"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes update - 100k datapoints/hour - 29.08.2022


We are now at 100k data points per hour while this will go up it should be a slow steady increases till October meaning the major spikes are over for august keep in mind that when major influxes of information hit that extra time of meditation can be required to handle it so take these next few days to form a dedicated practice with yourself for 5-10mins of extra meditation a day to assist in finding greater balance ::hugs::

"Oct is a major change month, Nov should be an integration month and Dec we should have begun next act however everyone votes every 3 hours and all votes are equal so well see what collective decides 😊"

Natalia Alba - September more peaceful and soothing month - 29.08.2022

Beloved Ones,

We are now moving into a more peaceful and soothing month. September is a month that offers us the opportunity to stabilize our bodies and equilibrate ourselves, at all levels, as it is pivotal after a long period of embodiment. A balance that is announced by its six universal frequencies, within a six universal year.
It is a month that invites us to move inward, to pause and cease all mental noise and physical activity, to be able to listen to our soul's guidance, so we can begin the creation of a new phase. A month to restore and clear the body, and create more unity, so we can transmit this same unity into our relationships.
September, with its important alignments, will support many who are discovering their soul mission, showing them the path to fulfilling what they, deep within themselves, feel they came here to do, and begin to shine where needed.
I wish you all a wonderful September, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

More detailed article

Carta Astral 222 - M class flares - 28.08.2022

Wow! Four M Class flares in the last 24 hours

. In the image you can see (from the bottom right side) the region 3088 which has had the most activity over the last 48 hours. The interesting thing is that these 4 solar flares were generated in two parallel regions at the same time (meaning that the two regions on the same line but far apart from each other) have been erupting at almost the same time. Geomagnetic storms caused by these eruptions will begin to reach us starting tomorrow, August 29th. Since Monday 22 solar activity has had a considerable increase, so surely they have been feeling as if they were in two dimensions at once, headache or strange sensations in the head, heat rising through the chakras s or that comes out from within (like a moldy but different), vibration throughout the body, buzzing in the ears or fluttering, and gastritis or acidity caused by the excess of protons entering. It’s also possible that they woke up very thirsty and very tired despite having slept. They are also likely to feel tingling in different parts of the body as if they have poor circulation.

Pay attention to which you dream (dreams related to alien invasions, meteorite falling, receiving a key or looking for an old book, as well as being inside an elevator with people we do not know, but we can see r clearly are quite common), downloads information (a download of information is "knowing" something without following the linear deductive process of the rational mind in relation to some important issue), to confirmations, telepathic or tele-empathic experiences (feel what others feel), because nor greatly increases our ability to identify the quantum entanglement we have with everyone and everything.

Over the next two or three days our hearts will expand to receive an increased amount of electromagnetic energy so we will be experiencing a lot of activity in the heart chakra and after (before the storm comes) geomagnetics) lots of activity in the lumbar area and intestines. Drink enough water throughout the day (don't expect to feel thirsty) and get as much rest as you can.. All the information you receive is important to you. Honor your process and trust the master plan. This too will pass.


My Note:
At the moment we have a moderate geomagnetic storm - KP4

Amanda Lorence - Rainbow clouds - 28.08.2022


Please just take what resonates, and discard the rest…A difficult post to write in FEW words…
“‘Learning Dream’ 18 Aug 2022: OVERALL DIVINE DESIGN FOR COLLECTIVE: THE LIFTING OF ‘THE VEIL’ plus the Holographic Reality shall be SEEN. Individually 1 by 1 or en mass? I don’t know”.

ADDITIONAL DATA via ‘Data download’Received 26 August 2022.
See below photographs and drawing.
Initially a ‘rainbow cloud’ was seen. Later, a LARGER mass of ‘rainbow cloud” emerged where I then merged my consciousness to the light (of the cloud area). My own visual of the ‘Rainbow clouds’ altered, and after that change, the following LIGHT DATA was TRANSFERRED, unpackaged from LIGHT DATA FORM, into linear language INFORMATION to be shared:



‘Rainbow cloud’ phenomena has been on the increase throughout the world in the last 2 years. Looking back 10-20 years ago, this phenomena was more rare. It will KEEP increasing in the skies worldwide, in order for ‘The People' of the World to become accustomed, gently and gradually to seeing more division of coloured light rays at a LONG DISTANCE away from their bodies. The Divine Design is intentional. As from a DISTANCE, The People feel at ease, relaxed, comfortable at seeing ANY new phenomena and in this case, increased ‘rainbow cloud’ phenomena WORLDWIDE.


