As Earth is going through this process of evolution from 3D into 5D, this affects the relationships that we have and why so many people are connecting with dive soul connections at this time.
3D paradigm relationships are based on a more physical perspective, we seek a partner based on things like compatibility on likes, dislikes, physical attraction, occupation, and social status, it’s a very logical process of “well he makes a decent living and can provide a good life.” or “we have so much in common” or “it just works, and we are comfortable. ”
The standard archetype as we have known boy meets girl falls in love, we work hard in our 9-5 job, we build a life, have 2.5 kids and live in a house with a white picket fence. Obviously, this is just the stereotype, but I think you get my point.
5D Society is very different. Everything works more in harmony from an energetic perspective. Therefore, relationships are compatible based on an energy or frequency match and a heart level connection. It’s the total opposite of anything logical. It’s energetic, it’s magnetic, and when in balance and harmonized it’s nothing short of magical.
So what we are witnessing now on a global level as part of this planetary shift is that people who were very happy in the most compatible 3D relationship are feeling their soul’s calling for something greater, the relationships that were built from a 3D construct are seemingly falling apart, intimacy is non-existent, the connection that once was strong is no longer there, and through this process feeling a sense of detachment, as though two people are occupying a house like roommates or almost complete strangers.
Then, one or both parties start to question, seek, and truly ask themselves “Is this what life is meant to be?” (one common scenario of million possibilities).
What happens is the process of moving out of one relationship and calling in a compatible match 5D relationship with a Twin Soul connection. This encounter is very much a fated connection as it’s already assigned before birth. This connection is intense, irrational, and emotional and has nothing logical about it. And all by the grand design.
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Would love to hear your experiences, I've noticed a substantial amount of changes happening within the relationships template in the past few months throughout my work, lots of big changes happening might not yet be fully visible yet. Big changes are incoming 

Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché
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