I have the PRE-WAVE inner energetics and the inner knowing that we will all be receiving some very STRONG and beautifully significant INCOMING ENERGIES later today. Significant once integrated I mean

Please always be aware, solar energy as well as cosmic energies are all day every day. So I’m specifically sharing about incoming energies that have NOT YET landed. I am guessing the energies I am speaking of, will LAND TO EARTH in approximately 4.5 to 5 hours from the time of this post. Approx 5-6pm UK time is my best guess
. If you can physically feel energy, you will feel the SUDDEN change to energies (frequencies and vibrations) around that approximate time.

I personally don’t go by the scientific instruments that monitor solar activity as they don’t always measure all energies. We can often have strong incoming energetics when KP, CME or Solar Flares are of low values. By attuning into energy within you, we can work with ENERGY repeatedly to become more and more sensitive (in a good way) to knowing and feeling ENERGETICS. Where our ability to physically FEEL ENERGY becomes our inner GAUGE of all ENERGIES, every day, all day.
I also FEEL, that upon landing, this set of energies, frequencies and what will be very strong VIBRATIONS, will LAND (start off) as very ELECTRIC to the CROWN then electric to the BODY. Then this will change further into DIFFERENT and complex vibrational patterns and the alternating of many frequencies (hertz). Upon landing I feel this significant set of energies will last from early Saturday evening (5-6pm UK time) AND STAY strong all through Sunday.
Just a heads up in case it helps to know. Key is always to relax and allow all the energies into your field and body without any mental mind thoughts of resistance or any physical body resistance.
It always takes, will take approximately 2-3 days to INTEGRATE into the human, any set of Incoming frequencies and incoming energetic vibrations. Once integrated, you ‘can’ then become aware WITHIN YOU, of the significance of these energies FOR YOU and YOUR path stage, on or around 20–21 August 2024.
With Love always,
17 August 2024
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