In what we label ‘future timeline’, this phenomena of the division of coloured light rays will THEN APPEAR more CLOSELY to The People; by being shown and experiencing this UPON Mother Earth. In objects we label as ‘solid matter’. Examples would be: tree trunks, leaves, concrete, man made objects, the ground, water etc. This shall ALLOW The People to see and accustom themselves to the separation of LIGHT into RAYS, WITHIN the ‘solid’ reality. In truth, ‘solid reality’ is just a description for ‘condensed light particles’ operating at a lower hertz vibration.


They already have this scientific knowledge. The scientific community of humanity shall at that point, seek to explore SOLID MATTER ‘reasoning’ for such phenomena UPON EARTH, seen with physical eyes in all objects. Where exploration will STILL BE by scientifically the SEEKING within a SOLID REALITY of particle matter, time and space (for their answers). Seeking, as to how and why the new phenomena is occurring WITHIN the ‘solid’ world. Where the STIMULI of the FIVE senses, plus time and space belief systems, plus the temporary experience of SEPARATION from SOURCE…ADDS to the illusionary separated HUMAN experience within a CONDENSED LIGHT FIELD. Higher Hertz Vibrations allows for Higher Hertz LIGHT FIELDS to be seen and EXPERIENCED from. Where there is always more and more and more…


However, in terms of the DIVINE DESIGN, it will be but ONE EARLY STAGE of the actual ‘Lifting of the Veil’…Where the HOLOGRAPHIC REALITY is seen by all The People. As such, PHYSICAL SCIENCE shall move closer to some Quantum Theories, and Quantum Theories shall move closer to THE ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE available at higher hertz consciousness. Imagine nearly 8 Billion People simply accepting (via mass consensus) that this REALITY was always Holographic. It will become commonly accepted as the ‘new’ normal of everyday human knowledge. However, as always it shall raise even more questions for the human ‘mind’. Of HOW do we as humans experience the Holographic (illusion/mire) as so seemingly ‘REAL’? Much shall be explored by the sciences, and The People as humanity rises and rises in collective ACCUMULATIVE vibration and consensus. As more and more of the (always) EXISTING HIGHER VIBRATIONS shall be met, embodied, experienced and explored by The Collective.

I have ‘attempted’ to draw HOW objects will be seen. But easier to imagine many light layers of different colours, overlaying each object. Or imagine a psychedelic effect (often shown in movies via cinematic special effects). Where each object viewed is seen as many layers of colour simultaneously.

As I say, please just take what resonates, and discard the rest.

With Love always,
Amanda Lorence
28 August 2022

Jason Estes Update - intense spike months of the year - 28.08.2022


Coming into last week of August you've almost made it through one of the most intense spike months of the year just hang in there a bit longer there should be one or two more data point spikes this month since we are currently at 93,000 i am guessing we end month just over 100k then we get a small increase in Sept but it will be much more stable then what we have gone through and with the walkin groups completed that will also add much more stability to the game itself ::hugs::

"walkins should be done by end of August then begin their processes in the world over next few months RADICAL changes will take place"
"everyone will have their own journey into the next game the best thing we can do till Nov 18th is look at our selves and do our best to expand our inner kindness and love and let the world do the same"
"Data points dont have to be hardcore if there is no resistance"

