Hey Soul Tribe,
We have a triple combination happening this weekend & what feels like another distinctive timeline shift occurring!
The low pressure headaches, which started a few days ago, are one of my main incidators.
During these times, you tend to have a lot of pressure of things rising all at the same time.
Emotional, mental processing, and just generally feeling down or off can feel like a temporary disconnection or depression. It's just an overall feeling of apathy.
You might feel heaviness physically. Energetically, we are processing quite a bit right now, I see images of multiple streams of energy culminating into one singular line. So this to me, I feel like many Timeline converging into one!
This is helping support more of our Soul Energy intergrate into the one Vessel 

I've been planning around with this since Friday and a modalities that is really powerful to support this.
I'll share more later as I'm guided to start to offer this one again!
The name that was given is Infinity Soul Session it's a 3 part Session which combines regression, so going back into a previous time to help understand current circumstances & and heal just via the information.
Then, an Energy Recalibration from there with that new energy we move into a progression state, so moving forward into your future timeline to connect with that version & an Energy Recalibration occurs to attune you into that new version 

If you're interested in this session isn't available on the website, I will offer a few of these for the duration of August as we are now moving into the most pivotal time of 2024!
These sessions go for approximately 2-3 hrs, depending on how much is explored. I'm offering it at $255 AUD ~ If you're interested, please email at cosmicg8way@gmail.com with the subject Infinity Soul Session & we can go from there.
Looking forward to connecting with you
Sending much love to everyone for this weekend 

Alisha Braché
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