"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - Trinity of being - 28.10.2022



To walk as the BALANCE this ERA is creating of you, is to merge as the Trinity of:

When one of these are MORE dominant than the two others, there is a lack of alignment of all THREE. Imbalance;

A forgetfulness, that leads to the continued creation of suffering. Where human personality cycling continues.


When the MIND is the dominant, it is the human personality controlling it’s life. It is submerged IN the ILLUSION. So there’s the absence of embodiment of your Soul and an awake connectedness to God. The MIND is a processor, a tool. You are NOT your MIND.


When the BREATH is the dominant, as forced breath, the body suffers a physical stress of that forcefulness and control. When the breath is shallow, to the point it is not even noticed, the body suffers in lack of connection to the LIFE FORCE. There is the forgetfulness and seemingly absent connection to the Divine God.


When the human HEART is the dominant, there is gullibility, susceptibility, to the outside (dissolving) behaviours and beliefs of others outside of you. So an innocent heart, that is pure, YET is absent of the Soul’s Presence and Soul’s knowings (wisdoms).
The heart, the mind, the breath, ARE UNLIMITED in terms of ever expanding connectivity to God.


God made this ascension in Consciousness easy, for all Peoples of the World. No matter their culture. The way to each’s becoming, is continually initiated again and again through thy own Heart. Choosing the Heart. Choosing LOVE FIRST, as the Gateway to the Infinite.


To walk in the balance of God, beyond polarity, is to BE the accomplished MERGE of the Heart, Mind and Breath. Where the Heart, Mind and Breath are equal, become One connectivity (not three separately). This Conscious TRINITY becomes your natural state of being. It leads to SOUL EMBODIMENT with the living physical body. Your SOUL, consciously and wakefully connected to the PRESENCE, that is God. And in that Presence, as SOUL, the steps to walk next, and next, and next, are shown to you in ways that are NOT born of the mind (separation). But PROCESSED THROUGH the mind (not separated). Your steps are shown one sacred moment at a time. In the present moment. Not of ‘past’ (mind memory). Not of ‘future’ (mind control). But Now. As and in the present moment of NO TIME. You are shown where to walk. And WHAT to give your present focus to.

We may live with the dominance of the mind, or force/absence of the breath, or be that human gullible heart. Where one is more absent or more dominant. These times serve to show each, which of these is AMPLIFIED or ABSENT. Where human cycles are amplified to be seen and dissolve once and for all. So to notice, work on, that which is dominant and bring forth that which has been neglected of your SACRED DIVINE LOVE. Master this within you. Balance these within you so they are EQUAL and work as ONE coherent State of Being. And thus, the People of the World, achieve their own BALANCE. And walk once more, connected. In their higher State of Being.

God made this easy. For EVERY ONE. It’s just a constant commitment to thyself, of what you CHOOSE to give your time and energy to. In all moments…

To walk as this Trinity aligned, is a natural walk (not forced), where we walk, gifted of the Eternal Peace and Grace. In Presence, with THE Presence of God. Where Thy human Will is aligned to God’s Will. It becomes one of the same. One.

Always with Love,
28 October 2022

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