Celia Fenn - 27th August 2022 : New Moon in Virgo

With Solar energies still swirling around, the New Moon in Virgo offers a respite and a time to focus inwards on what is asking to be created in this first part of the new time spiral.
Virgo energy is earthy and grounded, and at the New Moon still youthful and juicy urging us to celebrate newness as we begin this creation.
But, I am also being called at this time to connect with and celebrate nature in the rebirthing New Earth. As we create the New Paradise we must create a new relationship and a new compact with Nature and with the Earth herself. It is time to acknowledge the Oneness of all families on Earth with whom we share our Home.
Speaking of Home, I am getting ready to move home soon, so I may not be on FB as much for a while! Boxes are being packed and furniture being made ready for its trip to my new home near the sea.
Things are changing...abundance is manifesting.....the New Earth is here when we are ready to embrace it!
Have a wonderful New Moon everyone!
Image by Autumn Skye Art

Carta Astral 222 - we are having a lot of activity in all chakras - 24.08.2022

Dear family, this image of the Sun today (it's the latest from the STEREO probe) has me hypnotized. I don't know if it's because of the disposition of the sunspot or because there's a particularly bright spot inside the coronal hole (which is actually a cold area of the Sun). Currently we are having a lot of activity in all chakras (i.e. throughout the body) but the most common symptoms are nausea, upset stomach or gastritis, inability to eat or indigestion (even for a harmless apple), fatigue and xcessive, feeling of being in two dimensions at once and many things in the head (burn in the brain, tingling on the scalp, the feeling of having "tight buns", cold or heat, bugs walking - as if they were lice-hollow head or as if they were going to fly out), also can also feel vibrations pain all over the body and pain in the teeth. Drink plenty of water, don't be scared and get as much rest as you can. This too will pass ...

A QUICK NOTE #1934 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Holographies – are discontinued" - 23.08.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Sleepers regrouping started. Mars Sector 1. Earth still exists: Catharsis those required Ones in process… (58)
Solaris&Solaris in the Center of Diverted Activities Enlightenment. % awakened in core at 100% (not countdown).
New Waves are collapsed!
Creativities are dymatize.
Nouris Projectors support at 89% (not countdown).
Nouris Projectors reverb at 89% (not countdown).
Etheric mirroring in progress.
Virtues spread in multizones.
Holographies – are discontinued.
Larger body parasites begin to be removed. 99% (not countdown).
Attention Etnya Solaris&Vanula, The Source of Potions: Receiver of “Old Torments” ready for collect and transmutation! Support projector pointed: 99% (not countdown).
Dynamic bodies are installed and configured.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report -22.08.2022

Is someone trying to overthrow the US, the EU AND communist China?

You can read the full report here:


Natalia Alba - Healing - North Node semi-sextile Chiron - 223.08.2022

Beloved Ones,

In our quest to find and fulfill our soul's mission, we have many energies at this time, helping us to heal and begin to embody part of our mission on Earth, as the mission comes when we are prepared to master the ego self, leave an old life behind, and step into the unknown. It is now the time to heal and rise above our pain, by integrating it and letting it go from our heart and emotional centers, restoring peace, and love again.

Healing is precisely what brings us closer to our soul mission, for it is not until we have embraced and integrated our shadows, walking among them, and recognizing them as an equal part of us, that we are ready to know the Light, for this is the easiest part, of our dual journey. It is a time now of DNA healing and reconstruction, as every layer we reconnect, is wisdom regained, and an aspect of us that was taken from us, and that we are now able to reclaim.

During this time we not only have Virgo energies and other forces helping us to purify ourselves but another important planetary aspect that is going to repeat itself three times from the end of August until the end of September - North Node semi-sextile Chiron. The first one will occur at the end of the month, on August 29, the second one on September 3rd, and the third one a few days later, on September 6th. A frequency that if properly embodied, will show us what is not yet healed, and unified, for us to be able to move in the direction of our soul.

This is the catalyst that will create a massive shift in the collective, as there will be many deciding on what timeline they wish to remain, if in the old 3D or the new harmonic 5D ones. The planetary transformation will be reflected by the double, as it also occurs twice in September, Jupiter semi-square Saturn. It is when many will begin to become aware of the importance that taking responsibility has for their own creations, becoming more conscious of their power to manifest and the impact it has, as what we individually do, affect All.

We all want to be free. Free of mental slavery, free to do, be and share who we are. However, in the spur of the moment, when we are just focused on expansion, Saturn reminds us that with freedom comes respect, and responsibility as well, for there is no freedom without self-disciple and self-accountability.

