"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Tarot by Janine

In these turbulent times, we want to get as much information as possible about what is happening around us, in the background, what is true and what is not. Everyone seeks the truth differently, there are those who rely only on facts and real intels, and there are those who do this in other "supernatural" ways. It is best when both reinforce or complement the other. And of course listen to your "gut", or intuition. 

I came across this channel about 1 month ago and really liked the way it combines tarot with truth seeking.  She ask the tarot in various topics like the UK royals, politicians, the Deep State, famous people (Hollywood, music industry etc.), white hats ops, titanic, aliens etc.

Her channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB5vEAVjCyAQGMWToxcsPbA


And she co-operate with YeanClaude from Beyond Mystic where they dig deep in various topics by tarot. 


Here they talk about JFK and his family etc, it was very interesting: 


If you don´t believe in Tarot then this channel not for you. 

Amanda Lorence Update - 30.04.2021


Just to give awareness:

There will be a SERIES of powerful INCOMING WAVES of energies from our Sun, over the next few days. Most likely starting evening of APRIL 30th (tonight), plus more on 1st AND 2nd MAY. Possibly into MONDAY 3rd MAY. Time reference is based on U.K. time zone.
Whilst ALL Incoming Energies are ultimately designed to increase energetic vibration within humanity and upon Mother Earth, THESE NEXT FEW DAYS of INCOMING energetic PATTERNS, pulses and VIBRATIONS (light codings) will UPLIFT. I emphasise ‘UPLIFT’ human ENERGETIC frequencies.
If relaxed, detached from the MAIA (matrix/illusion), in no resistance, and less THOUGHT forms (of the personality), you will FEEL the ECSTASY the vibrational energies WILL present. As always, any and each incoming energetic pattern (light coding) takes 3 solar days to become fully integrated into the physical cellular human body. (Photon Light codings turn into the crystalline light within our cells).
You may notice with THESE particular forthcoming energies, that many unawakened, shall AWAKEN. And show you their own ‘signs’ of their ‘awakening’.

Finally just a word of wisdom:

As with all POWERFUL incoming energies there can be the opposite play out in the illusion, to simply witness. If you get immersed in any OUTER chaos, it will temporarily lower your energetic frequency at a TIMELINE of such energetic WAVES. Remember, each here are in the process of GRADUALLY, mastering their ENERGETIC reaction to the old physical reality. In order to hold and maintain higher energetic vibrations to later create from, in Service to One.

Be ready...Up we shall go in frequency! Just relax, to feel the ecstasy of these imminent Incoming Energies.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
30 April 2021 (written morning of 30th)

(‘WAVE UPON WAVE’ Oil on Canvas. Artist: Amanda Lorence).

A QUICK NOTE #1666 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Terrans in biological ascending" - 29.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Required acceleration is activated.
Ashtar(s) collect MiD plans for disintegrations.
Mystical revisions take place.
Elevated Sensations are observed.
Transcendental Healings continue to conclude.
Terrans in biological ascending.
Attention *HDF! Support for SPECIAL Projectors started: 62% (not countdown).
Critical mass reached.
Female Divine in anchoring.
The Solar Disc Order (Tiy's Order): SPECIAL Projector reverberation at 96% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
144 approve Jerusalem approach to Friend Island. Quantum network formed. Next: 91% (not countdown).
Neva: Necron Potential anchoring and reverberation into high potential. 94% (not countdown).
Lemurian Forces present themselves.
Tensions are decreased.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 26.04.2021

End of Empire for Davos Crowd as Pandemic Totalitarian Power Grab Implodes

You can read the full report here:


