"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - higher hertz ENERGY creates a FASTER SPIN at atomic levels in the body and brain - 04.12.2024

I re-post below, from 3 years ago today, because as years of incoming energies have and will increase, higher hertz ENERGY creates a FASTER SPIN at atomic levels in the body and brain. Which can have an unseen side effect of increased MENTAL MIND ACTIVITY. Increased and faster thoughts of the mind. Being dominantly in the mind, instead of a ‘being state’ that arises from the heart. The mental mind can rely on outer information more and more. The mind can race from this thought to that thought and back again. If left unnoticed, the mental mind can KEEP RUNNING you, just at faster speed. When in truth, that’s the ‘character mode’, immersed within illusion even more. Faster spin is always a queue to slow down the mind, so that the mind doesn’t keep running you first. It is by dropping the mind thoughts, we can attune to and increase alignment to, Consciousness. Consciousness then becomes us more and more as the living state of being, which provides each of us individually with all the data we need in our step by step process of becoming a higher state of consciousness this lifetime. And living from that state. All the outside data in the world won’t create a higher state of consciousness. It’s achieved within you. Before the thoughts. Beyond the world, beyond the astral planes. By choosing to be beyond all creation and appearances, in The Silence, the character, programming and illusions are not present. All consciousness is. And this is what each can become, in a daily state of living, if one chooses to be. Anyone can choose this, if they choose to quieten the mind body that initially dominates the human. It all comes from within, first, before the mental mind. Whereas the mental body and subsequent programming learnt at childhood, seeks information OUTSIDE of itself FIRST, Seeks WITH the very mind that sustains it WITHIN illusion, or more illusions (games/worlds/holographic realities). Come out of the mind …Let it’s dominance go, to come home


In BEING (mode), through our day, we can experience the natural, ever existing ESSENCE energy of God. It was always and is always present everywhere. In NOT BEING (so in a forgetfulness), the ‘human’ mind is the LOUDEST tool; thus ‘suffering’ is experienced and more suffering is created by the human mind and minds of humanity in forgetfulness.
Feel the higher BEINGNESS that is ALREADY present, before and beyond your ‘thoughts’. You are NOT your thoughts.

BEING (mode) isn’t escapism, it’s you tuning in, in your WAKING every day moments, to BEING, ALIVE as YOUR consciousness. Your tuning IN to your natural state of being. An initial ‘practice’ of meditation beyond all sound and imagery can help to experience and thus know, Pure Consciousness, before all Creation. It takes you into that higher state of consciousness, which gradually, step by step, becomes you in your daily state of living here. Where LOVE never fades for a single moment. When we have become CONSCIOUSNESS FIRST, with a human body, with Soul Merged. It’s an everyday conscious experience of being, BEFORE the human character’s mind and its thoughts.

Becoming that pure consciousness, we simply KNOW, are given the keys of remembrance, to data, to CONSCIOUS CREATION, and so we begin to be and create from there. HERE, in this CONSTANT state, there is the absence of mental and emotional suffering, and the presence of Source and Source Energy, which becomes the ‘louder’ and more dominent experience and fascination, than the previous human character and character’s mind operating. Where All Love is present in all movements. This is where we JUST START, initially, to BE from, in aware wakeful connection and alignment to God’s Will. It is Oneness.

1 by 1, across humanity, our Consciousness IS just BEGINNING to TAKE OVER our entire experience. The mind’s ‘programme’ and thus ‘hold over’ is dissolving. The mind was and is but a TOOL. A processor to interpret LIGHT DATA at varying hertz frequencies (All light contains knowledge). You’ve always been consciousness. We begin to live as consciousness itself, a state of being outside of time, space and realities. But we utilise the body and brain, to create, build, share and support, from the higher octaves we be from, whilst within a physical reality this lifetime.

With Love,
Written and posted 4 December 2021
Re-Posted 4 December 2024


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