"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - minor Geomagnetic Storm Kp5 - 15.10.2022

Dear family, we are currently under the effect of a minor Geomagnetic Storm Kp5 as a result of the Class M solar flares that have occurred in the past 3 days. So you are most likely to feel very tired, with a headache, paranasal sinuses pressure, increased heart chakra activity, restlessness and/or insomnia, numbness in some parts of the body (mainly arms and p irons), dehydration and a feeling of difficulty breathing because they swell kinda the nostrils (yes they can breath fine, it's just the feeling like when we take off on a plane). Some of you might also be having trouble focusing your sight, buzzing in your ears or hearing static energy, itching skin, irritated lips, the effect of your right eyelid being "stuck" or moving slower, plus ace to have the feeling they move like in slow motion. In places with very dry climates it is common to give electrical discharges when touching synthetic or animal materials, wetting your hands before touching something can reduce this effect.

Drinking at least two liters of water will help them get everything flowing, lie on the floor, or give yourself a relaxing massage with lavender oil, it also works. This too will pass.


** Oh Fuck ! this one is coming in hard so you may feel it swaying or slightly shaking.

Original Post:

My note: This was 1 spike, but we could all felt it, in my surroundings frustation, anger


  1. Yes, lots of anger for me. There's spikes are really releasing the hidden, pushed down rage. Thankfully I'm aware and not reactive.

    1. Then you do it very well, unfortunately a lot of people more reactive and put down others in their sourroundings.

    2. THANK YOU for your time ANDY!!!
      I hope i will get OUT of this soul robotic trap!!
      i want mind robotic( > IQ), NOT a DRY soul.
      Roboticness is NOTHING Cold, its Sometimes sickening DRY.
