgeuse, could very well make impact on the consciousness of humanity. It could erase a pattern that we have been repeating more times than we could ever remember. Only a few souls remember the Orion conflicts and vaguely at best. And only a few remember the loss of the planet Maldek even if it’s imprinted on many souls living today. These memories are painful to remember. Many remember Atlantis. Some clearly remember Lumeria, which by the way did avoid acting out the Orion conflict energies and was consciously closed at the end of its cycle. And who knows how many ages came before these ages, where the conflict program was played out again and again. Until we all realize the depth and magnitude of what has been repeating and see a bigger cosmic perspective, throughout time and space, we will keep repeating these patterns.

So I’m sharing this with you today because this has captured my attention. I am excited about the possibility that conflict programs on this planet could be altered and even erased by a cosmic event happening in Orion. I believe we are in the process of doing this now. It’s under pinning energy for our future. I am excited about the possibility of the end of all forms of war and the great suffering it also brings. And I am excited about the rise of a new path for us that is beginning now, and the greater possibility of global and universal cooperation, unity in diversity, and most of all peace.

Anything is possible.
If we can imagine it, we can manifest it.
The Star Elders always say …
the only thing that limits us …
is our imagination.

So Dream BIG.


Flowing in the Power of Pure Spirit.
Birthing a New Community of Creative Cooperation.
The Core Energy for the Next 365 Days

On Equinox the sun is balanced between northern and southern hemispheres, bringing us a unified space to begin again. Every equinox falls on a new Mayan day sign which sets the tone for the entire year. This day becomes the under pinning or the undercurrent of everything that manifests for the next 365 days.

The ancient ones knew that on the equinox the evolutionary frequencies of the SUN are able to penetrate our atmosphere more deeply. This can trigger a clearing and initiate another level of awakening in humanity. The ancient ones, the first peoples, all reverently celebrated this day.

We have certainly been feeling the build up to this equinox, being one of the most powerful equinoxes I felt in a long while. It has been intensity on top of intensity. We may have felt a little lost not knowing where we leave off and the collective begins. We might feel like our lives are being held together precariously and we might feel a little fragile. But we are stronger than we think. We are just beginning to access the magnificence of who we truly are.

Collectively the old paradigm is going to crumble even faster now. Anything that is out of alignment with the laws of nature will be forced to align with a new balance. If we have been living our lives out of integrity and have avoided life’s responsibilities regarding our work in the world, our health, our service to our relationships and family, it will be time to realign and get with the new program.

A new frequency is birthing under all of the crumbling around us. This is the underpinning energy that we will create a new world upon. All the decomposing of the old world will also have a new frequency that is rising up in its place. It is all part of becoming ONE and is the beginning of the process of working together as a community. Unity in Diversity.

Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere is sacred lands where the Mayas anchored their wisdom in the past, and still carry it forward today. This brief report is the baseline, a foundation stone, for the next year according to two Mayan calendars.

No matter what is going on in the world right now, the day signs that the equinox falls upon are a powerful testament to the fact that we can and will change the world for the better. If we hold these truths in our hearts and give it our energy, we can make it so. We are creating the New World together and each one of us has a piece to the grand puzzle.


A Mayan Report for the year beginning on 2 IK and 8 MANIK.
Equinox cycle from 3-21-2023 to 3-20-2024
A forecast blending the energies of two sacred Mayan Calendars.
Flowing in the Power Of Pure Spirit
Mayan Kiche’ “Cholq’ij Traditional Calendar.
The Calendar of the Heart. (Spirit Reality)
Mayan year of 2 IK (Wind)

The numbers in the Mayan calendar are the power that drives the cycles of time. With the power of 2 (KIEB), we will begin to see forward movement where we will find ways to balance the polarities. We will begin to feel much needed relief as we move away from the 1 (Jun) year where we were in a semi stalled situation and it was hard to make anything manifest. But also the year before that was a 13 year period where it triggered a lot of powerful endings and clearings of old programs. The last age will begin to move into the rear view mirror as we enter the second half of the very first Katun in this new cycle (20 years). There is so much possibility in front of us now. We may not know what is coming for us yet, but it is going to be fresh, new and full of surprises. We will find empowering ways to navigate and heal the huge polarities that the last few years of major endings had created. The old polarized state of mind always accelerates with the falling of an old age.

The day sign of IK (Wind), is hard to contain in a boundary. It is the wind and in an instant the winds can kick up and change everything. We are learning to become comfortable with uncertainty and this year will test that wisdom. It will be a year that if we hang on to anything that is out of balance, the wind will simply beat us up. There are always those who hang on and want to keep things the same and feed their illusion of safety. But then there are the courageous warriors who are not afraid of the unknown and the huge potential out in front of us. Being flexible and going with the flow will make life less stressful and less painful especially when we stay open to all the surprising new possibilities. It will be a good year for ones who can tune into the subtleness of spirit. Also those who are creative by nature, you could initiate loads of new life altering ideas. Both the number 2 and IK are about spirit, and not the material world. If your spiritual life has felt stalled the last few years this could change now as well. We are being birthed into a new cycle and anything is possible.

Birthing a New Community of Creative Cooperation
Mayan Astrology Yucatec Calendar.
The Calendar of the Mind (Physical Reality)
Mayan year of 8 Manik (Hand)

The number 8 will bring the much needed essence of harmonization, healing and community spirit. This will assist humanity in finding a new balance in all areas of life and bring spirit into manifestation. It is a gracious bridge between what was and what will be, and a step beyond old polarities. It is about restructuring and the new world will begin to take form. It is a time of being experimental and learning what will manifest now and what will not. It is also a number where we become more open to other perspectives and belief systems where in the past cycle it was very polarizing. We will be able to breathe easier in this energy and all the changes and budding new creations will be easier to adjust to.

The day sign of MANIK is known for its ability to dive deep into community work. But it also serves as a healing bridge between opposite desires. We may want freedom but we are also not too fond of responsibility. We could be torn between two opposites a lot this year. It is a good time to listen to the heart, as the heart does not lie, but the overactive mind will. The lesson for this equinox cycle is to find a bridge between the need for freedom and being interdependent in a community project. This cycle could bring the birth of innovative projects. The choice to move forward in any new endeavors will feel overwhelming this year as we will be in new territory with no roadmap, but once the choice is made it will only empower us.

Manik has the ability to be traditional and also embrace more eccentric focuses which can trigger unconventional live choices. It can be very creative. It can inspire the inner artist, musician, poet or writer, but we need to be flexible to see the new creations and not become distracted by outer or external tools. The extreme distraction with outer spiritual tools, (examples... crystals, books, workshops, etc) is a past echo of some of the issues we had in Atlantis, which caused the unbalanced energy that was the beginning of the fall of that age. We will need to move out of the head and the material world and come back into the heart over and over again.

This calendar cycle finishes up with 40 days+ of extremely powerful days. We will travel through the second 20 Core Day Ascension Portal, flanked on either side with 10 galactic portal days. Hang on to your hiking boots! This cycle will end with a bang!

(The astronomical equinox is March 20th at 2:24 pm MST. But the Maya Elders in Guatemala always celebrate in various sacred sites in Mexico and Guatemala etc, on the 21st. Let us send these Elders our heart energy and give thanks for them remembering and maintaining this cosmic wisdom.)

Original Post: FaceBook

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