At the moment, there are lots of energetic overlays of deeply buried treasures & traumas that are bubbling up to the surface.
As we hold energetic imprints of what I call our Soul Linage ~ similar to ancestral Linage only this is held in our DNA It holds memories of our 'past life memories' and also hold energetic templates of our future timelines trajectory the future version of us.
So what occurs often is we are given a glimpse into our future timeline potential either through vision, dream, or higher dimensional downloads.
From then, what is needed to make that jump & leap into experiencing this... Whatever is held on a DNA Soul Linage level that's not compatible with that energy starts to go through a purification process.
This is extremely confusing, challenging, and often painful. As feelings, wounds, beliefs, and unconscious states are brought up to the surface because they need to be clear & refined before the energy of the new pathways can open up fully.
Energy is sometimes hard & tricky to navigate as our lower mind can't fully comprehend what's occurring, so our brain makes up stories that try to justify an energy that is moving through our system.
I've always said it's important to work with the energies & not over personalise the story. The mind gets fixated on. Otherwise, the energy gets stuck.
Right now, I'm seeing through my work lots of past life energy overlays occurring in people energy field, which makes it a bit of a mentality unclear place. This energy is trying to work through & release so that the new timeline can come through.
The client I work with do all the internal process work themselves to 'mulch' through these energies. I just help move that energy out so that they can be a clear vessel to access the new energy coming online available to them... just like a power hose!
Things you can ask yourself to work through these energies is...
Is what I'm feeling connect with a past life memory? How can I work on releasing this energy?
You might be surprised what comes through.
This is also playing out deeply in dream space for so many 

This is also playing out deeply in dream space for so many 

Lots of people are being called to step up into their next level of Soul growth & calling.
Be patient the next steps will appear soon 

Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché
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