"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lorie Ladd - The next 5 months and 4 steps to assist you through it (Video+Notes)

Large systems that have been in place - programs, paradigm for a very long time are dismantled. It´s like a ballon, and when it´s popped up and the air is let out of the ballon. Inside this ballon all of the consciusnesses what create the system - thoughts, emotions, beliefs, behaviors. And when this system get dismantled and the ballon starts to pop, all the consciusness starts to dissipate out into the collective and the human starts to feel all of it. And that´s why we are here warriors of the Light to alchemize - to take this very dark consciusness and shift into the light. And how? Feel it as a higher consciusness - holding higher frequencies of light - and alchemizes it. 
So the next 5 months we will watch massive amount of programs and systems collapse, pop and we gonna feel it. The unconscius people will feel more fear, more anger, more rage, more sadness, more depression, isolation, stress. And you warrior of light understands it, and you show the way.
4 steps to start to practise often as you can to hold our soverenity to be calm in the midst of chaos. That´s our role, see the truth the bigger picture, see through the matrix and assist the humans who can´t see the truth yet.
First thing that you want to feel the consciousness as you thought you are experiencing it but you are not in it. I experience fear, sadness, anger but I´m not fear, anger etc. You are allowing yourself to feel something and recognizing that you are not it. If somebody else feeling it and try to pull you into the identification of it, you just allow yourself to watch that person experience it. There´s is nothing bad or wrong to about experiencing ie. feeling the 3rd dimensional consciusness, you allow yourself to just feel it that´s how we alchemize it. So first step feel it, but you don´t identify with it. 
Step 2: you want observe it. We are in an arena, watching those ballons pop, we are feeling the consciousness what´s 3rd dimensional, so we observe ourselves and experience it. 
So first you feel it and you experiencing it, second you recognize that you are in the arena experiencing a 3rd dimensional consciousness, third you recognize that this moment in the now will pass. Nothing is stagnant. Whatever i´m feeling in another moment I may not feel. Energy always in movement, everything shifts. Whatever experiencing is going to shift - always. 
Step 4: you want to say - Who am I? This is not me. So when you exp fear, anger - feel it, experiencing it , observe the fact that is 3rd dimenional consciusness , you remember that this shall pass too, and say Who am I really. You´re a being of light in a physical form. I´m not anger,etc programs, paradigm that I have been programmed to believe I am.  I am sovereign, I´m light, I´m in form. If somebody raging, yelling front of you, recognize that this is not yours. If you have a partner in the house who angry, raging, arguing all the time and want to pull you into that - say to yourself that this is not mine, who am I. The more you remind yourself of that the safer you will feel as you stand in the arena, navigating the massively large systems what is popping and that you can´t escape - feelings = experiencing consciusness. 
You are here to show the way, not that you caught up and programmed to fall into the fear and the believe what the fear has to tell you. Those ballons what is popping try to pull you in, so stand apart, courageously feel and remember who you are.

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