A QUICK NOTE #1665 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Visitors through the Solar Portal arrive" - 28.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Critical limits are established.
Codex establishments in completion.
Rebirths in progress.
Solar Force expands.
Visitors through the Solar Portal arrive.
Plasma sailors are captured and elevated.
Time bubbles harmonize.
*HDF: SPECIAL Projector reverberation: 62% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
*TEC1 + harmonization are started. 82% (not countdown).
Attention Eliar-Flours, The Artist! Master COLLECTOR projector pointed. -% +++! Eleven ethics reached. 92% (not countdown).
*ATP +++ Eleven: Projection at 67% (not countdown).
*ATP +++ Eleven: Reverberation at 67% (not countdown).
Attention, The Solar Disc Order (Order of Tiy)! SPECIAL Projector support started: 96% (not coutdownn).
Future is unified.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update and The Path ahead video - 27.04.2021

Tomorrow is an 11pt brain influx this will be a very strong highlight towards your fears and insecurities related to the misunderstandings of self keep in mind everything may seem about 90% more intense then usual even things that usually wouldn't bother you may seem to get under your skin this is totally normal and the best approach is pause before speaking and get centered then see if you need to speak its only 24 hours but the effects will last a lifetime so pay attention to what comes up for you and do your best then forgive the rest ::hugs::

Will be headed off to the event so wont be on facebook for afew days, while im gone we will be having our first ever Insight influxes which will lead us in a new way towards home so enjoy the ride everyone back in afew days ❤ ::hugs:: 😊 

It´s a very good video from Jason and Todd Medina about this and the upcoming times

A QUICK NOTE #1664 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Discontinuations of old continue" - 27.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Rebirths continue to take place.
Deep catharses are started.
Divine Reflections increase.
Discontinuations of old continue.
Divine Installations are established.
Interior shelters expand.
Healing phases are extended.
Unnecessary searches are stopped.
Neva Attention: Specific Arcturians doors are updated. Code 112.
Attention +++ DhaborosAFR! Support for Projector for Enlightenment started: 72% (not countdown).
+++ DhaborosAFR: Line enlightenment in progress: 71% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
+++ DhaborosAFR HIGHER REVERBERATION at 71% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
* Silver Dragons in support and reverberation at 82% (not countdown).
* OSECCT: Pleiadians performances and reverberations in progress. 72% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1663 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "MiD pursuits decrease as DIVINE SUN expands" - 26.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Expanding forces keep coming.
Cycles completion in progress.
Devic restorations in progress.
Christlike Harmonization increases.
Enchanted Worlds show themselves.
MiD pursuits decrease as DIVINE SUN expands.
Attention +++ DhaborosAFR! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 72% (not countdown).
+++ DhaborosAFR: Line enlightenment in progress: 71% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
+++ DhaborosAFR HIGHER REVERBERATION: 71% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
* Silver Dragons in suport and reverberation: 82% (not countdown).
* OSECCT: Pleiadian performances and reverberations in progress. 72% (not countdown).
Attention *HDF! Support for SPECIAL Projectors started: 62% (not countdown).
Soul transitions continue.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Scorpio

The Full Moon coming up on Monday is a very special and very powerful Moon.
As a Full Moon in Scorpio (Taurus Sun) it celebrates the enlightenment of the Buddha in the festival of Wesak.
Together with the Wave of Light that is still reverberating.......the rising Full Moon will stretch us to open to wisdom and enlightenment.
In harmony with the themes of Scorpio, which include letting go and rebirthing, we may expect some sudden endings and new beginnings over this transit.
Anything that leaves now was not meant to be with you in the New Earth.
Only your Highest Good is waiting for you as you move towards the 5/5 and the passage into the New Earth as you create it day by day!
Rest, look after yourself, stay hydrated and meditate!
This is a wonderful time to be on the Planet!
Love to All.