There will be many who will feel confused at this time, for it is a time when all choices may be presented to us as loving and easy to navigate. This is why discernment is so important at that time when profound manipulation is taking place. When we navigate into unknown territory, we need to understand that no one or outer energy will show us the way, but our own inner compass. This is why it is so important to know ourselves before stepping into a path that will challenge us until we accept that we know nothing and that we are here just to serve Creation and evolve, as All does so too with us.

The North Node is where we are going, what we are creating with every feeling, thought, and desire, and what we are meant to fulfill if we are aligned with our soul and highest purpose. Our evolution on earth, on both a human and soul level. A future timeline, although in truth, everything is simultaneous, and occurs at the same time, can only be traversed if we are brave to leave the familiar.

On the other hand, Chiron has a very healing essence per excellence, when both co-creates, we are being invited to heal, from the present, past timeliness, or parallel ones as I prefer to call them, as when we awake our multidimensionality, and consciously and intentionally choose to heal in the present, this same healing extends to other parallels - past, and future timelines, helping us heal at all levels, in all dimensions, and all aspects of who we are.

We no longer need to dig into the past, as there is nothing there for us anymore, but to learn how to heal in the present, properly, so we are also healing what we call past selves, helping our own future generations to heal as well too. This is something that we do by activating and working with our second DNA layer, the responsible one for duality, multidimensionality, and our linear sense of time.

We are having a unique and very important, in terms of energies, summer to begin shifting old patterns and finally leave an obsolete reality behind. It is now or never when we can truly release eons of repression, limitation, and unconscious acts and begin to step into a more illumined reality.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by; She is luminous

A QUICK NOTE #1933 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Cyber attacks in the quantum environment are ceased" - 22.08.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Curators rise harmoniously.
Cyber attacks in the quantum environment are ceased.
Random chases decrease.
Cryptogamos contacting Terran branches. 87% (not countdown). Reverberation: Quick thinking and reasoning.
Time-makers divinely depart.
Line - collapse done.
Divine forestation is on the rise.
Larger plan continuations expand.
Etheric visualizations increase.
KANI in Martian assistance: Magnetic clearing in progress... 97% (not countdown)
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

Jason Estes Update - 87k datapoints and the final group of walkins is coming - 23.08.2022


Just crossed 87k data points and the final group of walkins is coming in HOT make sure to be kind to your body as it processes the immense amount of information and unlocks coming in these last few days of August also understand while we are in sprint and clean up phase we are about to get a bit of a reprieve in September from the major surges so steady as we go ::hugs::

" When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the Truth, just like you did!"

Eceti& James Gilliland - Aloha, ECETI News - 21.08.2022

As I write this newsletter, I am on a plane destined for Hawaii. A much needed sabbatical considering all the drama in the UFO community. I would caution everyone to use extreme discernment, people and things are not what they seem. There are Manchurian candidates sent into the community to create chaos, separation and division. They are very convincing at putting on a show using other people’s information and playing the victim. When found out or when their agendas are not met they attack along with the naïve saviors pulled into their webs. I am not going to mention names just observe the chaos and misdirected saviors with good intentions that follow in their wake. Observe how the posers are just repeating someone else’s information.

There are the standard shills, planned opposition and controlled narratives. It is no wonder contact has not happened with the masses or those who profess to represent the masses. Do not fall for the gossip, rumors, character assassinations or the division games. True or not it is a diversion, follow your heart and move on. We are finding out now that those professing to not partake in the drama, are often knee-deep in it.

If you are looking outside of yourself for contact, you have been diverted. The councils and fleets are here waiting for those who rise to the occasion. They are loving, joyous, heart centered beings just a thought away. There are many starseeds being initiated and activated. The planetary liberation from draconian forces, the grey alliance, the war and disease profiteers, those who have suppressed humanities evolution is well underway. The petty bickering, competition, backstabbing, betrayals and power struggles are the tools used by the dark forces in every institution. It will get you nowhere concerning contact with spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders and those based in the Inner Earth and greatly inhibit your own healing and ascension. It will also get you nowhere with those who are authentic.

