"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence update - OUR OWN ENERGETIC FIELD - 12.08.2022



We embody our OWN energetic FIELD a bit at a time. It is part of the path, to understand and become aware of OUR OWN energetic field. We INTEGRATE it a bit at a time as we walk that “Yellow Brick Road”. To leave one’s own ‘Field’, via many means of persuasion or fear, means either we can push ourselves into ANOTHER’S Field. Or they can push themselves into our FIELD. This can occur with innocence, or with an intent to manipulate. Either way it is an ignorance (lack of knowledge), and shall create conflict. Anti-Flow. This doesn’t need to be viewed as a ‘bad’ thing, for if the DEEP work is done afterwards, where SELF lessons can be seen, followed by revelations that CAN lead to expansions of consciousness. In order to dissolve, thus not repeat cyclical patterns of human behaviours or belief systems we dissolve. It is NEVER about the other person, as if that belief is believed, no self lesson is seen, no expansion can occur. A cyclical pattern continues. Another conflict WILL be experienced via another situation, another person or another experience in order to show us AGAIN, what needs to be dissolved within us. We don’t take certain beliefs or behaviours with us in the LIVING ascension into higher and higher consciousness frequencies. It’s always about YOU. As your consciousness IS and always has been, the CONSCIOUS CREATOR you embody, once the human personality ‘overlay’ is mastered.

At HIGHER DIMENSIONAL Lighted Designs (of Light patterns and frequencies which equal Light Laws), EACH create and experience from their VERY OWN unique FIELD. We can play with one another, share creations, yet we EACH COME from and STAY in our OWN field. As we have learnt to STAY and OPERATE and CREATE from our OWN Field. Where EACH have more conscious awareness; thus the AWAKE honouring of all others own FIELDS and life forms. There is the embodied presence within EACH of INTEGRITY. Where no harm is taken against another life form. For all is known as ONE WHOLE. ‘Harm’, a human word for being IN harmful thoughts, words and actions. For there is the embodied understanding that each word, thought and action carries it’s own denoted ENERGETIC FREQUENCY. The emission of such ONLY ultimately ‘harms’ or slows down (cycles) their own self, journey, path, scenarios, experiences. The EGO will view harming another as a moment of delusional POWER. LOVE will view the harming of another as the EMBODIED LOVE it has become, where it simply witnesses ignorance (a NOT KNOWING or lack of embodied consciousness by the one intending to cause harm). Our consciousness seeks to teach HOW OUR OWN CREATION works. In order to embody more of ITSelf and become the CONSCIOUS CREATORS. Stages of Embodiemnt include the embodiment of integrity, and self responsibility for one’s own creation. As human creation comes FROM one’s own energetic FIELD of Consciousness.


As we go, more humans will embody more and more awareness of THEIR OWN energetic FIELD. And LIVE from it, as opposed to living from the mind body. They embody knowing that Heart resonance magnetised others to them IN NATURAL FLOW, of similar resonance. Where DIS-RESONANCE attracts others into one’s FIELD, for lessions designed ONLY for the expansion into MORE of their own Consciousness, if the inner work is done.

God’s creation is perfect and IS of IT’S ESSENCE energy… LOVE. The key is to master and understand God’s creation. Where we then exit one game, after we have mastered it, to begin a new higher frequency game. Of different Light Laws. The higher we go, the more LOVE we are, hold, EMITT. For God’s Energy is what humans call “Love”. God is always wishing to expand each facet through that ALL-TIME and ALL ENCOMPASSING LOVE as ONE. Where we literally EMBODY LOVING everyone. Love is an energy that is greatly distorted, misunderstood, depleted, and is experienced as SELECTIVE BASED….until higher octaves of LOVE becometh the human life form. The Essence of God, Self Realised in human form on Earth. Heaven on Earth.

Love and harmony are the entry point baseline frequencies of what we label “5D”. Take this as a gauge to FEEL the worlds around you…beyond the words people speak. MANY shall live in 5D, and of that Lighted Design. And others will have their physical matter body of physical particles held within 5D physical form, yet operate and experience from the higher frequency octaves of 7-9D.


We are STILL in the PASSAGEWAY I’ve described in recent sharings. We will each reach OUR OWN next Light Node approximately 22 August 2022. (See last videos if you don’t know what I mean by Light Nodes). Yet as that next Light Node trajectory begins, and we begin to experience differently, we will STILL be in a type of ‘energetic holding’. Meaning, behind the scenes, our CONSCIOUSNESS is preparing us in the linear time period 22 August to 22 September 2022 for our own harvest. Autumn Equinox being the NODE POINT we each receive our OWN HARVEST, based on what we put in, sowed, tendered, nurtured in the whole of the previous EARTH / SUN CYCLE from September Equinox 2021 to September Equinox 2022. Each human harvests, based on that solar year’s service to God/One/Source/Creator. That service does not need to be AWAKENED SERVICE or ‘Spiritual’ Service’. For as explained, God’s energy is LOVE. Where many unawakened live by their HEARTS, and give by their HEARTS daily. Love IS All-INCLUSIVE. For God is ALL LOVE underlying ALL CREATION. Love is not a mind thought or idea, it is the ESSENCE of God, embodied by degrees, of The Octaves God created, to be remembered by humanity. One by one…

With Love always,
Amanda Lorence
12 August 2022

PS: I’m still predominantly offline for this Passagway so please, no private messages. Thank YOU)
(Gratitude to the unknown Artist )

"to know when we are in the descent of our OWN sine wave. As we know it’s the golden moment to seek within, prepare to dive deep, to see the gift presented that liberates us one step at a time. And then rise as the gift is seen. And never to compare yourself to another’s high moment of their own sine wave, as we each traverse our own sine waves. As each ebb and flow as well. "
"September Equinox is always the Harvest time…Mother Earths cycle is also our cycle etc. But this current Passageway potentially elevates us too as we approach our own NEXT light node of 22 August."

Passage way + sin wave explanation video


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