Look no further, this is a recent picture of the Sun and if you pay attention to the top almost in the middle, there is a brighter glow, that glow is a M1.1 Class callout that happened a couple of hours ago, so there probably was n sense dizzy (like drunk or drugged) for a few minutes, in addition to that you may also be feeling greater activity in the Cardiac chakra that is expanding to be able to drive a greater amount of electromagnetic energy in the form of electrical impulse (or in on the way). This activation of the Cardiac chakra could have caused them since yesterday a feeling of tensions or pain in the chest, stitches in different parts of the sternon, palpitations, double heartbeat, passenger tachicardias, reflux and internal heat from the b Stomach goose down to the throat (as if they had fire inside), besides headache, ear buzzing, very tired and high sensitivity to cold. They can be emotionally sensitive and have sudden mood swings between sadness and euphoria; besides feeling nervous and feeling something big is about to happen.

If this so-called Class M1.1 has a Coronal Mass Eyeliner, in the next 72 hours we will see an increase in the KP index if nothing diverts the plasma in its trajectory. Remember that if your symptoms are very strong, it's best to go to the doctor to discard any problems that require attention. Solar activity will continue to increase as we get closer to 2025 (which is the point of maximum solar activity although apparently this cycle accelerated and that is why the Ascension process also accelerated) so we will be re every time feeding a higher amount of energy for Integrate. Stay well hydrated, trust the divine plan and fear not, all is well. 


(google translate)
My Note:
We had 4 solar flare within 24 hour
New sunspot AR2936 has rapidly grown into one of the largest active regions of young Solar Cycle 25, quadrupling in size in only 48 hours.
Big sunspot AR2936 just produced a long duration M1-class solar flare. The slowly unfolding explosion peaked at 2332 UT on Jan. 29th and may have hurled a CME toward Earth.
More info https://www.spaceweather.com
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