We are now at 5800 data points and heading up very fast there is a metaphorical eye of the needle of truth you are going to be going through one of the best ways to do this is start at the earliest age you can remember and begin to move yourself through it as things come up with this send love to and forgive this goes for things you see others doing to you aswell as things you have done to yourself or others as you do this understand that you choose to be here in this moment and you are worthy of being here don't let the noise tell you otherwise we must forgive our past and let go of it if we hope to have a future for otherwise we only build the past into the present and loop within the same dynamics and games with very low chance of growth while this time on earth may have been painful it was full of lessons embrace and apply them and be ready for what is to come

From comments:
"The next few days until the 2nd Feb, the golden era, the energies are going to be huge - you can feel the chaos ramping up daily"
Jason: "yeah with all set to happen in feb the template of it will be pretty massive + pre purge and the spikes def going to be a time of major reflection 😊"
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