Dear family, for more or less 6 hours we are under the effect of a wave of incoming cosmic radiation that may be causing them prickly headaches in the head in different areas, tingling on the scalp, sensation that they ca minan insects, a head "chill" or more density on one side of the head than the other. You almost regularly feel more on the right side (where is the Silvian Fissure in the brain which is just the top of the right ear), the Crown, and the back of the head.

Regardless of the patterns that is following that energy in our physical bodies, the entry of this particular wave was very strong (look at the image, this is how cosmic rays reach us, it's a NASA recreation), so Many could have experienced some of the two most intense reactions that we can experience when we receive the first impact of these rays (because these in particular act like a laser beam and is also why it is felt more in some places than in others). One of these two reactions is the vasovagal syncope characterized by causing a decrease in heart rate (the tachycardia felt afterwards is because the heart is trying to regain its rhythm), sensation of imminent fainting, vision tunnel, dizziness, cold sweats, dizziness , nausea, feeling hot, lowering blood pressure (lasts only a few minutes). The other effect is false hypoglycemia which are: tachycardia, weakness, trembling, anxiety, excessive hunger, irritability, headache and tingling or numbness in different places of the body (can last up to 12 hours). Although it is unlikely to happen to them, they can feel a reaction this strong, plus they can also feel like they are moving in slow motion or that they are not in control of their body. 

On a mental level, these waves of cosmic radiation can cause you to feel like you’re “going crazy” (because new neural connections are activated due to increased “electricity”), but also a lot of epiphanies and discharges of information, as well as the inner certainty of feeling a connection with a force superior, in addition they could also have vivid or lucid dreams, and even have visions (last only a few seconds and are like short scenes that pass through your mind without knowing where they came from and without being thinking or elaborating for yourselves) of your future or of previous incarnations.
The most important thing, if you happen to have a reaction this strong, is to stay calm and be aware that it is only energy and that your body will recover. Either way, if you feel that your symptoms are very strong or increasing in intensity, it is never too late to check them out by a doctor to make sure everything is well (whether you choose to pursue treatment or not, have the ce make sure everything is fine it will help them stay calm). Drink water, rest and sleep as much as you can. This too will pass. 


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