"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes - Disarming the Internal Skirmishes of the Mind - 06.07.2022


Disarming the Internal Skirmishes of the Mind

As we live our lives, we are bombarded with thousands of questions. Those we can’t solve tie up our attention and take up room in our minds. Often, after 48 hours, these unsolvable questions begin to become skirmishes. Much like a computer, our minds need to be de-fragmented and brought back to optimum working conditions. So, the question then becomes: “How is it a question becomes a skirmish, and how do I handle skirmishes to make room to handle questions so that someday I have a peaceful and tranquil mind?”

There are two approaches. The first approach is the most common: Shut out the noise. This is an escapist approach and leads to super sensitivity and hyperactive thoughts and a very intense life. The reason for this is because when we shut out the noise, we lose out on the ability to learn from the noise and process it. You see, the mind is a magical thing. It learns and expands with challenges. So, if we run from challenges, the mind becomes weaker. Thus the questions become skirmishes faster and faster until we are constantly at war within ourselves and have to act on that war to get it out of us to see it.

The other approach is: Face stuff as it comes up. Pause and process. This is what I call the “container approach to life.” It is often the road less traveled, as it requires personal responsibility and time. The way this approach works: Every few hours, you take five minutes to listen to the mental questions, thank them, then let them go. As you do this, your mind learns to focus on what is important to you and your path, and can eventually, naturally, let go on it’s own without the timed container.

This simple process removes over 90% of the skirmishes in the mind and allows for moments of peace and clarity to form. It’s as simple as: Every three hours, taking five minutes to listen, let go, and solve. So, ask yourself honestly, which approach do you most often take to life, and are you happy? If you’re not happy, then change something. This is your life and it’s designed to bring you awareness and skill that someday leads to happiness. So, why not take a moment and disarm some of those skirmishes and see what happens?

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