"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a good last few days of the year and started the new year with new positive energy and hope. The past year has not been easy, but in return we have changed, developed and learned a lot. This year we have even more to learn, that is, re-remembering the truth of who we are, why we are here and putting those truths into practice, that is, trying to live and create in this world accordingly. We hope that this year will finally see a greater amount of disclosure and the Cabal will lose even more space on this playing ground. We can expect even more new and stronger energies, activations, and cleansing, which will not only affect our physical bodies, but also our environment.

Jason Estes's new post also reveals a breakthrough. I used to have several "war - battle" dreams, then they stopped a while ago, but in the last days of the year I had 2 dreams where something "attacked" people. I had a bit of a WTF feeling when I woke up. In one of the dreams, we were in a World of Warcraft theme park, which consisted of many green fields and forests. The park staff, in order to keep the place tidy, cut the grass in this park with large automatic robotic lawnmowers and all was unique - different sizes and colours. As I was enjoying the place with my friends, an incident occurred where one of these robotic machines "attacked" a person and nothing was left of him but bones and juice. It really was like in the game when the character died. I saw what was left of it. The park staff thought it was just an isolated and unique incident, but word spread quickly among the visitors. Then we heard a scream in the distance, and then another. One incident followed another. We noticed that these robots were attacking a human target in a coordinated manner like hunters surrounding their prey on multiple sides. A robot randomly selected a target and probably it sent a coordinates or human signature to the others, and they were harmless to non targeted humans. Panic broke out in the park and I was also targeted, I felt inside me. I ran.

I knew they couldn't enter buildings, it was some kind of security protocol. I quickly ran to a nearby small wooden house and hid there. To my surprise, the door opened and a human-shaped program came in. This "robot human" smiled at me and gave a code program to these robot lawnmowers one by one so that the system would perceive them as "humans" so they could enter the buildings one by one. I quickly ran outside and sprint again. It's a good thing I have good stamina in my dreams, because I ran quite a bit in this dream. One of my friends managed to get to a car, he found me, I got in, we gathered our friends, but on the side of the road there were a lot of people who wanted to get in with us so they could leave the park unharmed. One of my friends got out to give his seat to a girl and it was really sad to see that we had to leave them there to escape.

My other dream was also quite interesting. We were on a green hilly field and there was a big castle. Everyone was picnicking in small and large groups outside, enjoying the good weather and company. Suddenly, an "island" appeared above the castle, i.e. a floating platform with weapons. I saw the many protruding gun barrels. A passenger plane was approaching us and this floating platform shot it down. We saw it catch fire and fall, leaving thick smoke behind. We also heard an explosion from the trees. Some small flying things appeared in the sky - either drones or bugs - and chaos broke out in the sky. We noticed that an attack had also started on the ground, huge snails and other bugs were flooding the hill. Everyone started running towards the castle. They attacked us, but we didn't know why or who, but we armed ourselves with old weapons like me with a katana, and others with other medieval weapons and defended this castle.

The strange thing is that I haven't watched any war or battle movies, except for the second season of Squid game and an anime series - Beastars.

Squid game is actually very interesting, because we can see what a person is capable of for the will to live or for money. In the first season, we see many twisted lives, who for some reason got into financial debt, be it gambling, lending, or fraud. The inventors of the game target such people, as they are easy targets and will do anything for money, especially if they have to play for it. While these people play for their lives and for the jackpot, the sponsors of the game get entertainment for their money, since they have already received-bought everything and have had so little joy in life that the only "thrill and pleasure" is that others play-kill-cheat for their money. They thought so and they emphasized this in the 2nd season as well, that these people are just "garbage" and that they are only doing good for society - they are cleaning up the garbage - because these people, who are at the bottom of the social ladder, are nobody and have 0 value.

It's actually a very distorted belief system that those who have money are superior and those who are at the bottom of the food chain are inferior. The cabal think so too, and in fact, they believe so too, which is probably why they kill hundreds and thousands and million of people in one operation, so that they can have more money and power. From their perspective - from above - we are just animals to be herded, exploited, kept in illusion and sacrificed at any time for their good.

