"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - ENERGETIC vibrational PATTERNS occuring within the physical body - 05.06.2022


Something is UNDERLYING todays Incoming Energies. I don’t understand it yet. As it takes 3 solar days to integrate incoming energy (to understand the data). But today, we have literally 1000s upon 1000s upon 1000s of INCOMING vibrations. That are affecting ALL Kingdoms, humanity and Mother Earth. These multiple vibrations added together have created a NEW SOUND (you may be hearing). Please note, there are many sounds all at the same time, so key is to try to differentiate them. We have a NEW SOUND occurring TODAY.

This is AS WELL AS the ENERGETIC vibrational PATTERNS occuring within the physical body. Especially the Crown, Face, Lips, Ears, Cheeks, Third Eye Chakra area and Root Chakra.

It truly feels like a time to be still. The animal kingdom here have been displaying a rare STILLNESS all day.

The skies are also filled with plasma.

Today’s energies are strong, but there’s something very subtle going on (a new sound made of 1000s of vibrations) that is huge. If that makes sense.

For approximately 10 days now, we are (one at a time), magnetically gravitating into our OWN world. Your own world, IS your own UNIQUE energy field you hold within and around you that in truth, you have always EXISTED from. We become fully conscious of it, the more we integrate it which is a step by step process for each individual. It is our OWN UNIQUE energy field that is the RECEIVER and GIVER of ENERGY. It has always been there. Just that as we ascend more and more, we become CONSCIOUS of our UNIQUE ENERGY FIELD, and so can consciously receive and consciously give from it. We are energy. We become conscious of how energy works. And shall create from a state of pure consciousness. Pure consciousness an ENERGETIC form of LIGHT and VIBRATION. It manifests (creates) our experience. Everything is experience for Consciousness.

The more we become our Pure State of Consciousness, the more we work with ENERGY from the unmanifested FIELD. To create the manifested (physical and non physical forms) for experience and expansion. This is the difference between creating from the linear human mind, and creating from consciousness ItSelf.

Trust your path. Trust your Soul. Find your peace in the unknown. There is nothing to learn, and everything to just BE. And become again. We expand by letting go of the known and familiar (which creates the illusion of safety). The higher consciousness we are bringing forth at first seems to the human mind, like THE UNKNOWN. Due to our temporary forgetfulness. But as we allow ourselves to feel at peace in the unknown, IT becomes known. And so we birth the NEW higher frequencies for ourselves and for the ALL, whilst keeping our physical form.

With Love
Amanda Lorence
5 June 2022

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