AUGUST 19 2024
"For the Living Children impasses break down and solutions emerge.
New ideas and a whole world of new possibilities are here!
Where there was darkness, there will be Light.
Where there was despair, there will be joy.
Where there was stagnation, there will be flow.
What was impossible, is now possible.
Get in alignment. Trust!"
Uranus, Vesta, Pallas Athena, Chiron and Mercury are participating in this full moon!
And the White moon is on Aldebaran!
The Godly Genealogies are in the works.
What else could we ask for?
This is are really magical day!
Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus are breaking the loops and Neptune creates the spiritual pulling for people to redirect themselves back into sanity and purity with the highest possible harmony.
Upon the 888 Solar Trinity Portal,
we took the 5D Wheel of Life in our hands.
We are driving ourselves now.
This ship is found and is taking a full turn!
The Wheel is connected to the Consciousness of the Heart and the quantum reconnection and redirection
and it is up to each person to handle it according to her/his choice.
It is only those who have reached
the level of the Phoenix that can do this because the Wheels can only be moved once enough purification has been attained.
I was shown last night that right now in the sky there are many Divine keys available.
These keys are keys of Divine liberation and upgrade connected to the future,
they are opening many different inner doors and switching the physical experience to its higher paradisian version via the guidance of the Higher Self.
It is up to each individual to choose, claim and use them according to their inner knowing and ability.
This is happening naturally as we are undergoing the biggest update and redirection of reality so far!
Today's blue moon is dedicated to the Masculine within all!
This is the future being illuminated right here, right now!
Let the old melt away, the electric Twins are here! They are the masters of matter and anti-matter.
ADIOS (in/to Deus), LYRICS
"Adiós, adiós
Adios to your afternoon
Tonight I will be forever following the Colosseum moon
Into a certain room
Adiós, adiós
I'm sorry for quickly jumping into the train
I waited but no one came
You were just too late
The decision is mine
The decision is mine
So let the lesson be mine
Let the lesson be mine
The decision is mine
The decision is mine
Cause the vision is mine
The vision is mine
Adiós, adiós
Adiós to the little child in me
Who kept on blaming everyone else
Instead of facing his own defeat
After all,
why should I have any regret
If it wasn't for the mistakes I made yesterday
Where would I be by now
The decision is mine
The decision is mine
So let the lesson be mine
Let the lesson be mine
The decision is mine
The decision is mine'
Cause the vision is mine
The vision is mine......."
*Full song by the ancestral Angel Benjamin Clementine in the comments.

- Next,
5D Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, the 27th of August 2024
at 16:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
Blessings of Happiness!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
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