It's the last day of the month, and tomorrow we can welcome the energies of February. For those interested in astrology, I've put up a few posts about how the energies will change with these new planetary positions. Pam Gregory's posts and videos are always really good, I love reading those from Natalia Alba and Alex Myles.
I also wish you a Happy New Year, as it was the Chinese Lunar New Year and we have entered the Year of the Snake.
Recently I found several posts about what we are all looking for - happiness. If you ask a person what they want, in their first 3 wishes include happiness besides health and money. We all want to be happy in all areas of life, be it relationships, friendships, work, family, harmonious coexistence, laughter, conversation, etc. The question is how to achieve all this.
In this matrix, we have been taught completely in reverse what happiness is and how to get it. In this consumer society, where quantity overrides quality, they serve quick instant gratification with consumerism, i.e. buy everything your eyes and mouth desire, giving you a pleasant dopamine boost, and when the short effect has passed, then buy yourself something else that can make you happy.
Relationships and friendships have also switched to such a shallow mode - they have simply switched to a consumer consumption model. We have started using each other as a product, which if it breaks or problems arise, we replace it with a better and new version, since this material matrix is built on illusions - always buy the newer, the shinier, the designer product, simply the trend. Trends come and go - they are short-lived - today a new iPhone, tomorrow Dubai chocolate, and the next day something completely different, and the average person, in order to be "happier" and to be an "accepted" member of the social matrix, just buys, consumes, and lives their life in this loop.
If we were to ask these people if they are actually happy and get an honest answer, we would be surprised, because when they consume anything, they only feel a momentary happiness, then they become empty again and to make this void disappear, they again fall on another dose of happiness pill, which the next thing or person will cause them.
Our happiness has started to depend on external things and people. We look for happiness from outside. We will be happy if we fall in love with a person, if we have a good job, if we become successful and got recognition, if we get this or that. We become dependent on the external. We chase these things. We always project happiness into the future, or we dwell in the past, that we were happy then and there. But in this way we miss the present moment. After all, the only thing we have is the present moment. We never know when these moments will end. In fact, we do not live our lives in the present moment, because we spend it either in the past or in the future, that is, in our heads.
When we get it, we will be above the clouds in happiness for a while, for hours, for days, and then we will sink back to that "meh" average line. Why? Because it simply becomes habitual, because maybe we didn't even desire it in our soul. The desires and satisfaction of the mind do not last long, but if the desires of our soul are fulfilled, we can achieve a lasting longer feeling of happiness from within, but this is also destroyed by the mind - the ego. If we were to ask the ego what the meaning of life is, we would get a long complicated monologue and if the answer were that it is life itself, then the ego would answer "is that all?, there must be more". We overcomplicate everything, we turn it upside down... because we have forgotten what is important to us and what gives us true happiness.
In fact, we are now learning, being taught - we are remembering again by the energies - God - Soul - that everything we look for outside is here inside. The love, happiness, our worth, peace, harmony, abundance, health that we chase outside, are actually all there inside us. It's just that the illusion and the multitude of programs from birth are so great that we have forgotten and we look for it from outside throughout our lives. It sounds cliché, but only as long as you are co-dependent on other people and material things and until you have experienced it from within.
I know, because I am also going through this process - so that my "happiness - peace - value - love" does not depend on other people and external things. I looked for it from outside and got a lot of disappointment and hurt, I cried a lot because of it, you could say I was in victim mode for a long time, and I had to say loudly and firmly - "It´s enough" and recharge myself from within, from my own "internal" relationships.
Does it work? Yes, but I have to constantly check my thoughts, bring myself back to the present moment, look at things from a different perspective, let go of control and not knowing the end result instead be peace in the process and try to flow. I have to trust and believe that everything is for me and not against me. Pause moments help a lot, when I just be and do nothing for a few minutes.
We need to learn to live in the present moment again, to be grateful for everything we have, because we make the mistake of taking everything for granted. Simplicity - be grateful and happy for the tiniest thing as clean water, a place where we can be, the sunshine, our beautiful blue sky, the birds singing, having clothes, food, air for breathing, earth under our feet, stars in the evening sky... because who knows how long we will see these.
This is a process, we have to learn to sit with ourselves without doing anything, we have to learn to dance with the cosmic energies again and flow with life... that's why we are here. We have experienced the "darkness" and the "hell" and as a contrast we can appreciate the "heaven on Earth" i.e. the Golden Age. We know, we have experienced what it is like to live in the matrix and now we are changing it to how we want to exist in the next present moment.
" We are conditioned to believe that happiness is something external that can be achieved through material possessions, status, or external validation. From a young age, we are bombarded with messages from advertisements, media, and even societal norms that suggest our worth and contentment are tied to what we own or how we are perceived by others. This mindset often leads us to constantly chase after the next big thing, the next promotion, or the next rend, believing that these accomplishments or possessions will finally bring us the satisfaction we desire.
However, many people find that even after acquiring these external markers of success, a lingering sense of dissatisfaction remains. This is because true happiness often comes from within and is based on intangible aspects, such as self-acceptance, meaning relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. It is about finding contentment in the present moment, practicing gratitude for what we have, and cultivating a mindset that embraces simplicity and mindfulness.
To break free from the cycle of wanting more, it can be helpful to reflect on what truly brings us joy and fulfilment. This might involve re-evaluating our priorities, letting go of societal pressures, and focusing on experiences and connections that resonate with tour authentic selves.
Redefine happiness on your own terms."
The closing song of this post will be unusual. The Hungarian Majka's song "Csurran, csöppen" caused a lot of buzz in Hungary, which is actually about corruption and is, it's a pretty catchy song. It has over 10 million views in two weeks and the Hungarian government didn't like it (too much truth bomb), but the Hungarian people did.
"The president of a fictional country gives an interview, but a waiter gives him a truth serum before and the truth is revealed. After the interview, the crew members all tragically suddenly fall out of a hospital window, but one of them survives and then falls out the window again. Another crew member defected to a distant country. The day after the interview, the president imposes a total dictatorship."
There is a very good English translation of this song - you can check it out here:
"So all we had to do was get through the elections
And think of some good slogan again
We needed something to make them scared
Something complicated that they can't understand
We were careful with the jews, because there's lots of them
And they stand on the good side of the money tap..
Amnesty for the friends of friends!
And if you pay a few journalist out of your pocket
Those eager dickheads will write down anything!"
"I can survive everything!
The laws are written on me!"
I wish you a good weekend and an even better new week :)
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