A QUICK NOTE #1662 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Specific disprojections continue, as new is established" - 25-04-2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Conduct violators continue to be exposed.
Archetypal Forces expand.
Opportunisms- continue to be discontinued.
Árguan is still present. Dissolutions in progress.
Specific disprojections continue, as new is established.
MiD(s) continue to be notified.
Funneling continues to accelerate.
Inner environments continue their preparations.
Unconscious liberations started: 1/3 SPECIFIC LAYER >>>> 89% (not countdown).
New rhythms ascend.
Friendly temperaments spread across the realm.
Etheric Tower 1: Synchronization in multi-plans in completion: 92% (not countdown).
PVSE: +++++ Eleven. Quantum recreation started. Deep alignment authorized: 91% not countdown).
444-Local in definitive fall: infiltrations +++ started = 81% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1661 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Field changes in progress" - 24.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Metatronic Forces are established.
Neva Reinforcements are sent.
Divine Knights stand in guard for special protections.
Specific MiDs go into healing.
Multiplanes intertwine.
Transistors are present.
Special Notifications are delivered.
Living Rebirths continue.
Field changes in progress.
P1 +++ Sint Eleven Terranos >>>> 91% (not countdown).
Hermetic synchronizations started. 59% (not countdown).
Hermetic reverberations in progress. 57% (not countdown).
Transfers to *Khalthart approved. 1st wave at 89% (not countdown).
Special projectors for *MFDEleven +++ pointed and reverberant: 89% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1660 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Planetary Forces intensify for key moment" - 23.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Sacred Moments speed up.
New crystalline connectors are installed.
Specific projectors removals happen for new adjustments.
Searches incoming to a conclusion.
Planetary Forces intensify for key moment.
Neva Heals expand.
Crystalline pictures increase.
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING standards are announced. Neva support in line: 16% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING standards are announced. Neva/Terran reverb at 15% (not countdown).
Metatronic Forces inbound.
Attention, The *Star Bearers Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 27% (not countdown).
The *Star Bearers Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 27% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Expanded Divine Artistic + Revealing Movements +++ Eleven. ProjSustEleven: 34% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 22.04.2021

Tomorrow is the 11pt field influx its a massive time of clarity and reflection as for 24 hours everything will be fully highlighted for those who have done the work this is going to be a very sleepy time for those who are new to it be ready to feel at your wits end and very irritable as you will most likely be in overwhelm, keep in mind this is only 24 hours and it will pass however what you see in that 24 hours will remain with you till its released and cleared, Light of God sheets on the people places or things your attached too can assist as well as doing Programming work on the concept ill post links for both below ::hugs::

Light of God Sheet - Link

A QUICK NOTE #1659 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Air continues to be purified" - 22.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
MiD infiltrations continue to be blocked.
Crystalline patterns continue to be established.
Divine Rebirths flourish.
Air continues to be purified.
Androgyny expands.
Angelicals continue to open special crossing portals.
Galactic visibility increases.
Local Sunlight increases.
Prisons are eased.
Ashtares strengthen the field of protection for TLs.
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 8% (not countdown).
Cps - - - continue to be notified in the Árguan Council.
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 7% (not countdown).
Master descents continue as momentum approaches.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Celia Fenn - The Old is crumbling but the New is Birthing!

The wave of Angelic Sound and Light continues to reverberate in our bodies.
I do feel that it is beginning to settle a little as we begin to vibrate at the frequency of this higher tone.
It is not easy for us as we lift and expand...so much is crashing and crumbling as the world of illusion drops away.
We may be feeling pain in the body as the new frequency makes adjustments to the physical body.
We may be feeling anxious and confused as we adjust to this new soul space and its energies.
We may be feeling out of alignment with what we see in the world.
This wave of Angelic Light is cleansing and preparing us to fully enter the New Earth frequencies.
Release what is dropping away and flow with the Liquid Light of Love and Compassion.
The Old is crumbling but the New is Birthing!
Love to everyone!

