"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Natural remedies & new Super Sun Children - 03.12.2024

I just want to share with you, that with the New Earth going back to nature and natural remedies, is the highest way. As our lightbodies sctivate more and more, our bodies are getting more sensitive and react to chemicals and unnatural treatments.

I have grown up in a family which always used homeopathy and old home remedies, for I come from a pioneering family, who had to learn to survive in Africa.

Yet, a few years ago when contracting severe pneumonia and having five near-death experienced and being overfed with anti-biotics, I have been forced to look for alternatives. I have always followed my intuitive knowing, in this regard.

However, I want to share with you two natural remedies I have found work wonders, and what is so beautiful, is that they are in your home, and indeed always readily available.

The first one is grated potatoes, on all sprains or places were swelling occurs. Simply grate the potatoes and then put a bandage around it and sleep with it at night! It works like magic.

Another natural remedy, for swelling etc. are cabbage leaves: just simply use a potato masher to bruise the leaves and then use a bandage - not only does the swelling go down like magic, but it pulls out whatever causes inflammation as well.

Thirdly, I found a natural Bee ointment which finally helped me in amazing ways, and it just shows you, that Mother Nature has immense powerful healing abilities - and all is there to assist us in beautiful healing ways!

We will go back to the natural, not only with plant remedies but indeed energetic healing and healing with sound and light frequencies and vibrations.


A deep reminder that we are here, as souls to now fully step into our highest soul purpose and mission, with love and joy, as we agreed to do before we were born, and have been prepared for, for thousands, and for some, millions of earth years ago.

We knew this before we came and we so wanted to be here, to experience the miracle of the birth of the earth, the transfiguring into the new Solar Lightbody and total rebirth into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.

I was taken in my soul state, to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and I was connecting to thousands of souls, the new Super Sun Children, who are waiting to be born, and it was profound. New souls who never had been on earth before, and were very pure. I was asked, like all of us, to prepare the way for these new children now, in the highest degrees. With can only do this, with pure hearts filled with Divine Love, pure intention to become their surrogate (non-physical) parents as well here on earth, at heart and soul level, and prepare the sacred space for them, with love. Please hold this vision, form sacred circles of light and love, so that they will feel themselves loved and welcomed in the New Earth and the New Golden Age.

More than this the ascension energies have escalated and a totally new way of life and living emerging. Allow yourself the sacred space to assimilate this as these are now 7th to 9th dimensional and lifting us higher than ever before.

Ask for a 100% activation of your higher heart, yet know it will open all new possibilities such as never known on this earth before as it is the New Golden Age being anchored in.
Become Divine Love in thought, word and deed.

Photo: All credit to the artist.

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