"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral222 - geomagnetic storm and timeline changes - 20.12.2021

Dear family, we are currently under active geomagnetic conditions Kp4 (increased to Kp5), although it is actually not "that much", we are living it at a time where it is all coming together: the full moon in Gemini, December 21st (Solsti cio), this moderate geomagnetic storm, an increased number of solar spots in the Sun, and a change in the timeline that has been happening over the last three days that surely has us worn out already. Timeline changes are actually an alignment with the superior version of all the possibilities on our own timeline. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept: imagine that as a result of all your previous incarnations and all the desires or thoughts generated in them, 250 were created (it's a random number) different versions of the same story written because it is encoded in the DNA), when we align with the higher version because it is the one that vibrates at the highest frequency, we cause a change in the timeline and we aim to manifest that higher version of the 250. The manifestation in this multidimensional material plane depends on our heartbeat, we manifest what we believe possible (what resonates in our hearts as Truth because it is free from the imposed conditions) and not what the rational mind tells us it can happen. Our heartbeat is the one that magnetizes and manifests a material reality (literally like a magnet) that is why we do not win the jackpot of the lottery if within us we believe that that "it will never happen, but anyway I still buy or the ticket). When the general vibrational frequency increases for everything we are receiving from outside (cosmic radiation waves, solar plasma, full moon etc) the "environment" causes our energy center to be activated in the heart, in the Third Eye and in the Crown (those energy centers we call "chakras" hold our physical bodies together because they are the result of the exchange between magnetic and electric polarities) facilitating us to deactivate the conditioning of the rational mind (where our fears reside) and thus our heart have free way to manifest the superior version of the 250 possibilities we create regarding it to our history. An unfulfilled desire in a previous incarnation is the reason we reincarnate in multidimensional material reality (I have no more proof of this than my own experience in this incarnation, but I'm sure you do too) they know it. Changes in the timeline cause a constant feeling of dizziness although it is more like that feeling we get when we get off an elevator or a boat, pressure in our head, the feeling we are in two places at the same time or what are we trying to understanding something that is happening in another "place" (as if we heard a song in the distance and could not identify it), also provoke overflowing emotions, epiphanies, synchronicities, and the inner certainty that everything is connected.
For the effect of all this together, many are having symptoms of the greatest energy purge they can remember (the energy purge is the release of the body from the conditions we are releasing ourselves from), so many have symptoms flu that is not flu, clear runny nose, lots of need to urinate or problems in the kidneys and urinary tracts, and of course stomach and intestines that seem to want to leave the body. Our body makes all this exchange of energy through the water it contains, that is why it is so important to stay well hydrated to facilitate the purification/purification process that we are experiencing now. I know it's no longer hard, but stupid, because plus you have to add anxiety attacks (the nervous system also under a lot of pressure) and inexplicable experiences (astral fluctuations, the floor sinking, the marks that appear out of nowhere in different parts of the body, the change in skin tone, telepathic communication, downloads of information, dreams where we are given "classes" etc) and therefore we have little sleep, because we are processing a lot. Keep calm and drink lots of water, this is really happening and there is no turning back (I say this for those who are doubting that this is all "real", it's normal now because the rational mind resists the paradigm shift). Trust the Divine Plan and always choose unconditional love, frequency and the higher version of your personal story (the hen family, the hen).

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