AUGUST 18 2024
It is not just that the Children fell into oblivion and numbness of their own senses,
it is mainly that via constant pressure, trauma and gaslighting of the program, with no way out,
they became insane.
They lost their minds, logic, identity
and thus, connection to what is true and natural,
what is balanced.
Humanity has been suffering from I N S A N I T Y.
There is no room for health if one suffers from insanity.
Inner emotional and mental frustration and imbalance is the worst hidden enemy.
When the governing (ruling of the mind) was lost,
the human was like a ship lost in the wild sea with no one at the wheel.
The time has now come for the Living Children to take
the Wheel of their own Life in their own hands,
in order to
retrieve the ownership of themselves back.
- For the Masculine:
Through years of working with people I have noticed a very specific pattern in men,
especially those who are spiritual or men with good intentions and strong minds.
They tend to be stuck in old traditions and teachings that addressed another time and era.
By doing this,
they are avoiding the actual flow that is right here and right now which brings a true awakening and healing from all the pain, trauma, frustration, anger and misconception.
This awakening is connected to the whole human system!
It carries the code for all human functions!
This is what needs to be understood.
Without wanting to disregard the parts of the true teachings as they are timeless,
many of them were about disengaging from the emotional body, depreciation or denial of physical functions, needs,
applying control over the Self, focusing on the mind,
following a guru or Ascending master,
moving out of the body/society, focusing on one cause and
disregarding the overall meaning and story that was playing out.
We witness this especially with men who have had lifetimes practicing martial arts or participating in armies,
men who were monks, men who were members of closed religious or political groups with specific causes and missions, men who were magicians in ceremonies,
men who were following a family tradition or cause with specific orders and agendas etc.
Often we find that men were following a cause under difficult and life threatening circumstances, for protection, for honour, for power and money, for a female etc.
Often the females that were emotionally or sexually controlling men inside the program,
were infected by the dark mother and were carrying her toxic energy, driving men insane and away from their true purpose.
Under such circumstances men learned to create comfort zones of survival.
The more they distanced themselves from their truth, the more these
comfort zones became a necessity for them and they were even taught from generation to generation.
Numbness of the self became normal
as men were lacking the true code that only the true feminine energy connected to Source could give them access to.
Now things have changed,
the feminine in many has awakened and has reconnected to Source but most men are still addicted to the numbness of the old system.
This of course is changing fast
as it is the time for male to wake up,
drop the program of slavery and reconnect to the awakened female!
All these fallen stories and aspects and many many more are still active in the field of most men regardless of age
and they are connected to them via both an inner sense of worth or accomplishment and deep trauma and manipulation
which both are the biggest pieces of cheese in the traps of the fallen program!
I have to say that though the universal ideas and virtues are eternal,
the spiritual tools are different now to those of the past
because humanity is different now.
The lesson is different now.
The frequency is also different now and the wisdom from all the gathered experience is different now.
What it is being asked from men is very different now to what was asked of them in the past!
Men are now being called to wake themselves out of the program and become adult Souls.
As all the above were but programs within programs, within programs.....
that were facilitating the respective agendas of each era and the overall program too.
We do not judge the eras, the roles, the choices or the agendas but we are clearly saying that the time has come for whatever was of the program,
to be recognised and then be dropped.
This is the way that the True Identity can be retrieved again.
Self worth and honour must be disconnected from these agendas and stories of the program, whether good or bad.
The truth behind each choice within the program must be told and confessed to the Self.
True remembrance is here!
The reset is here and many men do not seem to listen
because they have been indoctrinated and stripped off of their true power for so long.
Men are being called to listen and be more mentally and emotionally flexible to allow more space for the new information.
There is so much to unlearn and remember that is beyond the program and it is connected to the actual truth of the Story!
Within the new flow of energy that is here,
men are being called to know themselves, practice self realisation
so that they can
reconnect to their true emotions and Heart essence
and begin governing (ruling) their own minds via the true Wisdom/Sophia of the Heart
without looking for acceptance from others/friends/family,
social norms and traditions that were limiting and entrapping them.
What many lack to recognise is that this was taking place because of the male's emotional need for love, recognition, purpose and honour etc.
I believe that this is still the biggest blind spot in the males,
the same for example was the different priesthoods for the females.
There will be a lot of push in the months and years ahead!
Men will be pushed to their limits in order to wake up to these facts, grow up, recognise their own inner stuck programming and fears and distortions
and listen and respond to the liberating, correcting
and empowering call from the Divine Feminine who has been showing a new way of being,
away from mind control, avoidance, shame, abuse or
submission to others, codependency and sacrificial tendencies that lead to nowhere.
This is the era of the true Sovereignty in Men in its true Essence, via Self Respect and Love!
This has nothing to do with angry reactions, fighting or retreating.
This is connected to True Self awareness and mindfulness, true presence and self appreciation.
There is a huge RECALIBRATION taking place in the inner worlds both for the masculine and the feminine.
The Masculine is called to bring Peace back
and the Feminine is called to bring Beauty back!
No martial, magical or spiritual bypassing will work
and if men insist on this,
the push will increase even more.
There is nowhere to hide!
The false comfort zone is gone.
Its place will take the true soothing and loving soul comfort
via the masculine and feminine mutual acceptance,
balance and respect.
The radiation from the inner Sun is here
and it is unveiling the closed program faster and faster,
opening the path to the revelation of the new state of Being.
The only way ahead is through therapy and true self care so that transparency and self honesty can be safely established within.
The current energies are fully in the service of men and the masculine in all!
Self confession and realisation are here.
The energies are bringing the most beautiful relief
from all the burdens of the program
and the biggest liberation that most have forgotten that it even exists, the one that comes only upon Self Love and Responsibility!
These days are so potent and full of blessed events and realisations!
The royal star Regulus, the Sun/ blue full Moon and Uranus
are helping the fallen aspects of the children to rise out of the program and into the Solar Eye of the Truth!
The Divine Mother is pushing her Children into the Light!
The Truth and remembrance is coming in from all directions!
The Star Children are still exiting the 3d family graves in the whole of the quantum!
Huge positive development!
True Love is now!

- Next,
5D Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, the 27th of August 2024
at 16:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
Take the Wheel of Life in your hands!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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