Before you were born on this planet, you were made fully aware of the fact that the New Earth would be fully born (as has happened on the 5th July 2020) and that the Old Earth would cease to exist. At the same time you were informed that the New Golden Age would be born as well, and the new human race. My Soul Readings confirm this in expansive ways.
When this message was broadcast billions of souls wished to incarnate, but only the toughest, most appropriate souls, who were prepared for this exact assignment through many lifetimes, and existences, were allowed to be born. The star seeds, the Indigo's, the Crystal children, the Rainbow, the Sun, and now the Illumined Sun children.
Hand picked as a special taskforce to anchor in the Divine Decree, the Birthing of the 7th dimensional earth.
Yes, and here we are, at the most crucial stage of our assignment and now are asked to fully claim our birthright, our true soul existence in our new Solar Crystalline Bodies, and cocreating the New Golden Age with love, truth and integrity.
I was called to do very important energy work, at a specific place linking directly to Antarctica and as this was happening I could see how so much was being released, a dark mass, and this from current matters happening there. More will not be said.
But joining in, were the whales, the dolphins, the elephants, and emitting sonic sound. All of this, plus what was beamed into Earth shifted everything, and opened ancient portals under sea, where Antarctica once split from the African continent.
Note that as the frequency rises with such high potency light being released, from inside and outside, more earth upheavals will occur. Lives will dramatically change so will all structures and forms of life. All for the highest good as we fully now cocreate the New Golden Age.
Yet your soul has been intricately programmed to rise to the occasion and to fully step into your soul powers, talents and abilities, in far greater ways than before.
This is not the time to shrink but to expand and even more.
All the tools you need, are there within you.
There is a huge cosmic sign now for all of us: "No shrinking allowed!"
Yes, you've got this!
Always from the heart and soul and all that you are in truth!
With Love.
Photo: All credit to the artist
We are freed as souls, when we finally realize that the true essence, the core of all existence, is within us.
The time to look for saviors outside of us are over.
I realized this already in my twenties, about politics and political parties, in the middle of the apartheid years, when I was invited to partake in a political campaign and saw what was really happening. An eyeopener like none, and it has been immensely freeing.
When I, as Librarian worked with banned books, and the publications board, and often had to read things which I normally would not touch with a ten foot pole, I realized how controlled this world is, and all in it. Yet it opened me, to the fact that the true path and true knowing was WITHIN and not WITHOUT. I am grateful for this, for it opened not only my mind, but also my heart and connected me more deeply with my own soul, and seeking the truth within.
As long as we seek the saviors in power structures OUTSIDE of ourselves which are earthly, we will keep on giving our soul power away. We will bow to authorities outside ourselves instead of realizing that we have the innate knowing within, and our own mission and purpose to fulfill, without needing to give our power away to anyone or anything outside ourselves. Nor to put some people on pedestals and look down on others. Gossip or sensationalism is nothing but rejoicing in other people’s seeming flaws, so that you need to not look deeply into your own shadows.
When I was working as an archivist in a Museum which often had foreign dignitaries visiting it, my curator always said to us, that look at them as people just like you. And if you still wish to put them on a pedestal, then imagine what they look like when they need to go to the loo or stark naked (that was her sense of funny.) It worked.
For truth, your soul is sovereign, and is able to be discerning, and your own heart and soul will always guide you in immensely powerful ways.
When you give your innate power away to outside forces you become but a leaf being blown here and there, and at the mercy of the very winds which decide your fate.
When you live a soul empowered life, you are in charge of what you give your energy too, as well as where you wish it to go to, for you not attached to the outside anymore, nor to outside outcomes, only to course your soul is choosing to take, and where it is choosing to go to, how it wishes to express itself, and more than this, how it wishes to serve with great love and joy!
True freedom lives within!
True leaders are those who walk their talk, and who deeply care for well being of others, and lead by example.
And at this momentous time, it is good to remember that the old structures and forms are making way for the totally new ways of life and living, with truth, integrity, love, harmony, and unity, as ONENESS abides. Every single soul is unique, and has its own uniqueness which is immensely valuable, to bring to the whole!
As Librarian and archivist in the Apartheid years, I had to read through all the colonial papers and as I was working on a Anglo-Boer Battle Field, and the area was filled with Anglo-Zulu War battlefields as well, I had to read through military papers as well.
With this Gandhi, who later led India, lived in this very area, and led from here, the protests for freedom, and we had his papers as well. It was very interesting to read about and as well as read his own writings, the young Gandhi, who then never knew where he would one day end up, leading a whole nation.
Many people believe that Apartheid had its roots in the South African government, after these wars, and in the Union of South Africa. Not so, the original apartheid laws, were created within the British colonial system and were far stricter during colonial times.
There was a Trappist monastery in Marian Hill, led by monks from Austria who had taken the vow of silence. They were the very first to educate the Zulus. However, they were in constant battle against the colonial rulership, who did wanted to keep the Black people from being able to read and write and educate themselves. They closed their schools time and again.
I once stood with my father, uncle and brother, at the Isandlwana Battle Field, British suffered the biggest defeat ever, and there was an old Zulu Induna, who was standing at the memorial and now rendered his own account of what had happened there, in Zulu. Like all the Zulu people, he weaved this story in circular fashion, and I could hear those of his ilk, answering: "Yebo baba! And so it is!" When the Zulus tell stories, they do so from their heart and soul, and even their bodies talk! It was a very different story which emerged, from the recorded history recorded in the history books.
Fast forward, and the same Trappist monks had a monastery near Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal, and ministering to the rural Zulu tribes who lived there. During the apartheid years, Mrs. Sheila Henderson, the doyen of the Natal Museums and wife of Senator Henderson, who had a farm in that area, told me, how during the apartheid years, the army moved in and they forcefully moved the tribes off their tribal lands. While this was happening, the Trappist silently stood, lining the road, praying and the Head of the monastery said to the officer in charge: "You are forcing these people off their land, but the time will come, when they will all return, and our bells will ring again."
South Africa ended up on the brink of a civil war, when a certain Nelson Mandela was freed, and united a nation.
Said, Mrs. Henderson, we missed those bells, and indeed, now they are ringing again, the tribes have returned, the monastery has been renovated after falling to pieces as no one lived there anymore, and is now a hospice, and mission station, for the Franciscan nuns! The church has such incredible acoustics and energy and was built in total silence. I was privilege to listen to Franz Schubert's "Deutsche Messe" there performed by the Regensburg Boys Choir who were visiting South Africa with their Bishop. It was out of this world!
Yes we have been through so much here in South Africa, but through it all, the soul of the people prevail, and so it is in the rest of the world. When we truly are challenged, we can stand together as one, for in truth we are all one family, as the very soul of Africa lives within all of us too!
And so it is in the everywhere, not just here.
Even the most powerful structures on earth, which seemingly are invincible, have their foundations on shifting sands. Empires have come and gone, and now, yes, now, finally, the Divine Masterplan comes into fulfillment.
For, it is time for new arise from ashes of the old, and the new humanity, who share one vision, one calling, one soul and one heart, and where all life and life forms, live together as one, for in truth we always were one, and always are one - the rest is illusion.
I have always loved history, for it shows you the patterns, and where our deepest woundedness lies, and where we need to dissolve the wounds, in order to finally heal and create new holistic beginnings.
Just musing!
Judith Kusel
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