"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - The Veil - 11.09.2022




It is your own embodiment of your OWN individualised CONSCIOUSNESS, that you will then experience there is NO VEIL. This will happen one by one at each one’s PERFECT timing. We are IN this TIMELINE. A Timeline of some longevity for so many to arrive in their own timing. There is no rush…no pressure. The reverse is so, the continuous LETTING GO, again and again…

From this new INNER state, you witness the holographic reality AND YOUR NEW WORLD from WITHIN. From an INNER STATE of LOVE. Your INNER world emanates and IS where you come from in all moments. Love for all and everything. For you have fully embodied God’s Love…

You see everything through the eyes of God’s Love. You FEEL everything through the experience of God’s Love. God’s energy is…LOVE. Embodied to various octaves of Love, for infinite experiences of ITSelf.


As part of the ascension (or enlightenment) process, there comes a stage of embodying the ESSENCE of God. It’s felt as a particular and UNIQUE vibration. It’s only felt when IN a state of feeling LOVE. That, is a stage of feeling and embodying God’s essence. And you focus is then on sustaining it and growing that feeling into all things outside of you.


But then comes the physical SEEING. Where you SEE the ESSENCE of God in everything. Be that a person, a plastic bottle, a flower, the sky, a pen you write with, clothes you wear, trees, animals, the rain, the fire etc. It’s all made of the same thing…GOD’S ESSENCE. Which you physically see. You see it’s all ONE ‘thing’.


After getting used to that stage, the ‘VEIL’
dissolves via your shift into A HIGHER FREQUENCY consciousness experience WITH a physical body. You experience OUTSIDE of the ‘dream’ or what people also refer to as the ‘illusion’, the ‘miya’ or the ‘holographic reality’. You are less aware of the body, yet operate it and look after it. You speak because people expect that way of communicating. You perhaps write in linear language as it is known by humanity. But you don’t FEEL HUMAN any more. You FEEL you are ENERGY of your consciousnes AND your SOUL as higher vibrational LIGHT you see in and around your physical body.

You become consciousness outside of the illusion. Therefore, the veil doesn’t exist. You experience as consciousness FIRST. Witnessing almost a film play out before your eyes all of the time.


You can interact as you have KEPT the physical BODY.
As you interact with peoples, they see you through THEIR eyes and THEIR consciousness state. At this COLLECTIVE STAGE, most people will see you as a fellow HUMAN being. For now…

They don’t see you’ve fully embodied. They can’t, until they HAVE too. Yet you see them, and see the DIVINE as them, WITHIN your own Self created illusion. But they DO feel there is something about you. You affect them. They have self realisations, particular to their state of consciousness and journey stage back to God. They can’t define what exactly happens to them when you hold the space for them, through your altered state of consciousness, the Heart of God’s Love through your interaction. But YOU know, because you’re outside of the illusion and AWARE energetically EXACTLY what is being gifted to that being in front of you, through you. YOU feel them DEEPLY and with the immense LOVE within you. You have a MASSIVE sense of compassion having had the human experience of human suffering . You truly understand, all human emotions and fears, but don’t absorb anyones, as you’re outside of the illusion. You become the vessel for God to work through. But you’re consciously aware of that in EVERY nuance of ENERGY AWARENESS in your new State of Consciousness.

There’s no try. There’s even no need to even speak. Yet people still expect you to speak, because they are used to that language of communication. So you KNOW what is needed in that moment, to open their door. A spark of light transferred to them, and a light already WITHIN them is ignited, even if they can not work it out just yet. They will feel different. And intrigued within what has just happened? Then, they go about their life and journey, your job is done. Such is the beauty of God’s Love through you. For it’s wordless Love, a GIVING of God’s energy of Love. Unattached to the illusion. You in those moments desire NO THING. Your joy is in feeling the Love of God weave it’s ENERGY through you, to those you then touch. You don’t seek people to help, God brings them to you ENERGETICALLY within your OWN design. It’s all designed by God.

One by one, each one’s VEIL shall lift. To a state of no mental or emotional suffering. For you’ve transcended the temporary human experience of forgetfulness. A state of God’s Love is felt, seen, experienced in all moments. And you feel no worry, loss or alonesness, for anyone around you to quickly meet you, for there is no time in this STATE of being. There is only the ETERNAL LOVE of GOD. It’s and your existence is forever…

One Love
11 September 2022

"what a timeline is?
Timelines is a human word to more easily describe LIGHT NODE POINTS we experience and traverse. We each traverse our own Timelines (light nodes). YET, we also share a COLLECTIVE Timeline which is that of HUMANITY as a collective whole. We also have a universal timeline. We move timelines (light nodes) more so now than previous ‘times’ due to the universal timeline (light nodes) our solar system is also traversing. So think micro and macros where Everything is made of light and vibration. And so on…but it’s all God.
Timelines is a linear word. Light Nodes is a non linear description as they are outside of the time and space experience. This video Whislt about another timeline explains timelines as Light Node Points, using a flower."

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