In this game series, we can see many situations where people are capable of anything to survive and for the prize. We can see the manipulation on the part of the game masters, how much they can influence people's instincts - fight or flight. In the second season, new characters arrived, the loss of money through social media influence and heroism came in, sacrificing others is actually not the best tactic. Separating people into two groups - voting- was actually a "brilliant idea" from the game masters, since it was known in advance that sooner or later they would fall at each other's throats - just one more round. In fact, this series shows well what it is like when, under "pressure", the shadow self switches to full mode - for whom and why - for some to survive, and for some because of greed. Would it be lifelike? Yes, but it depends on what frequency of consciousness someone is on. It would have been possible to help each other in the games by singing Kumbaya or Love and Light and get killed while dancing happily, but such people probably wouldn't go to such a "suicide" game.

"The game will not end unless the world changes"

In fact, every life matters, if you do something, or if you not, if you are good or if you not... you are valuable and you are worthy! And why? Because of You are! Your value cannot be measured in money or any material things. You are more than that. You are everything.

In this post I would like to introduce a musician who is very talented, who creates music from scratch with everyday objects - After Cooking. What a great sound these plastic pipes have lol - it sounds clear and organic...

His shorts are also worth listening to, as they recreate some well known music in his style...

Have a nice start of the year :)  Seeya till next time :)

Jason Estes - Update - 03.01.2025


The astral war is over and now is the beginning of the Celestial Age!!! ::hugs:: ❤️

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 30.12.2024

Bankrupt the US Corporation and declare the Republic or else become Chinese slaves

You can read the full report here:


Natalia Alba - North Node entering into Pisces and the South Node into Virgo - 01.01.2025

Beloved Ones,

As we navigate this nine-transitional year, welcoming the beginning of this harmonic Cycle, many of you will start feeling the profound impact of the new cosmic initiation that has just begun for all of us. An initiation that is reinforced by the 1/1 portal, reaching its peak on the 11th of the month.

A shift also introduced by the North Node entering into Pisces and the South Node into Virgo, a transit that will help us heal emotionally, ground ourselves, and our emotions, surrender and accept what we cannot change, so we can use our vulnerability, and hence strength, to direct our empathy and compassion towards building more unity and neutral witnessing, being of service to All, as Virgo reminds us. It is about letting go, releasing, and allowing ourselves to live within divine love and grace.

These new transmissions are meant to shift the physical and light body as never before in our human history, for we are just beginning the complete transfiguration of our bodies. A process that is a lifetime one and that requires devotion, and lots of care for our bodies to experience the quantum leap necessary for us to finally leave this matrix's consciousness trap.

We just crossed the bridge into a totally new interdimensional space, and in just a few days, we have had many changes in our planetary system and personal trajectory. We had a Solar storm on New Year's Eve, anchoring the new light codes that will accompany us during this year to reinforce the universal ascension that our planet is also undergoing, as the elementals and All Forms of Consciousness are also on a long journey to ascend into their illumined Forms.

Our planet also had a new opening in the Earth's Fabrics of time and space, as many of you carrying this mission know. An opening that allows the interdimensional frequencies required to help us reactivate our multidimensionality, essential to move our Consciousness through the many God dimensions that exist, retrieving personal memories, healing, or the wisdom and healing transmissions to assist in our planetary mission.

At first, these descensions can overwhelm us, at an emotional and physical level, especially in our bone structure, and nervous system. It started a few months ago, as this is not occurring on one day, or in our human events, as it goes further than our human sense of time and human interpretations.

Many of you have been feeling pain in your joints, knees, and feet, without a medical condition. Others have noticed extreme fatigue, which can be an underlying cause of nervous system anomalies. Others have felt the profound emotional release that triggers the essential healing to start embodying these new diamond crystalline frequencies, starting the reconstruction of our light body or 12th-dimensional template.

Our care, higher understanding of what our bodies are undergoing and compassion is key to making this organic process a more peaceful one, as many tools can help us achieve a more illumined state of being.

All of you, divine harmonic channels, in your unique way, have reached the pinnacle of what we initiated just a year ago when we started the monadic reconnection needed for many of you to start the process of self-synthesis, and monadic twin integration, for those of you who brought this mission.

It is now time to rejoice, relax, and delight in the fruits of all you have planted, for this is just the beginning of all you have seeded during many years of conscious choice, effort, and dedication to your personal healing journey, and that of All.

