"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - Findig God is always a choice - 04.10.2022


If we allow the MIND to LIVE US, there is always REACTION to ‘’This or That’. Which in this dissolving ERA, can still bring in, judgement or unkind criticisms of ‘This or That’. For ego (an overdeveloped part of the mind) seeks to defend, protect and control. Based on unseen fears or beliefs housed temporarily within the human mind.

When we RESIDE IN the HEART, we are in the Vastness and the Timeless. Where your expansion with God, consciously manifests. One step and one stage at a time.

Everything and every experience within this physical lifeform and lifetime is but temporary. For there IS an Eternal FLOW we are ALL a part of. That can not be controlled.

The Seeker consciously drops attachment to all things, all beliefs and all human thoughts, knowing all things and all moments are but temporary.

The Seeker can then turn focus and INTENTION towards their conscious expansion INTO their own SOUL, with the physical body, consciously, in this lifetime.

When Soul is FULLY integrated (it’s a stage that takes linear time), there is then nothing to do but be with God in all experiences. Where there is only Serving God. Walking the Lifeform with God. For the Seeker has found…there is actually, only God.

And the way to finding God, is through each one’s own heart. Your Love felt within you, can (within separation) be thought of as YOUR ‘OWN’ LOVE. But it isn’t. That was just the human belief and experience within the temporary experience of separation FROM God. Love is the human choice we make or choose not to make in each moment. ALL LOVE is God’s energy. It is Omipotent. Ever present. And FELT, by ascending degrees of Hertz Frequency Octaves if chosen again and again and again by the Seeker. Love is not found IN the intellectual mind. It is found through the heart centre. The intellectual mind marries the Heart, and allows the heart to guide it. The mind becomes IN peace and in RHYTHM with the Heart.

Finding God is always a choice, IT’s LOVE through YOU is always YOUR choice in each NOW moment. It takes you home. And then, there is only God, expanded through all your senses, experienced in all your moments.

When you experience only God, you can only hold the space, offer ‘your’ way to help others find God too. Unattached, as LOVE, for you know the Divine is within everyone, and that everyone has their OWN DIVINE DESIGN. Where peace and ‘happy’ resides. Outside of the sufferings. Each have their own way. And there is only THEN, being IN the eternal flow of the Timelessness, Serving God the only Presence, and the emitting of THE LOVE you constantly FEEL, out. Creating with THE LOVE.

With Love, always
04 October 2022

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