"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alyonna Energy Update

Expect huge changes within your relationship with yourself and others. Sacral chakra clearing and reprogramming. Collapsing of karmic relationships and contracts. Being released from karmic ties and karmic reincarnations with soul families. There may be breakups withing families, siblings, marriages, friendships, relationships of all kinds - professional an personal. Those who NEED TO but haven´t made the change are being put in unpleasant situations to force them to make the change. It´s time to let go of attachments to anything that isn´t helping your growth. Embrace change and let go of fear and the old programming of your mind that is holding you back. The energies are helping you expand your consciousness - upgrade your way of thinking and to do away with thoughts, behaviors, and situations that no longer serves you. 

There is aggression, fear, anger, hurt, sadness in the air. This energy is bringing up things that will trigger you. Use these triggers to allow emotions to surface. Work with your emotions. Look at your attachments (entitlement, validations, judgments, expectations, boundaries, old beliefs, victim mindset). Cut the cords to anything that isn´t aligned with the vibration of love. Clear your mind and move on. The dark cloud hovering over you will move away when you release these triggers. The past is over. This is a new chapter. This is a new you. You are safe and you are loved dear child of light. Everything is going to be ok. 

As you evolve and transform at this time of great ascension, you may have feelings of sadness, bouts of depression, numbness, anger, the pain of a heartbreak, denial of the power within self, and basically a hollow feeling inside. The sudden rise of these feelings may upset and confuse you. Please know that this is completely normal. You are going through a rebirthing of your consciousness and what you are feeling right now ae the stages of GRIEF. You are grieving the death of the old you. You are grieving the collapsing of your old timelines. It´s ok to feel this way. That timeline was part of you for a very long time. It´s time to move on. Allow yourself to grieve Feel the emotions. Understand them. Then let it go.
"Thank you universe for all the adventures and lessons. I am now awake and ready for the net steps in this journey"

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