"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - Living in the New Energy! - 29.09.2022

Yesterday was a water kind of day with the sparkling sapphire ocean playing in 6D. Today it was the element of Air with the clouds putting on a display of Sylph like elegance and beauty that reminded me of Angel's wings.
Of course, I live within a powerful natural vortex, both the bay itself and the mountain area where my house is situated.
Nature is felt intensely as the elementals and animals flirt with the energies. This morning I tried to work, but the baboons were in playful mode running around the house and jumping on the roof! It was very difficult to concentrate! Nature in its pure form can be loud, noisy, playful and chaotic. And beautiful.
As we take our first steps in this New Consciousness, we are being made aware that we are one with Nature and that our interactions with nature are a deep reflection of ourselves, both as individuals and as a collective.
In the coming months we will be learning how to balance out with this new energy. I personally find that I struggle quite a bit. When I wake up I find it hard to ground myself into my body which feels heavy and painful, and then during the day I feel the Alpha/Theta brain waves as a need to sleep because my body recognises alpha to theta brain states as deep meditation to sleep states. I think it will take a while to be able to be in a waking walking Theta state!
It is Magical and it also feels like a waking dream at some moments.
The Angels and the Whales and Dolphins are here to assist us. The Dolphins and Whales are especially good at dealing with expanded consciousness and higher frequency brain waves.
As we move towards the Scorpio Gate 11/11 and the Eclipse season in October and November, we can draw on their assistance and guidance in our New Reality!

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