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 19.04.2021

It is Payback Time for the Cabal

You can read the full report here:


A QUICK NOTE #1658 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Sirian Forces express themselves" - 21.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Elementals are approaching.
Sirian Forces express themselves.
Centaurians are coming.
Centrals are coming.
MiD escapes continue to be canceled.
Terrans called for liberations.
Healing Environment expanded.
New rebirths in life take place.
PAA+AG APPROVED. Sequences of events started. Attention supporters. Next >>> 69% (not countdown).
Crystalline looks increase.
Plastic wars ended.
Plasma’s parasites removed from a specific environment.
Ozone layers expanded.
Air purification in progress.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1657 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Transformative changes on the way" - 20.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Transformative changes on the way.
New worldviews are spreading.
Larger insights occur.
Neva dives started.
Tours to Moons authorized for expansions.
Kuiper mining enters in definitive finishes.
Cintamanis reverberated in the Grid.
The Romanian Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 79% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Archetypes resignify themselves.
Mergers N + A +++ Prol + >>>> PAA + AG Ok >>> Elevated + Events. Next >>> 67% (not countdown).
Sentries continue to raising.
Crusts are moved.
Magnetic Field is enlarged.
Divine Gold spreads.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Cosmic Energies - Mayan ascension process



There has been a very strong wave since April 17, and yesterday new eruption will bring more particles of plasma ions to the transformation of the planet and everyone who lives on it. And the Coronal Mass Ejection is due to arrive on Earth in 48 and 72 hs. As per Spaceweather.com
Schumann resonance, which records the heart pulsar of Gaia also recorded the high frequency received.
Just like the charge of ionospheric radiation: Blue and Red colors are high, and black and White is extreme in these areas of the planet.
Symptoms of insomnia at night, or sudden sleep in the afternoon, plus a lot of thirst and fatigue.
My computer did not work today He was dead... until he received Reiki and Crystal Energy.
And the official information is that:
′′ An X-ray and ultraviolet radiation wrist from the explosion ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blunt over the Pacific Ocean. Navigators and amateur radio operators in the area may have noticed unusual spread conditions at frequencies below 10 MHz."
Prepare to feel tired as your energy levels freeze and float. But keep it more connected with the Cosmos.
Magnetic changes separate the old, the obsolete, as they open up their awareness to a new experience and trigger the fields of the torus of their DNA.
Be in readiness to Receive and Integrate

M-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR2816 erupted during the late hours of April 19th (2342 UT), producing a strong M1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

This is one of the strongest flares of young Solar Cycle 25. A pulse of X-rays and ultraviolet radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean. Although sunspot AR2618 was facing Earth at the time of the explosion, the CME is not heading in our direction. 

Also THE LYRID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is approaching a stream of debris from Comet Thatcher (C/1861 G1), source of the annual Lyrid meteor shower. If forecasters are correct, the shower will peak on the night of April 21-22. Usually sky watchers count 15+ Lyrids per hour; this year, however, bright moonlight will sharply reduce visibility. 


I found this article and very fascinating:

The Mayan Ascension process is about to begin on 4/14 to 5/3, 2021.

On the 14th of April 2021, for 20 days, humanity will travel through a cosmic chakra system and activate our kundalini. These days are powerful and activating as we merge the past, present and future. They are more powerful than an equinox, or a class X magnitude solar flare... but continuously for 20 days straight! The center column of the *Mayan astrology calendar, the Tzolk’in, represents the spinal column of the human body and the core of the Earth running from north to south.

An ascension process begins in these 20 Core days, which will burn a holy fire through our chakras. This energy descends to Earth from the great central sun and God / Hunab Ku. Every 260 days, these energies return over and over, but each time with an ascending frequency. These 20 days will be beyond powerful at this pivotal and unique time where we have been pushed beyond of our comfort zones, and we have no reserve energy to control the things we try not to face. Yet... the Core days, if worked with conscious intent, can help anchor and manifest new frequencies into form. This is what we want to explain here. It is bit complicated with words, so I hope I don’t lose you.

These 20 powerful days are beginning on 4/14. We are being asked to absorb this trial by holy fire, by raising our frequencies to contain more energy and light than ever before. We will be asked to discover a new equilibrium and anchor our higher self’s orientation point. It is a time to become self-empowered and protected, and not get distracted by failing old programs.
There will be 5 pulses of energy that will burn though 5 chakras … the crown, throat, heart, solar plexus and root chakras. Each pulse will hold 4 days each, and each day holds one of the 4 directions (east, north, west and south).

