"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - 15.07.2021


Today a pale blue COLLECTIVE PORTAL has been opened whereby we NOW can, in physical body BE, the harmonic frequencies of what we loosely describe as the ANGELIC REALM. This ‘realm’ is not apart from us ‘over there’ unless we are in a separational state. It’s potentially opened up within us, IS US, HERE.

No longer do we need to search outside of ourselves with the idea it is a realm or group of beings outside of us because one by one, we are rising our human consciousness frequencies to match those various energetic states (spaces). Many human beings came here to RE-EM-BODY, the range of Angelic energies whilst in human form. No need to search for connection to these particular frequencies in a meditation or via astral travel. People caught up in the astral planes and it’s lure WILL eventually let go of ASTRAL in order to finally MOVE past it’s LOWER FOURTH DENSITY; go past it into the fields beyond. Beyond the Astral enticements and unseen hooks and attachments picked up there. What we describe as ANGELIC is a range of particular energetic HARMONICS. We become the conscious awake vibrations of this range of frequencies and emitt them if we transverse through today’s portal that is now open, and REMAINS open to traverse through, when we have the same matching energetic frequency as said portal.

We, in waking consciousness can now give out, through conscious awareness, in VIBRATIONAL FORMS, energies of this range. Of what we called ANGELIC. We do so, by getting the HUMAN MIND out of the way. Becoming an emptied mind and vessel. It just comes through our vehicle, with heart wide open. It MOVES our body (particularly our unique ENERGETIC WINGS) in vibrational patterns, GIVING OUT those energies in Service to ALL.
You will know consciously when this happens to you when you experience this specific energy range.

So many labels used for decades within the spiritual arena will be dropped. Just phrases that served their absolute purpose awaiting this unfolding collective timeline and this massive acceleration in collective consciousness (human frequencies). Energy ability becomes far more indescribable in human words. We just DO it, GIVE IT OUT in service. Energy just is, and at such variable infinite frequencies.

Wow! So much to play for and so much more we become and expand into BEING!
Nothing can stop us now, as The Greater LOVE magnetises us together, slowly but SURELY. Bare in mind the ‘weighing scales’ I always use as metaphor. So just as we expand and rise in frequency, so the old game crumbles. AND so the LOWER 4D resistance (darker astral energies) attempt to slow down the RISE of the collective humanity. Yet…as we rise, so our energetic sensitivity increases, thus our discernment becomes much quicker and easier to see through, and navigate. Reading energy becomes INSTANT within…no brain required to work anything out. Energy just is.

Love just IS, and being it is the only frequency that expands us. It is our HEART LIGHT. Expanding us, again and again and again as we go!

So much Love to All,
Amanda Lorence
15 July 2021

PS: added note: Lol…hilarious, as NOW after today’s portal opening, the instant POEM I wrote the other day on this wall, makes total sense! It mentions WINGS a number of times. If you feel to, have a read again…as I knew it was energy coded when I wrote it, for the heightened energies to still come. One Love

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