"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - VOID/BLACK HOLE period it´s individual - 11.02.2022


As explained on video 31 January 2022, we are INDIVIDUALLY yet COLLECTIVELY in a Timeline Period that will last from 30 January for 4-6 weeks. Taking us to approximately the 2nd week in March 2022. Prior to Spring Equinox 21/22 March 2022.

This is a unique passageway period for everyone worldwide. There is no right or wrong way through. So let no one push their own mind on to you. There’s just the unique way each take their OWN STEPS through what presents to each individually. Your VERY OWN JOURNEY through this period IS your own empowerment and wonderment. It takes 4-6 weeks because it’s individual and everyone is in their version of the collective VOID/BLACK HOLE period. Even if we have friends, family, a loved one, to share experiences with or receive support from, the journey can STILL ONLY be taken by the actual individual. It’s between you and your own consciousness, YOUR own Soul, ever connected to The Source. It’s individual because EACH INDIVIDUAL HUMAN on Mother Earth holds the God Spark within them. Everything does. The ‘steps’ and choices we make during this period can’t be made for you. Or made as a result of someone else’s opinion or experiences. EVERYONE holds the God Spark. EACH CHOICE we individually make carries a FREQUENCY and so determines if we take a step forward in ‘God’s Design’, a step sideways down what I call “A branch of the Tree”, or whether we choose to simply and quietly rest a while until more is revealed to us personally. And as I’ve said before, never compare yourself to another if you find you struggle. Because we each have our own unique SINE-WAVE we traverse, whilst sharing the COLLECTIVE SINE-WAVE with Mother Earth. So whilst you may one day be experiencing a low frequency, another person will experience a high frequency, and a few days later, that OTHER PERSON will then experience being at a low point of THEIR Sine Wave, whilst you are rising up yours. So there’s nothing to compare to, no right or wrong route. Just your route to your fuller remembrance. You are more than enough, and have all that it takes, or you wouldn’t be here. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. But to just take ONE STEP at a time, one day at a time, and sometimes that is to just rest for a while, SLOW DOWN and FEEL THE FLOW that just IS. Trusting what shall reveal for YOU is perfectly timed and designed by your very own consciousness.

The power of each is to not be disempowered by any outer illusion, or others perceptions, but to trust your own. The more you go QUIET, go deeper into NO THOUGHT, the more you become the FLOW, and the more you see, hear, are shown by various ways of light data unpackaged within you and outside of you. We are ALL being GIVEN, all of the time, it’s just that the human mind can be so noisy, and can also seek of the illusion itself, when all along, it only takes INNER quietening of the mind. Become the master/observer of your own mind rather than the mind always controlling ‘you’. As Observer, detached from human mind, you hear and see the subtleties, of higher frequency REALITIES that are always all around us. Receiving light data becomes easier and this is our collective future way of interpreting the world around us and creating AS CONSCIOUSNESS fully integrated. It takes trust and patience. The more you TRUST your own consciousness (that is neutral, balanced, connected) and trust the GRAND design of God, the more you are shown because you are consciously choosing to give your energy and attention to God. So you get more. And so each become their true core nature more and more. The diversity of each as a self realised part of God.

So no need to rush, or make rash or reactive choices FROM the mind. But to slow down and hear the heart that is guiding everyone that chooses to listen to the Heart. The heart is your OWN PORTAL. And Love is the highest frequency yet Love is also of many variable OCTAVES. The more we choose Love, the more we expand into the higher octaves of Love, that leads to the experiencing of THE GREATER LOVE…that is known within you…God’s Love KNOWN. The Essence…

All Love is of God’s energy. We can choose to sustain The Greater Love, The Essence within us, which leads to ever present knowing of God within and without. You were always Safe. There was never anything to fear. All just is, and always just IS. There lies peace, IN NOT DEFINING…

We can walk these steps over the next few weeks in that EVER lasting Peace, or let the human mind run riot in all it’s forms that present within each individual personality throughout the world stage. You are not your thoughts. You are not even your personality. You are consciousness. And this incarnation takes you back to becoming CONSCIOUSNESS FIRST. Fully connected. As it always is and was. It was always you and alway there. You were always safe.

We are all walking this passageway differently, uniquely, as One. And energies will begin to surge upwards the week BEFORE Spring Equinox 21/22 March. From then we will truly feel an upward momentum. That momentum will increase individually one day at a time. It will be a turning point of continued rise, again, if Love is Chosen first, last, and in all moments. Because LOVE is the one same energy that expands us all.

These current weeks may not be easy, but everyone can do it, and it’s so worth the knowledge we each acquire within along the WAY, as we journey this profound passageway if we choose the inner quietness within this timeline of a great Void/Black Hole.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
11 February 2022

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