As most of you will know, Mother Earth, our Solar System and humanity is traversing within the Photon Belt. This increases the amount of LIGHT we receive AT a HIGHER frequency and of LESS DENSITY. This is why our Sun is emitting more and more LIGHT and ENERGY.
The more you choose to BE LOVE, the more LIGHT you access, open, sustain, embody AND THUS, become again. In this lifetime.
LIGHT, at higher FREQUENCY LEVELS is unseen by the human eyes, until seen (at your higher frequency state of being).
You activate your Light Body.
The more you see your Light body.
The more you work / merge with your Light Body.
The more you become your Light Body FIRST, as the superseded, more dominant way and source of you BEING in your daily life.
The more you access LIGHT DATA, from within you and outside of you that is FOR YOU. That has ALWAYS been there. Just that it was at a higher frequency level (game) to align to.
At a sustained heightened frequency state of being, you can literally PHYSICALLY FEEL your Light emanating in and around you. Due to your increased SENTIENCE. Many may ‘think’ with the mind, that LIGHT can not be physically felt. But it can. When you physically feel it, you know it can. And will go on to use that ability AS the LIGHT BODY.
Everything is made of Light. Just that in the lower frequency bandwidth of a ‘reality’ human beings were ‘born’ into, photon light is more compacted together. Of more density. So it just appears ‘solid’. Yet in truth it is all LIGHT PHOTONS, that vibrate and constantly move, just in a more limited spatial area and of slower spin. I don’t share this as academic linear knowledge as I don’t learn from the outer. I share it as an underlying truth, as for 10 years, my physical eyes see everything AS, photons of light. Everything is made of the same stuff; LIGHT. Even a dark room devoid of sunlight or artificial lights, is FILLED up completely with, photon light. I know this as I see it and can not, not see it. But when we were ‘born’ into this reality, we were TAUGHT, consistently to give a meaning AND definition to EVERY seemingly ‘solid’ object. When you drop all MEANINGS and definitions of ‘this and that’, and drop the mind’s thoughts, be the emanations of the LOVE within you, you can physically SEE with physical eyes that everything is made of Light, oscillating in a more condensed, packed density that enables for more compacted forms for the human to experience, that humans then define as ‘objects’. In the mind’s thinking mode, you only see ‘objects’ as humanity has been programmed to think and thus IDENTIFY and DEFINE that way. When we let go of ALL identities, including the human IDENTITY, we open and expand ourselves to see and BE more, OUTSIDE of human programming.
The higher the frequency, the LESS DENSITY light exists in. So Light has MORE ‘space’ around it (more about ‘space’ another time
). Photon Light with more ‘space’ around it can move more, and is AT an increased speed and spin due to being within a higher FREQUENCY ‘environment/reality/paradigm/game/illusion. Your own LIGHT BODY is less DENSE, less compacted photon light mixed with plasma. The photons of the Light Body oscillate and move at massive SPEED.

Based on nearly 8 billion unique human perceptions around the world, each person (character) is experiencing from their unique predominant yet variable and changing consciousness STATE. Thus their own mental perceptions create their experiences and limit or EXPAND their own senses. In 2019, I wrote then, that in the ‘future’ humanity would know each person by their energy first. Meaning that energy will become the DOMINANT sense of awareness regardless of any academic knowledge, or any/all words expressed outwardly. We can say that humanity IS already and will increasingly ENERGETICALLY FEEL each other more and more as humanity rises one by one in their own frequencies as we go. Yet taken a step further, what is ‘felt’ is actually the AMOUNT of LIGHT each BEING is emitting. Based on the LIGHT QUANTITY each have and can continue to embody within multi-dimensional realities here.
As more people around this world become higher frequencies, and embody more LIGHT, so their human body five senses also INCREASE in individual frequency ranges. As well as the increase to many SENTIENT abilities.
Not only can / shall humanity FEEL ENERGY far more, but the LIGHT emitted from people, shall be physically SEEN by more of humanity, with their human eyes as we go. So as not to confuse anyone here, I am not talking about auras of coloured rays within our own energy fields. This post that explains about this EVOLVING ERA, the light body and humanities ascension into the higher frequency ERA, is about light emissions via embodiment, of Golden and White light. As whether seen or unseen, it is through embodied Golden Light that alchemy (miracles) occur and are given out to increase faith. Where the embodied Golden Light is ONE WITH, the Will of the pure White Light of Source/God/The One Creator.
In truth, each are already ALL of this. And humanity can and will, over linear time, remember, via their direct experience we could label as ‘RE-EMBODIMENT’ within an experience of seeming, forgetfulness.
With Love Always,
25 August 2024
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