Let us make of joy and gratitude our primordial state of being to honor God and All Creation, remaining in perfect alignment and communion with our Divine Self, and Truth.
To All of you precious souls, thank you for the love, healing, and dedication to shift an old paradigm.
May you create a wonderful Year ahead!

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Pinterest

Lee Harris - be very mindful of what is said in your presence & Wishing you a bright and peaceful 2025 - 02.01.2025

When you truly live in the mastery of connection and boundary, you'll be very mindful of what is said in your presence. For what is expressed verbally in your presence is what is in the energy field of the person you are with. So, you may have a policy of keeping your mouth shut because it's easier. But what we would like to point out to you is that many of you are expanding into a higher consciousness now. And so you will not feel good in your body if you are standing in the presence of someone else who sees things in a way that would cause disconnection for you.

It's not to judge where they're at or who they are, but if you don't express your truth with this person and you stay silent for a long time without taking any action to change this disconnection you are experiencing, you again not only do yourself a great disservice, but you also deny them the possibility of growth and change.

- From Boundaries and Connection - A Channeled Perspective MP3


Wishing you a bright and peaceful 2025, filled with love, joy, and inner growth. Thank you for being such an important part of our journey here at Lee Harris Energy. Your support and kindness truly mean the world to us, and we’re deeply grateful for each of you. As this new year unfolds, may it bring you closer to your true path and fill each moment with clarity and purpose.

Big Love from the LHE Team

Judith Kusel - The Cocreation of Wholeness, Oneness and Love - 02.01.2025

"The Cocreation of Wholeness, Oneness and Love.

I was doing a lot of research to which I was led, regarding intense insights, upgrades, and visions I had been given since before Christmas. I always like to, when I am given certain information to back it up with research, especially when I am being shown certain places on earth and the information will always come to me, and always has. This is not because I doubted the information, but because I wished to fully understand this, within the context of human history, or discernment of certain negative patterns we so often followed, not only as souls, but also as the collective. For these negative patterns, they have repeated themselves for millennia and now at last, can be dissolved. Therein lies the great blessing!

We have now stepped into an accelerated moment, when the sun discs are being released which contain immensely powerful esoteric information, activations, and indeed work with the activation of the new humanity, in the seventh dimensional state, the original state of the first paradise on earth! These come directly from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and thus from the Divine Prime Creator. The 7th Central Sun is the Sun beyond Sun, and one of the twelve original Central Suns which were first created, to which this Universe, galaxy and solar system belonged to from the very beginning. The central Sun are like great Libraries of cosmic knowledge, yet eternally One with the Prime Creator and are conscious. At this moment, the reconnection to this Central Sun is so powerful that it is changing everything and everyone to the very core.

Now, throughout the whole history of the earth (and it is far more ancient than we even have any inkling of for history has been rewritten by the conquerors so many times to suit themselves), certain patterns repeated themselves which caused the downfall and demise not only of the first paradise, but all those who rose afterwards. These are now systematically being dismantled. And this includes the collective as well as the individual soul.

We all have soul records, and we all have a certain mission to fulfill, and to which we agreed to, before we were born. We have twelve higher guides, who stay with us as souls throughout our soul journeys, whether on this planet, or elsewhere in the Universe, or Omni-Verse. We are before birth then shown what patterns we created with other souls, but also while on earth, with the collective, whether with “family” or with the collective. We were simultaneously informed about the Old Earth dissolving, and then the New Earth being born (as happened on the 5 July 2020) and the now, the New Golden Age, being anchored in. You were informed, and you shown where you greatest challenges would lie, and where you need to release and dissolve old patterns, through true forgiveness of yourself and others, and letting go of all shame, blame and guilt, but simultaneously, the soul work you would be doing in the inner planes, for our souls, do not just render highest service, in the physical planes, but all levels of our souls. Many of us are already bilocating, and doing work on multiple levels, and I know this to be true for myself. We were given this assignment, with the full knowing of what it would entail, although we knew as well, life can only be fully lived, each breathing moment, and that our own choices would ultimately then determine the outcome.

