"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - Remember your Lion Heart...Courage, Power and Determination


The energy continues to be powerful and chaotic in these last days of August and the first week of Virgo season.
One of the reasons for this "after effect" of the Lions Gate transit is the strong influence of the Royal Star Regulus, also known as Alpha Leonis because it is actually part of Leo but is temporarily in Virgo at the moment.
Regulus is huge and very high frequency. It's pulsations work to accelerate Earth frequency.
This acceleration is felt in nature and in our bodies.
The Sun is going a little crazy with solar flares...and on Earth extreme weather, fires, floods and hurricanes are part of what we are experiencing on the Planet.
We feel it in our bodies, with "surges" of electrical energy and feelings of anxiety. Especially if we are sensitive and empathic. We may struggle to sleep, or keep getting woken up at 2 or 3 AM.
We may also pick up the fear and anxiety in the collective that is also being accelerated at the moment.
It will settle a little as we move into next week.
Meanwhile, we can do our part to help to settle energies by remaining calm and peaceful, as much as is possible.
I find staying home in my peaceful environment as much as possible right now to be a good idea.
This is the time when we can unfurl our Angel Wings and exercise the power of the Energy Master.
Many of us have spent years working towards this moment. Now is not the time to falter or collapse. We are holding energy for the New Earth and helping a new timeline to birth and emerge.
It is the time to align your high frequency Lion Heart with the high frequency pulsations of Regulus and simply Shine!


Well, I have been lying low for the past few days because I have been struggling a bit with the collective energy.
It is so angry! Swirling and deep!
Something is about to blow and the long expected "tipping point`' may be close.
With Uranus in Taurus, some kind of explosive situation may be brewing that is about to emerge, or maybe several flash points simultaneously!
We are on the way, everyone, and life will never be as we knew it before.
What emerges now, for each one of us, depends on how we hold our focus, our inner peace and our strength of Heart and Mind.
Flow with the Divine Feminine, we cannot resist the change, it is inevitable. If we simply trust and allow while holding our integrity and sovereignty, we will be protected and we will hold the New Earth timeline.
Remember your Lion Heart...Courage, Power and Determination.
You are powerful...more than you know.
It is time to stand in that power. Remember there is a difference between flowing with the currents of change, which is the action of a Master, and being dragged into a vortex of anger and rage, which is the way of those who are not conscious of their ability to choose and create as they flow with the energies.
I wish you a peaceful and calm week-end!
I wish you wise and happy choices!
Love to everyone!

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