What happens during these 20 days is this...
Fresh cosmic energy, coming from the great central sun, begins to descend into our physical body starting at our crown chakra. At the same time, newly upgraded energy, coming from the core of the Earth, begins to rise up into our physical body beginning at our root chakra. This process is very much like when a lightning bolt strikes the Earth. When a lightning bolt descends from the sky, the Earth’s energy also reaches up to meet the descending bolt. This merging point of descending cosmic energy, with the rising physical energy, reaches each other at a very powerful center point ... our HEARTS! I just love this. The heart is the center of centers.
Then the new cosmic energy descending from the great central sun will continue down through our chakras until it is grounded within our physical body and anchored into the core of the Earth.
Our ascending physical energy will also pass up through our heart and rise up through our crown and beyond until it reaches and anchors to the great central sun. This process will take 20 days.
The beginning of most traditional Mayan ceremonies begins with calling in, and sending love, to 7 cardinal points.
Great creator of all life, Hunab Ku.
Heart of the Heavens.
Heart of the Earth.
Heart of the East.
Heart of the North.
Heart of the West.
Heart of the South.
Heart of the Hearts, or center.

We suggest you start each day with honoring these cardinal points and God of all creation with great love and humility.

The FIRST PULSE will be from 4/14 - 4/17. These are the days of 4 IMIX, 5 IK, 6 AKBAL and 7 KAN. This first phase will activate your crown chakra, from the Great Central SUN, and your root chakra, from the core of the EARTH. These days will initiate a great ocean of creation, breathe life into this process, release an immense wisdom from the depths of our inner temple, and plant a seed for the intent of this process. This begins the process of merging heaven and Earth within. If we are paying attention, we could experience flashes of enlightened consciousness, and we may feel quite elevated.

The SECOND PULSE will be from 4/18 - 4/21. These are the days of 8 CHICCHAN, 9 CIMI, 10 MANIK and 11 LAMAT. This second phase will activate our throat chakra from the descending cosmic energy, and activate your solar plexus from the elevating energy from the core of the Earth. These four days begin collecting foundational wisdom. We will begin to let go, like a death of the past, and align with pure healing creation activating and transducing wisdom into a useable form. We exit the mental world and enter the world of spirit.

The THIRD PULSE will be from 4/22 - 4/25. These are the days of 12 MULUC, 13 OC, 1 CHUEN and 2 EB. This third phase will activate our center point, our HEART, now in balance between the cosmos and the Earth. These days are initiated with the energy of the cosmic moon of creation. Information is refined through spirit in a way to make it accessible. Some deeper issues may be triggered with emotions and heightened sensitivity. We can either destroy or create within the vastness of the heart. It will begin a starting over process. Health will need attention.

The FOURTH PHASE will be from 4/26 - 4/29. These are the days of 3 BEN, 4 IX, 5 MEN and 6 CIB. This fourth phase will now activate your solar plexus from the descending energies of the great central sun. It will also activate your throat chakra through the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days will begin with an activation called the pillars of light. It is where the Earth’s energy will begin to knit together with the energy from the great central sun. This phase will also be embedded with shamanic-like wisdom that is timeless. We will have access to higher forms of natural forces from the cosmos, and we will be able to anchor it into a more usable form on Earth. This is also where the real work will really start to kick in. Complex human relationships could feel unwieldy as we soar with broader vision and clarity about our service in the world. We will gain new boundaries that rise to a higher standard. This will trigger a more honest self-confidence, assisting us with being comfortable with authority figures without giving up personal power. During these days, we can learn to foster true community if focused upon.

