Please take what resonates and discard the rest 

Whooowee! Can you FEEL the energy within YOU? As we RISE higher in ENERGY FREQUENCY, so we witness the 3D and 4D become more of Chaos. I’ve spoken of this timeline of chaos in many videos last year. Remember, wirhin any chaos is an underlying DIVINE order, a grander design of God/Source. Not seen if immersed within a chaotic timeline or perspective. But seen as the witness to a holographic reality.
Expect more unrest, unsettled people, stressed people, and ‘fight modes’ as the energies increase. For many the human mind is finding it hard to deal with these energies, whether awakened or not. Because there is a faster and faster SPIN within our cells. The photon light we are absorbing increasingly creates the faster spin. It takes time to stabilise and adjust to it so allow everyone their own journey and ease, or lack of ease. Everything has to play out over perceived time, in order for more to awaken their own perfect way or see their own energy emission given out to ALL. Each will in time become ENERGY RESPONSIBLE. There is also much role play out there…that people may not see, and just react TO, yet it’s all designed as catalysts for the masses.
Be the calm in any storm…hold the Light. At this TIMELINE, we’re NOW not designed to immerse in ANY outer chaos, but we ARE designed to hold the higher frequencies AND…more importantly BRING IN more higher frequencies into our field, our body, mind… into Mother Earth…AS OUR SOUL, and GIVE that SOUL ENERGY OUT as energy to the whole. To ALL. The more we choose to BE higher frequency energy, the more we are GIVEN MORE energy. And so we rise more and more based on choosing the higher frequency timeline that is here. And a choice.
We each create…regardless…based on our thoughts, words, deeds, actions. We can choose to create the new or create more of the old vía our focus. If we give energy to something, it’s like saying YES to it, whether we want it or not, so we create more of it in our own reality. There are vast multiple realities. So there’s no right or wrong choice for anyone. Just choices, again and again, in every moment for every ONE. We are creating…either more polarity and division, or we are choosing to create FROM a the Unified Field, which brings in Unity, inclusivity, equality…for every Being! We are ALL creators.
The energies coming in aré mind blowing. So look after yourself with kindness and love, and look after your energetic field well. Choose what to give your energy to and how long for. In this way you can either maintain and/or expand into higher energetics that are we are here to consciously create with. Via our own expansion into more of our consciousness.
So much love, always
Amanda Lorence
27 January 2022
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