"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - earth's crystalline core shift & working with our body portals - 27.01.2025

Beloved Ones,

As keepers of the Earth, many of you are now immersed in planetary work, individually, in groups, or in collaboration with non-physical beings, especially the Arcturians, Venusians, and the Inner Earth's beings, who are beings of many different forms that protect and heal our planet, from the fifth parallel dimension connected to us through the earth's crystalline heart or nucleus.

Many of you, as descendants from the Andromedans, and Sirians, for many of you, came to this planet through the Sirian portal that is connected to our twin Galaxy, are now starting/expanding into your planetary mission to keep the earth protected, and healed from men's damage, for many of you came with the agreement to use your evolved energy and unique blueprint to act as Earth's guardians, purifying the earth and helping it retrieve its lost purity, although your mission is also to help anchor its new crystalline structure.

As I was shown, the earth's crystalline core is experiencing another important shift during this passage. As you know the earth's heart is like an ethereal crystalline/rainbow diamond, whose center connects to many dimensions. This crystalline structure is also connected to the earth's fabrics and grids, impacting the magnetic fields and all of the earth's structures, for all is moved by it. It acts as the receiver of the Divine Light into our planet, sending new instructions and above all, helping us/All Living Beings, and Forms of Consciousness, now that we are ready, in becoming less dense in our structure.

Its Light is a neutral. It exists beyond our polarized world. It knows no boundaries, judgments, or illusions. It only knows and is Love, and Love provides for All equally.

We too are energetically connected to it, throughout fascia, our crystalline body network, which is being now deeply affected by the many changes occurring at a deeper level in our earth's crystalline diamond nucleus. We are undergoing a complete restructuring of all the earth's structures, for we are all realigning to the God Worlds, as it was meant to be since the beginning.

This is why many of you are experiencing dizziness, stomach symptoms, and nervous system imbalances, among many others unique to you, as we are experiencing a complete recalibration in our body system like never before. Acupuncture, quantum therapies, somatic ones to help heal trauma, water therapies, and organic supplements, will help with our physical ascension, for this is a long-term process we need to embrace and learn how to cope with.
The more you consciously choose to build your own light body and soul connection, the more you allow these light transmissions throughout your body, for they are Love, Wisdom, and Power penetrating into your being, helping you become more whole, restoring your soul memories of the oblivion lived for eons.

As we continue navigating the many plasmatic waves and other energies that we are constantly receiving to assist us in our planetary and physical transition, we will continue witnessing many changes in our bodies. Changes that will mainly occur in our bone structure, fascia, and nervous system, for they act as divine energetic transmitters.

During this transitional year, the more we remain in our compassionate Higher Hearts, the better we can cope with the physical impact of these new earth's frequencies.

As always, it is thanks to all of you that we are navigating this new dimensional harmonic space. All of you, with every thought, kind act, and commitment to continue remaining in your Illumined Essence, have contributed to our current planetary harmonic position.
Thank you for continue choosing the path of Love, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Art by: Gabriella Goedert


Beloved Ones,

As we continue working on DNA retrieval, rehabilitating and reconnecting our DNA, and its wisdom, we will experience more acceleration and integration, for we are now ready to embody higher frequencies.

As we continue restoring our DNA to its original functioning, after having many non-benevolent programs, inserts, and other forms of manipulation governing it for many eons, we may feel a complete liberation from many old habits, patterns, and even sudden changes in habits we never thought possible, because we are now prepared to leave the old behind and continue becoming who we truly are, in essence.

Ascension is precisely about working with our body portals, and the human body, awakening it from oblivion, so our Consciousness can maneuver through time and space, which is why it is key to restore our DNA time codes in each strand, or at least in the first seventh ones, so our Consciousness can freely travel through the, bringing the information, light codes or other important transmissions required to assist, in the level we are meant to. This is what many of you do, to communicate to your original dimensions to be sixth and seventh-dimensional anchors on Earth.

Many of you are now undergoing a process of interdimensional reconnection with the many timelines that exist and with the many beings/Forms and Forces of Creation that assist us in our present planetary transition. When we heal and restore our DNA, and our earth's fabrics and grids have experienced a significant opening, our DNA can now integrate higher frequencies from the God Worlds, transcending the astral false connections, and embodying more Light, Wisdom, and Power.

This is why it is so important to begin reconnection our DNA, as well as our DNA little antennas or transmitters open, so we can receive the Divine Light and decode it.

It is then when our intuitive senses start recalibrating, retrieving as well their original functioning, for we were never meant to be disconnected from who we are. However, there is nothing or anything to blame, for we were given the power to reconstruct your entire template and retrieve our memories and mission.

When we take full responsibility and stop blaming others or the circumstances and focus on what we can shift, and that is only ourselves and our bodies, everything starts changing, aligning, and manifesting in perfect resonance with who we are and what we wish, for we are now releasing the veils we carried for so long, opening ourselves to receive.

Many of you are now being activated, thanks to your inner work, moving into a new frequency band of Creation leaving the astral plane and moving into the fifth and sixth dimensional ones, and as a consequence of it, you will be retrieving many sensory abilities, such as:

Telepathy, telempathic, photographic memory, future transmissions, which often come from your parallel selves visions or anything you may be given that will help you shift your present and hence, a future timeline for some reason. Others will awake to their clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance abilities, which comes often when you have awakened your multidimensionality, and work on physical ascension, as opening our DNA and body portals is essential.

No matter what you are awakening or remembering, the clearest way of guidance is through feelings, and we all can embrace our feelings, detaching from the mind, to know what we feel, receive, and what benefits us and not at all.

You are all precious divine emissaries and channelers, and you all have unique abilities. As I always say, God does not repeat Himself-Herself within Creation; He/She is infinite, and so are you.

Love yourself. Trust yourself and God through you. Continue doing your work in the physical. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Be who you are, for it is in BEing that you will know your uniqueness and talents.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

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