"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Humanity’s only job in this intense and unique time is to anchor LOVE - 04.11.2024

Humanity’s only job in this intense and unique time is to anchor LOVE. LOVE supports unity, compassion, empathy, respect for all life, community, and peace. Trust that with LOVE, anything out of alignment with natural law and codes of creation will be upcycled and put right… at the right time… for the highest good of all humanity. The Universe is naturally self-leveling. LOVE accelerates this balancing. You are in this leveling process now.

Fear cancels out LOVE. Fear intensifies and greatly extends human suffering. Fear breaks your connection to accessing your truth within. It breaks your connection to your spirit, ancestors, and cosmic family. As our new reality is being uplifted, your world's reality will continue to morph, change, and balance until you are perfectly aligned with new frequencies. You will need the support of your community to navagate this time.

When humanity takes positions, it creates polarization and separation. All positions are created from fear. Extreme polarization creates anger and hate, and if left unhealed, it will degrade into violence and war. Polarization cancels out LOVE. It divides the supportive communities you need to navigate this transformation. You forget you are a village, a tribe, the same ONE family on one small speck of a planet. By your choices, the following years could be either drawn out and challenging or uplifting and enlightening. It is down to either fear or love.

A major shift of an age creates a great void of unknowing as you move forward. Many of you unconsciously safeguard yourself from this unknown by taking hard, unbendable positions. This choice only creates a temporary illusion of safety. It is based on a primal reaction based on the programming of an outdated past cycle. We have compassion and love for you as you struggle to feel safe as you navigate these changing times… in a major shift in an age… in a very uncertain world. It is a massive job you have taken on.

Polarization and fear disconnect humanity from the Source of Creation, the Great Mother and Nature, and your connection to your cosmic family. The universe is preparing to open humanity’s connection with your cosmic star family. You have asked for this contact for a long time. LOVE restores your deep connection with the universe, ancient ancestors, and star family. The timeline for contact will depend on whether humanity chooses love or fear. It is as simple as that.

The Star Elders with the Great White Brotherhood,
through Aluna Joy

“The fragmented and fear-based Consciousness of people.… has often involved a very toxic “us vs. them” attitude that is obsolete and is no longer functional. It is counterproductive for us to do battle with that distorted and obsolete Consciousness. Instead, we must Transcend the illusion of separation and align our Collective I AM Presences with the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This Divine Intervention will allow us to participate in our Elections from the very highest comprehension of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.” Patricia Cota-Robles - www.eraofpeace.org

My song for the day.
Sharing this post freely with gratitude, but Donations are always appreciated. Thank you.
EGYPT for October 2025 is sold out.
ENGLAND AND CORNWALL - We have been deeply called to anchor Pillars of Golden Light on the Michael / Mary Lines that run through England and Cornwall in mid-July 2025. We are 50% booked already. https://www.alunajoy.com/ENGLAND-CORNWALL-PILGRIMAGE-2025...
Get the instant download of the Mayan Calendar for the equinox cycle 2023-24. https://www.alunajoy.com/calendars.html

Art by Illuminating Souls

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