This is especially important to grasp. Nothing is ever happening, which does not serve your soul at some higher level, and how you deal with it, then determines the outcome of all else. You agreed with this, like many of us, as on the course, to gaining master as planetary logos, or even galactic logos or universal, depending on your own soul, and its infinite journeys, simultaneously and multi-dimensional.

This life is just a tiny fraction of what your soul is already doing on all levels in multi-universes! We are all cosmic souls and not earthly bound!

The more aware you become, the more you know who and what you are on soul level, and then also will remember what you need to remember, or consciously bilocate and clearly see what you are doing. There are no boundaries – boundaries are illusionary.

These old patterns will now surface at rapid rates, not only for us, but for the collective, and nowhere will this be more obvious than in the “ruling” structures, the structures on which the whole old society was built, the all the systems, pertaining to this. All need to dissolve now and will be cracked open to the very core.

Yet, remember that the ONE IS THE MANY, and MANY ARE THE ONE.

For the ONE who is open to truly letting go of all the old negative patterns, especially of fear, of pain and suffering, or judgement, self and others, and then rises in consciousness and in soul empowerment, has a ripple effect on the whole, like the hundred monkeys effect.

It takes ONE soul who has a consciousness level over seven hundred to influence millions. (Dr. David R. Hawkins: “Power vs Force).

See, now how important it is to let go. To release. More than this, to truly now step into the fullness and truth of who and what you are, as a soul, and to live it with great love, and serve with love and joy!

More than this I will not say.

Let your own higher soul self, speak, and listen. You will always be given as much as you manage at one time, and never more than that. Your whole progress is monitored by those twelve higher guides, and your own Ascended Masters, as well as those whom you choose to work with. Add to this the Divine Source, or Prime Creator, who resides within and always has, for your infinite soul is always ATONE with its Source.

Judith Kusel
Photo: @DeepDiverQ

Amanda Lorence - Update and support - 02.01.2025


Now that we have reached 02 January, I reshare excerpts from previous years sharings as well as one new additional note that is marked ‘Newly added note’. All shared so that you may observe YOUR OWN UNIQUE JOURNEYING within a huge and significant period we have come through, within the Spiral. I share to help you glance back over previous weeks and be present, observing self, during this month of January 2025.


COLLECTIVELY, we NOW enter the PASSAGEWAY PERIOD to 21 December 2024. A collective PERIOD, yet individual as per each’s own spiral, frequency, consciousness stage focus, etc …In a very lose way of putting it, I would describe this Passageway as perhaps an absolute PREPARATION PHASE and deeply magical for some. Yet it could alternatively hold mild OR major struggles for others. It truly depends on one’s own STAGE of embodiment. KEY is to know, that YOUR own CONSCIOUSNESS is always wanting to become FULLY EMBODIED with the body, and will present anything and everything to get you ON BOARD, and OUT of The PERSONALITY OVERLAY that was temporary, AND RUNNING you; a programme, you chose to experience in and by, for a temporary period, that isn’t WHAT you TRULY are. All presented individually, as the final ORGANIC phase of this YEAR draws nearer, heading to SOLSTICE, on the NIGHT of 21 December 2024.

22 DECEMBER 2024:

The 22 December LIGHT PORTAL also presents and stays OPEN for each to enter at their own time, be that this year, next year or any year. It’s a GATEWAY within a LIGHT LAYER that we each enter when we match the SAME hertz frequency that the GATEWAY itself operates at.

22 - 25 DECEMBER every year:

The standing still of Earth, ‘Time’ and of our experiential being.

NEWLY ADDED NOTE FOR 26 - 28 DECEMBER for every year:

A NEW LIGHT NODE POINT reached (as a whole) within the Spiral, of a period of ‘time’ since 26-28 December 2024, and each ONGOING YEAR from now on.

Of the possibility at one’s own divine PRE-DESIGNED timing (meaning it can now occur within the vastness of collective humanity on each one’s own particular designed year for it to occur) of being re-born. This particular ‘Re-Birth’ I am referring to (as the word is used frequently within spirituality so can be quickly misinterpreted as another type of birth) is THE RE-BIRTH STAGE after a very long stage traversing within THE HOLY TRINITY. Simultaneous to being Re-Born, your whole previous programming (that ran the human) ends. I have written of the Holy Trinity stage before which can be read again if you wish. As a side note, within the prior Holy Trinity stage and the Re-Birth stage you are completely guided within you, as well as experience it. So you will know if you are or do enter either of those stages.