The masks are coming down, the true agendas and motives will be made known. In many cases one only has to ask where the evidence is to support their claims. They are appearing regularly to the authentic. The regenerate ETs many contacted in the past are in hiding. Many were used to further their negative agendas, some still are being remotely influenced psychically or through chips and implants. The serpent beings, royal reptilians, tall greys and their deep state puppets are still influencing those who are naïve, do not clear unseen negative influences, or have ill intent and motive. Again, use discernment. They will promote AI, brain chips as fashionable, population reduction, environmental scams, scenarios such as themselves or their contacts as saviors, everyone will be beamed up, this is all an illusion so do not act. Some will say ignore the loss of life, liberty, the poverty and disease forced on humanity. Some unseen force is going to clean it all up. Ever hear the expression, “God helps those who help themselves?” Best be your own savior, become sovereign, make your own personal God/Creator/Great spirit connection or contact with higher dimensional beings.

Many ask where do I start? Start with self. The tools and techniques are free on the website www.eceti.org under the healing section . The Self Mastery classes are uploaded on Eceti TV. Learn how to heal unseen negative influences, clear the wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences, find spiritual practices that work for you, most important get out in nature, take your shoes off. Be discerning when selecting a counselor again, not all can do what they claim. Find those with a good track record.

Nothing is hidden with spiritually advanced beings. Everyone’s spiritual adeptness, true agenda and motives are known. Finding authentic people in the UFO community with pure intentions and motives is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It has become political. Just an observation after almost 40 years in the field. Many started out with good intentions, many in the field have to up their game. There will always be those that continue to deceive the masses for notoriety and financial gain. Unfortunately, those at the top got there through making concessions to those controlling the narrative willfully or in ignorance. If you follow those controlling the narrative to the top you will find evil beyond imagination and practices many in denial cannot even fathom.

If you have chosen the main stream media, many of the internet or cable shows to form your be “lie” f s concerning off world visitors most likely you have been misinformed. Most are deceptive and entertainment only. It is by design. In the days to come it is imperative to develop your own inner sensitivity, self-mastery, and learn how to heal unseen negative influences. Stay out of the power struggles, character assassinations, gossip and rumors and make your own contact. Again those who are not authentic will use these newsletters as their own information parroting them almost verbatim to give themselves false credibility. It is not about empowering the individual, it is about gathering followers and those who gather followers are networking for low level or regenerate ETs. Look behind the veil. What is being presented is often not what is seen. Ignore the words and feel the soul and the intention of the one delivering the message.

This newsletter is a two-edged sword and covers both sides of the coin. It is imperative to step out of the chaos and drama if you are going to ascend or make contact. It does not mean giving evil free reign, it means setting boundaries, choosing not to participate, practicing loving detachment saying what needs to be said and doing what needs to be done staying the course. ECETI has followed this path for almost 40 years, the contacts and ships have been documented with multiple eyewitnesses, photos and videos. There have been too many to document spontaneous healings and beneficial initiations and contacts. Despite this there are always the posers, those who want to make a name for themselves, those driven by ego, those of ill intent, those willingly or in ignorance driven by darker forces constantly slinging their own mud not willing to look at a basic principle. When you point a finger at another there are usually three pointing back. There is a long list of people who came to ECETI with personal agendas and when those agendas were not fulfilled just as the victims they became the persecutors. They are gathering their wagons as we speak yet we have weathered many a storm. Do not worry we are protected and after years of this we don’t take it personal. We are like a giant rock, still here while the mud slingers and the ego driven have faced away into obscurity. What we find odd is even when it is made incredibly clear even by those who started the gossip and rumors there was no merit there have been no apologies yet the very same people want to jump on the ECETI band wagon due to the monumental increase in UFO activity. If one is of any moral integrity and believe the rumors they would have nothing to do with ECETI yet here they are trying to jump on the band wagon and use our photos, videos and information. We are all about forgiveness yet trust is earned and betraying that trust closes the gate.

