"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alex Myles - End of Venus Retrograde - 29.01.2022

Venus, the Planet of Love, stations direct today, after being retrograde since December 19th, however she will remain in the shadow phase until March 1st.

Over the past couple of months, since Venus entered her pre-retrograde shadow phase, we will no doubt have noticed that our entire vision of love has been shaken to the core. Our beliefs and values will have been questioned and we will likely have felt major internal shifts occurring as we realise that all that we love, believe in and dream of, may not be manifesting exactly as we hoped.

Despite how soul shattering this may feel, every single thing that has taken place is for a higher reason and it may not be until Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th that we receive full clarity. Over the next few weeks we will begin to gain fuller insight into why we have gone through this emotional rollercoaster and the reason certain things have abruptly been brought to our attention.

Relationships that have felt stuck or confusing will have been tested, and if any dynamic is unaligned we will now be wanting to take action and either break down walls and fix issues so that the love deepens or realise there is no other option but to let go and walk away.
Since this retrograde began we will have received some pretty sharp lessons, mainly surrounding who we value and whether they value us in return. We will start to see where we have created myths or illusions, focusing on our perceived potential of certain people, rather than the stark reality that all is not how we might have hoped.

We have clearly seen where we haven’t been showing up authentically, or where those we care about are emotionally unavailable, distant and not showing up for us. We will also be noticing how we have been too busy focusing on receiving love from others and have been failing to give love, attention and care to ourselves.

Relationships where we have felt insecure, confused, neglected, rejected or abandoned will have been brought to our attention and we will see that we have healing work to do so we no longer look externally for acceptance and validation.

Underlying issues with self-love, self-esteem and self-worth will have arisen so that we continue the challenging process of full acceptance and unconditional love for ourselves, and regularly start taking time out for essential self-care.

We will also be seeing where there is a need to put boundaries in place, particularly if there are unreciprocated feelings or where we have been giving far more than we have been receiving, and allowing people the opportunity to manipulate or take advantage.

Venus delivers us a reality check and helps us clearly see who is harmful for our emotional or mental health, so that we can distance from those who aren’t healthy to be around.

It is highly possible we will have looked for clarity or validation within connections that are unstable or have caused us to feel worthless or under valued. If that hasn’t been forthcoming we may now be realising we are emotionally exhausted after giving all that we can, and it is now time to burn a bridge or two.

This chapter has been incredibly heavy, particularly if we have been resistant to change rather than surrendering to Venus’ wisdom and guidance.

We have been doing a lot of deep thinking and reassessing over the past few weeks and now it is time to rest and rejuvenate our energy to allow the changes to integrate on a cellular level. We are going through a major transformation where emotional wounds are surfacing and healing, so it is vital to give extra love, compassion and kindness to ourselves during this period.

The New Moon arrives in a couple of days and it will be the turning point we need to release old, repressed and stagnant energies and fully focus on planting seeds to start anew. We will be feeling recharged and ready for new beginnings by this point, and life will suddenly switch from chaotic to harmonic almost overnight.

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