23 DECEMBER 2024 - 02 JANUARY 2025:

We ALL ENTERED a type of longer CORRIDOR PERIOD that can seem of great UNKNOWING. This is natural and normal for the COLLECTIVE humanity, aligned to Mother Earth’s Spiral. The highest choice would be to allow any NOT KNOWING, be at peace with it, allow you to FLOW through it. And above all, stay PRESENT in the present moment, in order to assist your FLOW, as opposed to all and any resistance (of the mind), force (of the mind) or any outer distractions that can potentially draw you into distraction of your own journeying. Find your ease of NOT KNOWING. Or resist it, fight it, fight others, force things, and therefore create struggle, due to a lack of inner every day PRESENCE and INNER PEACE.


It’s individual for every being, but if you OBSERVE, and stay present from the date of 02 January (today), you are able to KNOW, what the December Period signified for YOU personally in terms of your spiral and your EMBODIMENT (not your personality life, personality plans or personality will). If you become aware of this, you are then able to see, in a generalised way, your POINT in your OWN Spiral and the general CONSCIOUSNESS STAGES that are to present for your Solar months and Solar year ahead of 2025.

Above all, stay gently and quietly TRUE to your own path, style, way, timings, and state of consciousness. Easily allowing all their own experiences and unique way. Because a lot will unfold in the years ahead. And the passing of ‘time’ will allow for more to be seen, understood and known more easily, one individual human being at a time, during the many years ahead.

With Love now and always,
02 January 2025

12 December 2024 and 12 December 2022

I ask apology

This is how the year ended...


Lee Harris - We get to learn who we really are & January 2025 Energy Update - 01.01.2025

One of the positive sides of an outer world in chaos is we get to learn who we really are. And, of course, who we are is changing all of the time, and that's part of the thing about being a soul in a human body. We are going to evolve all through our life. We're going to change all through our life, but you might be coming to some major ‘aha moments’ at this time in your life, in this year on the planet, that perhaps you've never had before, really getting down to the fundamentals of what matters to you, what is important to you and what is not important to you.

-Lee Harris

The message from my guides is clear: January will be unlike any we’ve experienced before. It’s a time to let go of past expectations and embrace the new with flexibility and grace. Stay open, stay nimble, and trust the flow of transformation.

Dive deeper into these themes in the full Energy Update.

Big love,


00:01 - INTRO
16:27 - FOCUS FORWARD on what you wish to create
20:02 - COSMIC and SPIRITUAL messages on overdrive
23:21 - KNOW your vibration and NOTICE that of others 

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - happy and blessed 5D 2025 - 01.01.2025


It is the Stars of the Sacred Galactic Fleets that will open the Year of 2025!
This is us!
The 144000 Diamonds of True Life!
Today is a very special day which is bringing in powerful codes of Ascension and the new beginning!
The Galactic families are ready to support each and every One for the Quantum Jump via free will!
The clock is ticking backwards!
The north/south node Axis will be taking everyone for a ride!
The Axis is fastly approaching the point of Jump!
This will be the most amazing ride of our Lives!
2025 will be nothing that we have ever experienced before!
The final doors of the clock will be opened and
will take us in, via the opposite direction
and this is something that we have been waiting and preparing for for so long!
Last night though I was planning to be at home
I was suddenly called to go up the hill of Lycabettus here in Athens in order to watch the countdown and the fireworks which I had never done before!
I followed my guidance and to my pleasant
surprise, I witnessed the most amazing messages written in the sky above Athens coming from ATHENA
and I could tell that these messages were also coming from our Galactic Sacred teams!
This was such a joyful moment and at this moment I knew in my heart that we are in for the most amazing surprises!
The skies are opening and the eathers are returning!
There isn't a bigger blessing than
being able to be at the right place at the right time!
Alignment to the flow is the most precious achievement and this is what we have been working on!
Once alignment is achieved this means that inner programming,
mental limitations and inner distortion have been consciously cleared or corrected and the individual can choose the best and highest choices and experiences possible at any given moment!
This is how the quantum field works, it gives access to many different choices according to One's inner integration, frequency and state!