That and the other aforementioned information is why we at ECETI are doing our own thing. We have seen the benefits of our service to others over the years. How can anyone with a “Soul or God connection,” do otherwise? Which also begs the question how can anyone with a “Soul or God connection,” not see through the true motives and intentions of those creating the problems. Over the years we have seen it all. Unfortunately, it is getting harder and harder to put on conferences with speakers with impeccable integrity coming from the heart in service to Humanity and the Earth. It is said there with be two of the city and one of the family. I believe they were referring to spiritual family. I believe in these trying times that ratio has gone out the window. We will leave with three questions. Are you creating Heaven on Earth? What do you have to show for it? Are you ready to try something different? God/Creator/Great Spirit and the benevolent multidimensional universe and those inhabiting it are waiting for the answer and the action. People ask, why did you make the T-shirt? I am not your father, your mother or your x lover, I am just sitting here. Now you know. It might also explain why I never answer my phone. Especially if I do not know you. We have bigger fish to fry, those with open minds loving hearts and pure intentions to assist. Those that are ready and open to the awakening and healing process. We don’t have the luxury of the drama. If you plan on ascending neither do you.

Be well, be happy, be of service,

James Gilliland www.eceti.org

A QUICK NOTE #1932 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Density keeps subtilizing" - 21.08.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Explorers keep falling.
Density keeps subtilizing.
New programmers approach.
Moral alignments increase.
Visual fields are extended.
Black forests are lit.
Confident *Hamalayus sages keep delivering real dreams. >>> NEW BLOCKS BEING DELIVERED.
*Hamalayus seek WONDERFUL attunement of awakening Ones! Packages being sent! 92% (not coundown).
Terrans are acclaimed.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

Jason Estes - be ready to face the shadows - 22.08.2022


As we move into this next week be ready to face the shadows that came from the descent portal that closed as they are no longer welcome in this world it may be in your face quite strongly just hold the faith and enjoy the show because we are almost to the next act and its going to be glorious ::hugs::

Celia Fenn - The Blue Star Regulus and accelerated frequency post the Lions Gate - 22.08.2022

Right now the powerful and very bright blue white star Regulus is 1 degree from the Sun as viewed from Earth. That is real close. And Regulus is not only a Royal Star but is also a huge Blue white star with a very accelerated frequency. It is affecting our Sun and it is affecting us. At this point its energy is mingling with the Sun and we are experiencing intense stellar radiation with our Sun/Solaris light.
The purpose of this annual conjunction, after the Sirius heliacal rising of the Lions Gate, is exactly to accelerate frequency in our Solar System and on the Earth.
Regulus is also the stellar home of the Light Council of Regulus and the Blue Star Lions, an advanced Family of Angelic Star Lions that work with the rising energy and evolution of Earth.
What does that mean for us?
Energy/Time is accelerating exponentially right now.
Consciousness is rising very fast, and in some cases the opposite is true, it is falling in those who cannot hold the energy in their bodies.
The Star Lions recommend that we FOCUS in LOVE as the highest frequency energy available to us.
No matter what happens in your life, be kind and be loving and be gentle (and that includes with yourself).
Try not to be triggered by the energy that spins off of others, but stay in your Heart and align with LOVE.

Amanda Lorence Updates - 19.08.2022

"best to research holographic reality or in spiritual terms the word would be ‘illusion’. I’ve covered it before but I don’t have the time to go into detail here. But to liken it to a Movie, utilising condensed light particles within designs of time and space…and disconnection from Source. So not as it appears. A projection of light and vibration…etc. We are consciousness experiencing a human vessel under many light laws that allow for the experience to SEEM real."
"this data was about a stage point in the Overall GRAND Design for the Collective. So different to personal seeing of the illusion and hologram during our individual stages."


The expected change to INCOMING ENERGIES, of light codes & vibrational patterns as described in lastest video has LITERALLY just started. To BREATHE with them, and feel… WITHIN YOU.
Remember it takes 3 solar days to integrate INCOMING ENERGIES into the physical cells. But if you physically FEEL incoming energies at the time I posted this main post, you will have noticed a SUDDEN change to the incoming vibrations and patterns. It was very sudden and delicious. Still is…I call them the ‘bliss’ energies.
It’s a marker, that the INTENSITY PERIOD we have all been IN, for a couple of weeks is now complete.

