Dear family, this is the most recent image of the Sun. All the clearer regions you see are solar spots (active regions with a certain magnetic complexity that could generate an explosion - or a flare-), in the top right Here is the solar stain that generated the flare M1 Class. 1 that did have associated a Coronal Mass Eyewitness which in the next two days will cause an increase in the Kp index to 5-6, but because of the size of the mass eyewitness, the truth is that I think we will reach Kp7 if no other magnetic interaction divert his path. In addition, in the last 24 hours there have been 5 significant Class C calls, but the reality is that the general activity of the solar spots has not decreased in the last 48 hours.

In addition to the sensations you may be having in the Heart Chakra, for a few hours you might also be feeling gastritis, burning and/or pain in the mouth of the stomach, pain in the teeth and bones, a lot of fatigue, dryness in the eyes and all the mucus of the body, difficulty to focus, circulatory problems (the veins may be slightly bulged, have eye spills, or even may see your veins more blue and fatter than normal), it is also common to change color on the skin (as if there were bronze ado because we are exposed to higher radiation solar although we do not see it in the form of light, as it happens in the tanning beds), and we can have insomnia (the glandula that seizes the sleep hormone "believe" that is daytime and does not produce it the same), intranquility and irritability. Generally, there may be a complete hormonal disorder because our glands and their functions are governed by the amount of electromagnetic energy we receive from the Sun. 

The quantum (subatomic) effect of this phenomenon is that solar particles (mostly protons) adhere to the electrons of our atoms and move them causing greater agitation in them, or greater vibration. By increasing our vibration we become a state of energy closer to the frequency of the wave than the particle and that is why our Consciousness expands, our thoughts materialize faster and our emotions they step up. The expansion of our Consciousness makes it easier for us to understand more (because we experience three-dimensional reality from a higher perspective, as if we saw a playwork from the stage and not from the front row), and by increasing our layer city to understand what we define as “possible” increases exponentially. Our thoughts and our emotions are energy in the form of a wave, and these waves travel through space with greater ease and speed because the "external environment" is more compatible with them, that is why our thoughts are m landing faster and we can feel ours magnified emotions just like each other's emotions. We have always been able to communicate telepathically between ourselves and even with other species, the problem is that the message wasn't arriving so easily and not so fast because the media wasn't making it easier. Now until we can "mount" on WiFi communications signals to communicate between each other without having to have an electronic device through, you just need to know how to choose the router that has less resistance. And of course, believe it... because I assure you that many of you hold telepathic conversations with other people and ignore them or throw them away thinking it's just your imagination. 

One of the most transcendent effects of this process we are experiencing is the union of our Mind with our Heart. In the binary polarized system we live in (still, but it’s just that system that’s crumbling down due to frequency incompatibility), the Heart moved to the background because we were conditioned to “defend” for everything and everyone. Ever since we were taught to compete in schools they divided us and made us believe there is never enough for everyone. The vibrational frequency of our heart, and the frequency it creates through our heartbeat is more compatible with the increased vibration we are experiencing now (have you ever wondered why heart cancer is extremely rare? ) and that's why we're reminding that we're not really here to destroy each other. "Waking up" is realizing that the tale told by the conscious rational mind is a mechanism of defense with which we were conditioned to defend ourselves from aggressions that actually don't exist. When we remember this, we flow again with the Universe because the limits of separation, and what we believe "impossible" disappear. Trust the divine plan, trust yourself and also trust others, for we will all find our way back home. 


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