I receive data in many ways, one of which has been with me since 2012. I call them “Learning Dreams” as they are very different to any typical dreams we generally can have. They are succinct, clear data given to me for my PATH AWARENESS. Over the years I’ve grown to trust my “Learning Dreams” implicitly, as they ALWAYS come true, materialise into the solid living, illusionary reality of my physical world experience. These types of dreams relate SPECIFICALLY to either my own energetic divine path, or my private living life, or teachings about Energy and Source creation light designs, or they will relate to the MASS COLLECTIVE TIMELINES. However I am NEVER given dates. Some “Learning Dreams” take years to materialise into our or my reality. Some materialise into the physical plane within 24 hours. Whilst other “Learning Dreams” are yet to occur for our COLLECTIVE timelines. Since 22 September 2921, my “Learning Dreams” have incrementally increased. It’s a major communication system for me that I have learnt to now ALWAYS TRUST as they always come true. I am now receiving about 4 per month but this is EVER increasing and increasing in quantity as we go. As I emphasise to you, I am never given dates of imminence. An example: I was given a “Learning Dream” recently on 06 January and it played out within my physical reality within 20 hours.
So please just take what resonates, use your discernment, and discard the rest. 

I was told to get ‘packed’ straight away. The analogy in the dream was packing suitcases and boxes, as if moving to go on a JOURNEY. This was an ANALOGY. I understand this to mean there will be a QUICK, SUDDEN SHIFT and those that take it will take a JOURNEY energetically, esoterically, consciously so. In the dream there was LITTLE time to prepare. Again an analogy. So I feel this shift will occur without much notice. So it was a guidance to BE READY from WITHIN, to take the JOURNEY when it arrives.
In the dream I had a short amount of time to contact awakened people I knew. I witnessed myself contacting them, but they said to me they weren’t ready. Could not “PACK” in time. They explained why. So although they are doing the work, and on the awakened path, some people weren’t quite ready so choose not to take the forthcoming TIMELINE SHIFT or JOURNEY.
In the dream I also tried to connect to others. This was shown as the analogy of mobile phone texting them. They could not be reached. As their phone had NO SIGNAL. Again this is analogy, it showed they can’t be reached as they are in a different energetic space to me.
With no time left, to advise more people, I was “packed and ready” to begin the journey. This was shown in the dream as physically walking into a new unknown space. Leaving the old space behind.
I know this dream relates to 3 other “Learning Dreams” I’ve received since May 2021. It is a COLLECTIVE dream scenario. I feel the difference in this one is that it’s showing me NOW, to be prepared NOW, meaning focus on being m prepared WITHIN. Focus only on the energetic path, not the outer holographic reality, as there is LITTLE TIME and there will be LITTLE NOTICE before the shift/journey begins.
I am feeling to share this Learning Dream as it is about the COLLECTIVE and a TIMELINE SHIFT to come. Whilst I’ve had many collective dreams and timeline jump dreams, this one is different, as it’s showing me to prepare NOW.
I will continue to share Collecrive Data as we walk through 2022, one moment at a time. 

With all my Love
Amanda Love
7 January 2022
PS: Added Note: I also want to add, I feel we WILL see increased amount of control, force, anxiety, stress, distress etc PLAY OUT IN the OUTER WORLD reality as we experience a very DIFFERENT shift/journey to what we witness others experiencing. Remember the ‘Scales’ analogy I often use. All that is not highest truth, whether collectively or individually must come up to be seen, known and cleared so more may rise in their own lighted design. 

Just to share 🙏 What I personally do, is always keep an OPEN MIND. In this way, the highest outcome can materialise because we stay OPEN to all and infinite creation. The moment we think we know, or box something as a truth, we immediately LIMIT the ‘infinite possibility’ we could create as divine creators in our timeline and creation. In other words, to be AWARE of our own data, but stay open, to the vast canvas we have access to, IF we don’t stand by the human mind’s desire to put anything in its own box which will automatically limit the highest potential for all 💜🙏💚
What I mean by get ready is:
Be in presence internally WITHIN as we go about our every moment and our days. Be in that HEART and SOUL connection as much as possible now. Its ENERGETIC FREQUENCY. THE space of connection…in order to receive divine data as well as a natural space of balance, neutrality peace and harmony. It’s a space of our highest frequency being emitted to our self and all things across all dimensions. So to ‘get ready’ by staying WITHIN as much as each can, not allowing anything on the outer to distract from our state of being attained so far, or distract from our service, our orchestrated destinies 💜🙏💚
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