"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Transition portal - 29.01.2025

Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?
January has been such a big month. It's been long, powerful & exhausting.
This past week has been a transition portal & exit point for Soul transitioning & going home or to widen the gateways into new Earth

I've experienced in my personal life & know that many others are too! The human side of the sadness & grief is messy. However, there is so much excitement & joy for those awaiting
January has been a slow build of much higher buzzing frequency that has been moving from the ground up. Or should I say the feet up through the body! Are you experiencing this frequency buzz?

As we now reach the New Moon in Aquarius & Chinese New Year, it feels that the foundations for this year are landing more fully.

Dream Space seems to be very intensive & very deep clearing phase, the bouncing of cycling through multiple timelines per day continues although it feels as though it's narrow down a little bit as we move into February it will be less and more stabilised.
There has been such heavy exhaustion as there is a big transition of light coming through, and our bodies are trying to adjust
Lots of Cosmic & Space Activity at night & visible craft in the Skyies during the day, too!
One of the most predominant energies that is present is the deep desire for change renewal, new energy & inspiration
Knowing that there is something over the horizon yet not quite sure what's in store...
It's coming. The key is through stillness. It's all there being prepared to become unlocked from with us.

I'm still offering the 2025 Alignment Sessions. This is a perfect way to connect with what to come & work with the unfolding of the energies daily

Much love
Alisha Braché

The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!

Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/courses
For Personal Session:

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