The FIFTH and final phase will be from 4/30 - 5/3. These are the days of 7 CABAN, 8 ETZNAB, 9 CAUAC and 10 AHAU. This fifth phase will activate your root chakra from the descending energies of great central sun. It will also activate your crown chakra with the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days are the highest frequency of all 20 day signs, and they offer the most evolution … but they can also trigger the deepest work. Progressive and controversial creations could be birthed with strong convictions, but the challenge will be to hold it together. We might need space to face many new things that are reflecting back in the world mirror to us. If your focus is on community, we can develop cooperation skills instead of it having to be limited to self-interest vs self-sacrifice. Lightning flash clarity can come regarding accessing your own inner truth. We may be able to receive wisdom from physical or ethereal sources. We could be disappointed with unrealistic expectations triggered by our refined idealism. These are four very spiritual days where purification will rise to the forefront and even trigger our inner healer.

The end of the 20 core days always leaves us a little frazzled, and we may feel a bit overwhelmed. We have absorbed so much in such a short amount of time that we may need to stop and breathe and just let it all settle in. Don’t try to force yourself to understand anything at first, because when you do, you push the wisdom away. Just allow all this to settle into your body, while the great central sun and the core of the Earth anchor inside of you. Once you gain some distance from these 20 days, you can look back and understand where you have grown and what transpired in these powerful days.

* I have been watching this 20 day cycle for 30 years now, and the effect is always powerful and cumulative. Keep in mind that these 20 core days could be viewed from many perspectives based on your birthday in this calendar. There are layers within layers, and cycles within cycles, within infinite spherical time. This message pulls from a small part of the Yucatec Calendar from a strong calling from my life long guides “the Star Elders”, and a calendar made known again by Tony Shearer and made famous by Jose Arguelles, and used by a few yucatec / mixtec elders (all now passed away). This is only a bit of a huge book of knowledge that we all have access to if we tune into earth, sky and the days. Keep your eyes and heart open. This is the energy we all walk through together.

More detailed information please follow her

In these times, I also just can suggest that be in the present, be in the flow state and listen to your body. Emotionally also not so easy, try to find your center. Remember this shall pass.
Oh and please use some kind of energetic protection during sleep.

Interesting, that in Austria had another earthquake (M 4,3) and I had a very interesting and vivid dream around that time. I was some kind of underground facility, which had different floors (I saw the elevator), no windows. It was looking like a some kind of "hospital", the "patients" have own room, the lights was so dimm there and everyone wore white clothes. I was not working there, but I not know how and why I am there. Somebody mentioned some kind of floor (may the 14th), but when I wanted to know more about it the nurse hurt me. My fingers were bloody, I had to be bandaged and somebody mentioned that if somebody tell the name of the floor, something bad will happen. I couldn´t stopped my mind, so I meantioned that floor number and a black smoke type of entity appeared, covered everything dark, I could feel his flow circling around me. Other women there mentioned a trick to make this entity disappear, and it worked. But the dream went on and one of my soulmate visited me in his astral form and try to reassure me. I was literally scared when I woke up around 2:30am. I have not dreamed of this entity for a long time and I don´t want to. Unfortunately time to time in my vivid dreams strangers chase me and either want to catch me or want to kill me. It would be nice if they finally got off me.

Another interesting thing: while I wrote this article I felt a bit dizzy for some moment and we had another earthquake...https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/quake-info/6211497/mag3quake-Apr-20-2021-Austria.html  
Normal times, Austria - Hungary and middle of Europe is quite earthquake free and now here in the last 30 days had 2 M4, 3 between M3 and M4, and 32 between M1 and M2 wow

Hmmm....The Storm.....


A QUICK NOTE #1656 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Christic Light increases" - 19.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divines mirroring continue.
Crystalline Ideas flourishes increase.
Guilt continues to be dissolved.
Nonlinear environments continue to establish themselves.
Sentries harmonize clean caves.
Portal 2020 being opened. Proper separations started. T3/T4 /T5 >>> 89% (not countdown).
Attention Hebah Mystics! SPECIAL Projector support started: 89% (not countdown).
*Hebah Mystics: SPECIAL Projector reverb at 90% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention The Romanian Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 79% (not countdown).
Neva +++ Eleven. Healing Environment Sustained.
Arcturians present in Novice Environment.
Deep cures happens.
Way showers continue to descend.
Christic Light increases.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 19.04.2021