So much Love
19 August 2022

Jason Estes update - 18.08.2022


The bleed through effect from the descent timeline portal has now been patched and the portal is now closed, 10 people have made it fully into the light outside the tunnel so there is now examples that its possible its just a matter of time before everyone makes it hang in there the best is yet to come ::hugs::

Carta Astral 222 - Geomagnetic Storm - 17.08.2022

Dear family, as you surely already know, there is indeed a region of sunspots on the Sun (AR 3078) that has been having a series of Class M flares that are practically directed at us and they are the reason why it is predicted a KP index between 5, 7 (for tomorrow) and 6. Right now we are already under active geomagnetic conditions Kp4 and will continue to increase (yes, we will almost certainly reach Kp7, but we cannot be absolutely certain because there may be many factors that divert the geomagnetic storm com or coronal hole solar wind interaction). This region will continue to have explosions (called) because of its energy complexity and it is possible that in the coming days it will have a Class X flare facing our planet. Regardless of the fact that the thing is very busy, this is not that solar flare we're expecting to happen, nor is it true that these M-Class flare will be called "cannibal." Yes it's a pretty substantial wave of Solar Radiation, but nothing we haven't experienced before. So don't panic and don't fall for alarmist "news" that's just looking to get more views and go viral.

Since it will be 3 days in a row of geomagnetic storm (in case it is not diverted by the solar wind or another magnetic field that pushes it to the side, we will know if we have heart symptoms in the next few hours) it is very likely that e let's experiment a jump in the timeline individually and collectively. The truth is that I believe that these exact next 3 days will be the "official" start of that new version of ourselves already being able to embody a higher vibrational frequency (more light) through our physical bodies. Between August 21 and 22, start a New Life (or a new way of being and being in this reality) for everyone individually and as a consequence collectively.

Although they can’t clearly see those changes right now, they’ve surely had the feeling that “something is happening” or that the atmosphere is just different but they can’t explain why. You are also likely to see colored auras (such as northern aurora with eyes open or closed), flashes of white light, tiny confetti of different colors of light, trees and plants as if they were in HD and feeling as if were standing under a tower of high electrical voltage. It is also normal for them to feel burning or pain in parts of the head, to have difficulty focusing, and to feel dry or irritated eyes. Because of the excess radiation due to solar flares, we can feel upset stomach, have gastritis (with excess gases), reflux or acidity, and inability to digest any kind of food. The feeling of having the body electrified is because our nervous system is trying to drive a greater amount of electricity and excess thirst is because our body uses the water it has to be able to complete the adaptation process moving on to a higher vibration. For the next 3 days you will feel like "drunk" or "drunk", and if nothing deviates the Kp7 forecasted for tomorrow we will most likely have pain in our teeth and bones. When we are under the influence of a geomagnetic storm our melatonin level decreases (that is why we can not fall asleep) and increases prolactin so it is possible that they have sensitivity or inflammation in the breast glands laughs (applies equally to all genders) and menstrual disorders. Our body has a capacity for adaptation and regeneration that we did not even imagine (it's just vibrating energy) so there's nothing to fear, the physical symptoms can be very frightening because it's something we've never felt before, but if we could see the subatomic process we would realize that it's not that serious and that it doesn't put our lives at risk.

If you get to sleep pay attention to your dreams, write down the downloads of information you have and don't hesitate the information you receive. A lot of people have been dreaming of "The Event," and this phenomenon will increase as solar activity increases. Rest as much as you can, stay well hydrated, and trust that we are only remembering (living as a physical body experience) something that actually already happened.

If anything significant happens in the next few days, I'll let you know. In the comments I'll leave the link to Spaceweather in case anyone wants to monitor the KP index and solar activity on their own. Don't let fear and unfounded "information" distract you from what really matters: the adaptation of your physical body, the expansion of your Higher Consciousness, and the opening of your Heart. Everything else is just noise.