5D 2025
555 11111

On December 22 2024 during our Solstice group session we received a 5D activation in the 33 vertebrae from our 5D Genitors.

This was the first ever 5D Kundalini activation of this kind as it was connected to the return of our physical 5D abilities/rights/accesses that they had removed from us during the falling.
Next, as we had been preparing for some weeks, we received also the first 5D throat transmutation which we will also continue during our next group session in January.
We are in the midst of a great physical 5D upgrade which will eventually restore our 5D bodies.

The return of Magna Mater is now allowing this unprecedented 5D restoration to begin because finally the different permissions to begin receiving back our rights has been given.
This will gradually unfold and it will be in accordance to One's state of inner integration and evolution.

It is still very early for us to truly grasp the monumental changes that this upgrade will cause to the physical body/perception/senses 
but we are already feeling the intense purification as the embodiment has begun.
But it not just the purification, 
we have now actually entered the period of the transmutation/transformation/transfiguration of the inner portals of the Kundalini and this is why this phase feels very different and we have been called to slow down and support the strong inner processes that the inner Trinity is in need for
because as you remember, in order for this to begin, the inner Trinity must come into a position of unification.

I am very happy that we will get together tomorrow, the first day of the new year with all the 144000 Diamonds of True Life 
when we will have the chance to talk about all these developments and also
perform our work and activation via the galactic portals!
We are all being prepared for the Quantum Jump and in order for us to make it 
we will have to attend and follow through certain last processes that will bring us in the right position for the jumping! 

We begin our open gathering in a few hours!
Last minute participation at 144000diamonds@gmail.com
Blessings of Galactic Resonance!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
El Moryana Anadimiana
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

Cosmic Gateway - Incoming solar storm - 01.01.2025

Happy New Year, Soul Tribe,
Welcome to 2025!
We currently have Geomagnetic Solar Storm incoming right now it's at K6 & most likely to rise a little higher!
As we are settling into the new energies, it still feels like it's taking a while to land fully!
Aside from celebrating the new year or night, you might be feeling the hangover effect from this solar storm. Increase in appetite, craving heavier foods. Feeling a little wipe, tired & restless.
You might feel a little flat, lacking energy or enthusiasm, feeling the need just to be still...
How are you feeling?
What are some of the energies you feel coming for 2025? For yourself or the collective?
Just take it easy rest when you can!

Much love
Alisha Braché

Judith Kusel - full activation of the New Golden Age - 31.12.2024

I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age, last night, even as the sun flares are releasing immense powerful sun disc which work with the crystal pyramids and the new white golden crystalline energy grids of the New Earth.

This will gain in velocity and power in the next few weeks and months.
The sun discs are downloading the new sun technologies and new energy systems for the new earth, as all energy will be free, as even the higher consciousness within us, and those who are ready to receive and utilize these are being activated.

The two higher chambers, above the King's Chamber, in the Giza pyramid are both now fully activated, and now functioning as one with the inner earth civilizations Great pyramid, Giza’s twin, fully anchoring in the Osiris and Isis energy, thus balance, harmony, oneness, and the connecting directly once again with the Great pyramid of Illumination in Sirius.
This means that we are entering the golden cosmic gates, of no return.

These activations are now at all levels of existence, at cellular, DNA and atomic levels, as we regain our true heritage, and more than this, our capacity to finally return to the state of ONE.
More solar flares will now erupt even as the pyramid energy rises in potency, so will our consciousness levels rise.

Yet the key to all consciousness lies within the full activation of the higher heart of Love, the higher throat and Alta Major chakra of truth with integrity and conscious communication, as the third eye merges with crown to fully activate the All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing.
The highest Wisdom of the Cosmic Tree of Life which Orion holds.

It opens the door through the Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway anx Solar Junction and higher chakras fully opening in next few years, to the higher wisdom of the Great Bear once again and to full access and illumination of the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

We are indeed, with the next wave of new children coming in being lifted into a totally new existence beyond our ken, even as the old gives way for the new.
This transmission works at energetic levels and directly into your soul and into the core truth of who you are in truth.
As always serving with great love and joy.
The Counsel of Twelve and Twenty-four Elders The Logoi.

Judith Kusel
Photo: @DeepDiverQ