What a powerful weekend so much movement behind the scenes and now tomorrow we begin the body speed up phase keep in mind body speed up phases you burn through resources fast so check in with your body several times a day and make sure to get it what it needs during body speed up phases unusual food cravings are normal as our bodies intelligence will ask for things to build itself a new template and frame we also have a 9pt brain influx followed by an 11pt field influx so many of the patterns you processed last week will come up again but in a much more intense way take the time to go deep this week and find the root cause of any suffering you find yourself in ::hugs::

Celia Fenn - Stand by for something new

That powerful wave of Angelic Light and Sound that passed through is still reverberating around the Planet.
It seems to me like the power of that energy just whooshed away all the dark stuff...leaving a kind of vacuum that will be filled with the New.
The temperature here was 35C today with not a breath of wind. Normal for midsummer, but this is autumn and it should be cool and rainy by now!
Nothing is "normal".
I dreamed last night that I got into an elevator and instead of it going up, it went sideways...and I had no idea where I ended up. I think the ascension project may be about to go "sideways" into a new timeline or a new dimensional space.
Stand by for something new...really soon.
I can hear it breathing.......
And all the angels standing by the be a part of this new creation!
How are you doing out there?

A QUICK NOTE #1655 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Recalibrations are still ongoing" - 18.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Changes side effects are felt.
Calls for appropriate disconnections in progress.
Outer pressures continue to decrease.
Recalibrations are still ongoing.
Central Eagles approach with Ascension Codes.
PEACE in expansion by conscience.
MiD Central is notified.
Accurate restructuring happens.
Expanding PVSE at level 7.
Luminous Warriors arrive in terran environment.
Alpha Centaurians are present and call their own.
PVSE: +++++ Eleven. Quantum recreation started. Authorized deep alignment: 90% (not countdown).
Divine Goddesses called to attunement.
444-Local in definitive fall: infiltrations +++ started = 79% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1654 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Galactic luminosity increases" - 17.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Transitions happen now.
Master Students expand.
Galactic luminosity increases.
Transformers are invited.
Árguan expands active field.
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 6% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 5% (not countdown).
Crystalline Fields are seen.
GODDESS is present.
Transfers to *Khalthart approved. 1st wave: 86% (not countdown).
Special projectors for *DMFEleven +++ pointed and reverberant: 87% (not countdown).
New Rainbows arrive.
Unconscious liberations started: 1/3 SPECIFIC LAYER >>>> 87% (not countdown).
Etheric Tower 1: Synchronization in multiplanes on completion: 90% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Energy Update

Ok people...something is up!
The energy is deeply weird....and wired...today.
The general consensus is feelings of weird and wobbly to dysfunctional as powerful energies are incoming.
People report feeling floaty and "out of it".
I felt "wobbly" this morning when I had to go out to run errands
The body is in a process of alignment with very powerful Galactic energies....whether Mayan or Andromedan or Pleiadian...or all of the above! As we move in to the pre-Taurus season...time is flipping!
Time travellers are working overtime...especially at night with intense dreams as the Earth is being aligned for a very powerful shift. It's coming.......
Here we goooooooo.........
PS: When I asked Michael what it was all I got in response was a huge "tone" of energy sweeping across the Galaxy! Sure feels like a huge wave of Angelic sound creating waves of change and new forms!

Celia Fenn

My note:  Above article is a bit older update (14.04.) but still actual because we have another big wave of geomagnetic storm - K5 and K4

Schumann chart also active

The symptoms can be different for everyone. I feel almost every part of my body as if a road roller was driving through me, tired, sleepy and no energy at all, my brain is KO, hard to think. The funny thing is that lately (around a week now) when i feel different symptoms caused by incoming energies, all the time from the Imagine Dragon´s Radioactive´s song pops into my head but just this few lines:
" ...I feel it in my bones
Enough to make (the) systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age" 

Also I got other synchronicities and strong feelings about the old system crash - like "all the world's a stage" and "all is not what it seems" and everything is happening with the grand (divine) plan. This stage is the grand awakening, and the purpose is waking up many people as possible. What we see in the media and in the internet is not matching with our reality, the energies are showing something else. The masks are falling, the Earth is changing and we are in the storm. 

