"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - strong energy - 11.02.2022

Dear family yes .... yes it is very strong, at this point many must be feeling dizzy, with an intense headache and toothache that does not remove with painkillers, in addition that they may be having buzzing in the ears (or pain or pressure) or hearing static energy, or as if they were underwater. Other common experiences are the nosebleed, vibration throughout the body, ears that clog and uncover, in addition to that they might be feeling the energy vibrating in the head (if they pay attention they can even recognize the patterns in which they are it moves) and most likely they have hands and feet cold and wetter than usual, besides a burning sensation in the brain, craving to sleep and as if they temporarily disconnect from reality.

At this particular moment the most important thing is that each of you live your process individually and intimate (only you can take it to the next level) so it is important that you listen to your Superior Being and your intuition because no one of us knows exactly what is it that you have to do and how to do it to satisfactorily overpower this process and occupy your true place in the world, so it is best that you avoid comparing your process with that of others because far from serving you can distract them. This is why I will focus more on personal readings and I will be less present on the page, so as not to cause them confusion or interfere with their process. You already have all the information you need, you don't need me anymore, BELIEVE in yourselves and that you know very well what's best for you now. At this moment it is just about each of you and your relationship with God (the Source, divinity or as it summed up best for each) because remembering and restoring our Union with the "Father" and the "Mother" is all that matters now. The Sun and Gaia, everything else is just circumstance. Please do not be carried away by fake news (they are going to start circulating many) that only seek to cause fear to sell more, in the comments I leave the link to the Spaceweather site so you can monitor for yourself the activity solar. Although I will not be very present (you need to feel it for yourselves to be able to incarnate it), I will come to warn you when that event we are waiting for is imminent (Amanda and I are in constant communication) or when I know that for some reason it is very necessary. I'm not "abandoning the boat", I'm encouraging you to swim for yourselves, the Sun is "waiting for you", you just need to believe that it is. Solar activity will increase and also your sensitivity to recognize the effect of light passing through you, turn UNO with that light, learn to identify and understand it 8 with the heart, not with the head" in the function of your own Experience this multidimensional reality and of that higher frequency that will shape our new reality. Need to raffle these waves by yourselves so you can feel safe and at peace the day that event happens. They need to "test" and swim because only experience can give us certainties. I've read it so many times here that I know that the vast majority already easily identify an ongoing geomagnetic storm, an activation of the Heart, an incoming wave of Cosmic Radiation and everything else I've mentioned here. TRUST AND BELIEVE in yourself because no one else can live this experience for you.

In the comments I'm going to leave the link to Spaceweather, and also a musical piece that I've been using for a couple of years and that's better for me to tune in (I don't know if it's good for you, but you don't lose anything to try). Feel a moment of the day and visualize in your third eye the burning Sun (not the Sun as we see it, work better the photos of the Sun that are green - on the wall there are several- and that come from the STEREO probe), while listening to the music vis you know that you know rise above the Earth and merge with that Sun. I don't know what effect it will have on you, but it has helped me a lot to activate the heart chakra and to increase my vibration, within the few minutes of the video.

Choose silence and ignore the external "noise" and go inside with absolute confidence that we are living an extraordinary moment for which we are already prepared.


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