"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Passing through the needle hole

Moment of transitioning to ′′ the other side ". From ′′ cleaning the House ′′ to subtle and ′′ passing through the needle hole ′′ to dissolving attachments, desires and hard feelings materialized in words and actions by the lower ego.
The intense Energies that entered February 23 have now integrated with the physical body to increase the conscious experience in our lives, and to trigger the energy skills coming from the Body of Light that embodies to get self-knowledge. It will be different for each one depending on the Choice made.
This evolution hits the collective field for a stay in the high resonance of Heaven (Ether) and Earth.
We have entered an energy break that may be discouraged in the next few days. Because there are work insides to be realized.
According to Elsa Farrus, ′′ starting tomorrow, until March 7, boosting us through July, we will enter the challenge of walking among opposites, deepening ourselves more than ever in the revelations of WHO WE ARE to act Integrated and Being able to dissolve beliefs about what we think is reality.
A challenge between innovation X external oppression to realize non sense and meet the Truth finding a new way of living.
Letting go the attachments, the ones we even don't know we have. And not caring about the other people's judgement about who we are anymore.
It's the opening of the door of exit from individual and collective inconsistent mental prison, to break submission to fear generated by the pandemic.
The freer you are, the more you will live in ease and realize the multidimensionality hologram that allows us to live in many ways on the same day.
It takes mental self-estimate joining the heart field to access the tools of self-knowledge.
Approaching the Higher Self will bring you a radical change of character: a true Covenant of Soul.
Meditation is key to ordering stability and being able to complement new ideas and guidelines.
And above all much discernment between the outside and what you are, about the attachments, what no longer resonates with you and what really makes you happy, expanded and free.
It's a week of building the interior house - or retirement, once again, for some.
(translation / video summary https://www.youtube.com/watch...

Vilma Capuano

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