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that sometimes I share songs whose lyrics / message resonate and inspire. Yesterday, One Ok Rock’s new song Renegades was unveiled and I fall love with that song especially with the refrain. Guess what, the message is about tearing down and build a new system.This song is the theme song for the new Rurouni Kenshin movies titled - The Final and The Beginning (lol sync :) ) But this song could be also the theme song for 2021. The video clip is also interesting, like e.g.people unite, the blackboards (I can´t breath, silence is betrayal) people express their true self, acceptance (totally in the end with 2 different skintone kids hold eachother hands with a big smile on their face) the large stone door that gradually opens and people enters into the light...and in the end the big sun or huge light ball...hmmm....
The lyrics:

"Got a fire in my soul
I've lost my faith in this broken system
Got love for my home
But if we cry is there anyone listening
We're the forgotten generation
We want an open conversation
Follow me on this road
You know we gotta let go

For all of the times
That they said it's impossible
They built the hurdles
The walls and the obstacles
When we're together you know we're unstoppable now

I'm not afraid
To tear it down and build it up again
It's not our fate
We could be the renegades
I'm here for you
Are you here for me too?
Let's start again
We could be the renegades

They've been holding us down
They've been telling us to change our voices
But we're not part of that crowd
We made our bed and we'll make our own choices
We may be underestimated
But I know one day we will make it
Time to say it out loud
We are young and we're proud

For all of the lies and the burden
They put on us
All of times that they told us to just because
We got a fight for our rights and the things we love now
Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready
Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready
Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready to fly

Jason Estes Update - 17.04.2021

As we progress through this weekend be aware of what your thoughts are on and any fear that still resides within you with the 3pt brain influx coming up tomorrow many patterns of the self will come up to be reviewed this is a time of self realization that can easily be projected on others if you find yourself irritated by something small and simple take the time to unwind and let it go then come back to center remember people are reflections for you to accept ::hugs::

About the ufo perception:
"now that we are in the intense part of the storm they are beaming some high freqs into planet by weaving into our dimension so we will see alot more of them in the coming weeks"

A QUICK NOTE #1653 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Smooth Transitions happen" - 16.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Expansive opportunities are delivered.
Healings for disharmony in progress.
Smooth Transitions happen.
Deviations harmonization in progress.
Neva mirroring in progress.
Shamanic Powers are activated.
Necessary transfers in progress.
Gaian pressure regulators are present.
Attention The *Bearers of the Star Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 25% (not countdown).
The *Bearers of the Star Line: Line enlightenment in progress: 25% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Expanded Divine Artistic + Revealing Movements +++ Eleven. ProjSustEleven: 32% (not countdown).
P1 +++ Sint Eleven Terranos >>>> 89% (not countdown).
Hermetic synchronizations started. 57% (not countdown).
Hermetic reverberations in progress. 56% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Cobra - A Short Message to the Surface Population - 15.04.2021

The situation in Ukraine keeps escalating:

Therefore the Light forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join our peace meditation for Ukraine:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Original Post

A QUICK NOTE #1652 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "New reinforcements are approaching as Momentum vibrates" - 15.04.2021

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Transcendental Missionaries spread.
Diplomatic Orders arrive.
New reinforcements are approaching as Momentum vibrates.
Crystalline Vibrations rise.
Galactic samples are spread out.
Memorial adjustments in progress.
Cell ethical recalibration in progress.
Sacred Fire completing Main Phase.
Crystalline Visibility increasing.
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva support in line: 15% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHING patterns are announced. Neva/Terran reverberation at 14% (not countdown).
Ancestral liberations and elevations take place. +++ Mergers: 68% (not countdown).
*Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran Reverb at 4% (not countdown).
Islands in elevated vibrations.
Temporarily, end of transmission.